77. Flames

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"You look smug." Davina remarked. "You and Alicent have a little hand job session?" Larys swallowed the lump in his throat. "Or is it a foot job?" Davina mused "What did you give her?"

"I don't know what you mean..." Larys said nervously. Davina brought a hand up pinning him to the wall.

"Don't make me ask again." She seethed.

"Just as the queen wanted." Larys said innocently.

"Harwin." Davina whispered she let go of his shirt just to punch him in the face, he dropped to the ground hands flew to his gushing nose.

"Davina?" Daemon called.

"Keep an eye on the queen and her fetish friend." Davina declared.

"Where are you going?" Daemon called after her.

"Saving a damsel in distress, obviously." Davina told him as she called for Fury, he came charging out.


"be right back!" Davina called down to him. "Harrenhal." Davina demanded and Fury took off, she could see the flames from the sky as they got closer.

A fire broke out at Harenhal, when Harwin and Lyonel arrived, it consumed it. Trapping the Strongs inside.

''Fire! I will burn!"

" Harwin! Ah! Harwin!'' Lyonel screamed out banging on the door trying to break it down they screamed out in agony. Banging on the door but the flames were growing and growing, it was getting harder to breathe.

Davina was of fury and rage. She knew larys was a cunt and knew alicent was trouble too. But she was faster than larys little savages. She walked through the flames, they caught to her clothes as her eyes squinted through the flames.

"STRONG!" Davina shouted. "Where are you?"

"Help! Help! Help us!" Davina kicked her boot against the door, breaking it open.

''Davina! ''Harwin shouted coughing on smoke

''You think just because you are fucking my niece you are fire proof. Is that it?'' Davina questioned pulling him and lyonel out. "Because that is the stupidest excuse I've ever heard."


"I know, come on Strongs." Davina instructed.

''Thank you.'' He rasped coughing up smoke.

''Your brother set this up.'' Davina told him bringing him into the smoky air outside of harrenhal.


''You have another brother?'' Davina countered. ''That man is working with alicent and im taking the fucking patriarchy down. You have to be alive for that.''

''Thank you Davina.'' harwin rasped hands on his knees coughing up smoke.

"Fury." He looked to her. "Can you help out and not just sit there and look cute?" Fury huffed a hot breath at her. "Go on." Davina instructed and he started patting down the flames with his tail and puffing a breath smothering the flames.

"Thank you princess." Lyonel said breathlessly.

"You are the first hand I've liked." Davina remarked. "I would hate for Otto to come back." Fury came back around and stared down at her. "My good boy." Davina coed. "Are you ready?"

"Ready?" Harwin asked.

"I'm taking you two to dragon stone until I handle Alicent and Larys." Davina told them simply as she moved to Fury.

"I can't fly... a dragon." Lyonel informed her.

"I'm doing the flying, you are just a passenger." Davina corrected. "Fury only listens to me after all, he would probably eat you if you tried to ride him without my permission." Harwin and Lyonel stared at her not moving. "Come on," She offered them a hand. Harwin hesitantly took it.

"You don't have a saddle." Harwin remarked.

"I don't like it and I didn't really have to think, maybe I should put a saddle on before I left, I was kind of focused on saving your asses." Davina reminded them. "Stop being such a baby. I've been flying since I could walk. Lets go."


''Criston cole." Davina questioned as she got Harwin and Lyonel situated ''He a cunt too?''

''Alicents bitch.'' Harwin nodded.

"Fuck em all.' Davina hissed.

"Are you going to kill them?" Harwin asked and Davina smirked back at him.

"You just worry about you. I will handle the rest."

"Rhaenyra, the boys..." Harwin said stepping towards her.

"Larys needs to think he won." Davina informed him. "Alicent needs to be pushed, and pushed until she breaks. I can do it. I'm good at that gentle push."

"Gentle." Harwin chuckled.

"What can I say honey, I'm fire and blood, through and through. Its time we took back the capital."


''What are children, but a weakness? A folly? A futility? Through them, you imagine you cheat the great darkness of its victory." Larys remarked. ''You will persist forever, in some form or another. As if they will keep you from the dust.''

''But for them... you surrender what you should not. You may know what is the right thing to be done, but... love stays the hand.'' Bodies burned all over the world, some of dragon, some of mass chaos.

''Love... is a downfall. Best to make your way through life unencumbered... if you ask me.'

''They're dead.'' Alicent remarked.

"I had a talk with Davina, she... she flew off but it seems she wasn't fast enough." Larys remarked.

"You think she will retaliate?" Alicent countered.

''You've heard the stories of Harrenhal, Your Grace. It was built in hubris by Harren the Black as a monument to his own greatness. Blood mixed into the mortar. It is said to be a cursed place. That it passes judgment on all who pass beneath its gates.'' Larys remarked softly. "She has no proof."

"Davina doesn't need proof. Have you not heard of her previous marriages? She killed them all, didn't give them any chance to prove a useful suitor, she killed them. She was never reprimanded, if this gets back to me-"

"It won't." Larys assured. ''The Queen makes a wish. What servant of the realm would not strive to fulfill it? I assume you will write to your father now?'' Larys questioned softly.

"I need to handle Davina and those bastards." Alicent hissed. 

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