67. Twins

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Present day

"Don't tell me to fucking push! It is not your body!" Davina hissed.

"Princess... almost there."

"DAEMON!" Davina demanded he peaked his head in. "Ass. Here. Now.' She demanded and he moved to her side. "If I'm suffering through pushing these little dragons out of me, so are you." Davina told him.

"No place I would rather be." Daemon assured kissing her sweat slicked forehead.

Childbirth was gross and painful and she never wanted to do it again. She wasn't so lucky.

"What do you mean another!" Davina demanded banging her head back against the chair. "I'm tired. I need to not..."

"Push princess."

Davina stared back at the nurse.

"Come on Dav," Daemon whispered kissing her neck. "Twins... they could be as much trouble as you and me."

"You put me through hell." Davina reminded him.

"Push my love." Daemon whispered.

So she pushed on because what other choice did she have? None. She had to push the babies out. Another scream a few more curses and bam, baby number two had arrived.

''Twins." Davina said a happy smile on her face as she looked to Daemon. "A boy and a girl."

"Definitely going to be like us." Daemon remarked softly as they each held a child in their arms.

Daelia and Devin

Perfection in every way. Davina was crying as she kissed Devins head.


"Everything hurts but I'm so happy.' Davina whispered. "Give me Daelia." She said reaching for her daughter.

"I never thought us to be parents." Daemon remarked.

"No shit." Davina agreed.


Davina felt bad leaving her family, she truly did. But she liked traveling, a few years after the twins were born they received a raven from the capital. Rhaenyra had her first child.

"About time." Daemon remarked peering over Davina shoulder.

"Looks like we are going on a trip." But Daemon's face pinched. "Daemon!' Davina smacked him over the head.

"What?" he whined. "I don't want to go back." Davina whacked him again. "Davina." Daemon laughed out grabbing her hands.

"Rhaenyra just had a baby, I want vis to meet our babies." Davina told him but Daemon groaned. "You are insufferable." Davina teased kissing him.

"Why don't you go and say hello and I will watch the kids." Davina stared back at him. 'I am very reliable hands." Daemon assured wrapping his hands around her. "Besides flying back with them wouldn't be safe and by the time we sailed and then rode by water and land the kid would basically be an adult." Daemon teased. But he was right.

"Fine you stay put, I will be a good sister and aunt." Davina confirmed.

"Go tomorrow." Daemon said pulling her to him.

"Tomorrow." She agreed letting his lips consume her.


"No, no, no!" Daelia shouted clinging to Davina.

"Mama be back soon, when you get bigger-" Davina looked to the twins dragons out the window as they squawked on the balcony at Fury, "-I love you both so much, I promise the next trip you come with." Davina said hugging them close. Daelia gave her very best pout and Daemon chuckled.

"You used to do that." Daemon remarked picking up Daelia.

"What?" Davina countered ignorantly.

"That pout, just like it. You got anything and everything." Daemon reminded her and Davina smirked.

"Well of course... I was the favorite." She whispered against his lips. "I love you." She kissed Devin and he hugged her legs leaning into her, "I love you." She kissed Daelia and she reached out for Davina and Daemon transferred her off. "I love you.'' She whispered as Daemon pulled her closer.

"I love you... come back soon." He whispered.

Davina used to think that flying was freeing, but she was flying away from her family. Fury seemed to notice her distraught state and he snorted out she scratched her nails over his scales and it calmed her. He turned his large head looking back at her.

"I love you Fury... my first baby." Davina said laying back, staring at the clouds as her thigh gripped his back. She reached out grabbing a handful of the clouds and it disappeared in her hand. Fury was fast, he was skilled and he was protective. When he touched down in kings landing it too Davina a moment to process that she was back. It had been almost five years of bliss and love and peace. Screaming babies and poopy pants, and Davina used to think she never wanted children, she didn't like them, didn't like Alicent's children most of the time but she had left when they were little. But her little monsters were perfect from the start. But she assumed that was how all mothers felt.

Growing a being inside of them for nine long moons and as loud and painful as war itself pushing them out. In wars you win land, crowns, gold but Davina won the best thing ever when the twins were born. A family with Daemon. Something she had wanted for ages.

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