30. Burn though my skin

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Bad Blood // Theon Greyjoy Out now

3 Years ago

"I might as well say this while I'm drunk." Davina remarked.

'Oh no." Rhaenyra chuckled.

"Maybe save the burn the queen for... never.' Criston offered.

"What? Who said anything about burning?" Davina questioned.
"It does happen to be your style." Harwin remarked.

""No, I'm drunk not... entirely murderous. It's a wedding, I only kill my husbands." Davina remarked taking Harwin's drink. "The truth is I think I've had enough. I got to get Daemon out of my head." Davina told them. "I just cut him off."

"Good for you." Rhaenyra declared.

"You're not drunk enough." Davina remarked.

"Let's get you some cake to soak up that wine?" Harwin suggested.

"Do they have-'

'No." Rhaenyra cut in.

"WHAT?" Davina shouted. "You jest."

"I never jest about cake. Alicent doesn't like carrot cake." Rhaenyra told her.

"BITCH!" Viserys stared back at her. "NOT YOU!" Davina pointed a drunk finger at him. "WHERE'S MY CARROT CAKE!" Viserys just shook his head. "I'm taking you and you and you and..." Davina pointed a finger around. "Rhaenyra there are two of you, you didn't tell me you were a twin." Davina mused as Rhaenyra grabbed her hand.

"How much did you have to drink?"

"A lot." Davina agreed. "Let's blow this shit show!" Davina declared the biggest smile on her face. "Come on boys, I'm too drunk to be of any use in a fight." Davina informed them.

"Targaryen's are trouble." Cirston remarked as they followed Rhaenyra and Davina. Viserys watched them leave. Alicent was less than pleased about her union and what was to come, the bedding ceremony, she watched through a pained breath as her once best friend left her wedding.

''This is my revival. I will walk through the fire. I feel like I've awakened. The chains around me are finally breaking."

"Good.... good." Rhaenyra agreed.

"It doesn't seem fair that Viserys is getting laid and we are not." Davina remarked. 'We are gorgeous, Viserys is... Viserys." Rhaenyra chuckled.

"You cut him off and you are ready for a revival?" Rhaenyra questioned.

'I've been under self-restoration," Davina agreed.

"Within the past hour?" Harwin mused.
"I like you." Davina remarked. "You are not a pansy like Criston.'

"A Pansy, Princess?" Criston questioned his face scrunched up.

"Drop the princess bullshit, we are getting cake and I'm getting this one drunk." Davina told him. "You two, are required to get minimally drunk as well." Davina hiccupped.

"CAKE!" Rhaenyra declared pulling Davina along.

"We want everything!" Davina declared and the woman stared back at them a moment before nodding. "Mainly carrot cake though."

"The royal wedding-'

'Didn't have fucking carrot cake!" Davina declared. "If you don't I'm sending fury down on flee bottom and this whole place will explode, I'm sure of that."

"She is just drunk and won't do that." Harwin assured.

"Says you. This me on a good day, ive never been to a wedding I enjoyed." Davina added. "So right now, drunk me. is happy and in a state of bliss."

"So you need to be drunk to be happy?" Harwin questioned as the woman brought back an array of cake for them to sample.

"On weddings, yes." Davina agreed. "eat up."

''Try this one Auntie." Rhaenyra said bringing a fork up to Davina but it smeared across her cheek instead.

"Yes..." Davina stuck her tongue out. "My cheek and eye found that very delicious." Davina agreed.

"You got something." Harwin remarked pointing at his own cheek.

"Do I? I had no idea." Davina grinned back at him.

"I got it." Harwin leaned forward and ran his tongue along her cheek. Criston froze, she was the princess but Davina's head tipped back and a laugh escaped her lips. "Delicious." Harwin told her.


"You ever tested it?" Davina questioned as they walked around flee bottom.

"Tested what?"

"Fire." Davina told her and Criston and Harwin shared a hesitant look.

"You mean?" Rhaenyra said cautiously.

"It's the best way to cleanse yourself." Davina mused nodding to the pyre before them. It blazed brightly before them, huge, towering.

"Have you-'

'Yes." Davina told her. "I think it will be vital for my survival, for my revival." Davina remarked. ''I'll walk through the fire, I'll begin again, I'll burn through my skin because I wanna feel it all."

"There is a light inside of you Davina, it is bursting, shining.' Harwin told her. "Its dangerous and so sexy." Davina smirked back at him.

"Davina I don't know-' Rhaenyra began.

"Whats the worst thing that happens?" Davina offered as she got closer.

"You die." Criston offered quietly.

"I'm a dragon, Fury's breath is hotter than these flames." Davina assured. They watched as she let her dress drop to the ground and stepped inside. Rhaenyra moved forward picking it up. She waited her hands reached out for the flames but she wasn't like Davina, she wasn't fearless.

But Davina wasn't fearless. She was filled with fear and loss and pain, rage. But being inside the fire she felt the most peace she had ever felt before.

"AUNT DAVINA!" Rhaenyra called as Criston and Harwin stepped forward but the flames were too hot for them even to stand near. "Davina!" 

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