71. Baelon and Alyssa

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Davina sucked in a pained breath, her eyes closed, lips pursed she tried to breath.

"You know pregnant you is very sexy." Daemon remarked and Davina glared back at him. "This was our..." he came pressing his lips to her neck before whispering in her ear. "-dragon sex." He rasped wrapping his arms around her.

"That was fun. This is not." Davina hissed.

Davina never understood and never will understand why woman had to suffer so much. It wasn't fair and it didn't make sense. From bleedings every moon, childbirth, raging hormonal fluctuations, and falling for all the wrong men...

"Never doing that again." Davina said as she leaned back.

"Another one Princess." Daemon brought a hand to his face to cover his smile.

"You cunt." Davina spat.

"Your pretty cunt." Daemon coed.

"You keep your cock away from me, forever." Davina declared and Daemon's smile dropped.


"The day you push..." she screamed out as the next one was coming. "-one child, then another out of your body, is the day I fuck you." Another ear pinching scream.

"You don't mean that. You are in pain." Daemon told her confidently as he sat behind her running his hands up and down her arms. "You are doing so good my love."

"I hate you." Davina screamed again.

"You love me... that's the problem." Daemon whispered kissing her sweaty neck.

"That is the problem." Davina agreed with a laugh.

Baelon and Alyssa.

"Gods we are in for trouble." Daemon chuckled.

"Daelia and Devin are already like us, I can't imagine another two just like us." Davina countered.

"They are perfect." Daemon said kissing Davina's head.

"Alyssa and Baelon... welcome to the crazy honey's." Davina remarked peppering their faces with kisses.

"I got an egg for Alyssa." Devin announced.

"I got one for Baelon!" Daelia held hers up. "Mine is better right mama?"

"No, mine is." Devin countered. "Alyssa got the best egg." He showed it to Davina.

"They are both beautiful. Thank you my loves." Davina looked to Daemon as he came in behind them.

"But who's is better mama?" Devin asked.

"Mine, obviously." Daelia told him confidently before running up to Daemon. "Right daddy?"

"Oh, she is a mini you Dav." Daemon laughed out as he picked up Daelia. "Has the pout and bats those little eye lashes down as well."

"Mama?" Devin questioned sitting next to her.

"Both so beautiful." Davina told them.

"And you are just like mother." Daemon informed her. "She would never pick favorites. It was always father to take your side."

"Which is why Daelia ran to you." Davina remarked.

Davina expected her children to be trouble. Which in all fairness they were but they were perfection in her eyes.

The twins had twins and twins again. Each set was connected at the hip and always trying to out do the other.

. "That includes learning the language. Alyssa is doing better than you." Alyssa stuck her tongue out at Baelon as he clung to Davina's side.

"Why do I need to learn?"

" Skorī dēmalȳti tymptir tymis, ērinis iā morghūlis.'' Davina told him and Devin groaned. "Daelia?"

"When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die." Daelia answered.

"I knew that." Devin muttered. Her girls were very much like herself and her boys very much Daemon. All skilled flyers and her boys lacked the patience for studies.

"It is important to know of your history." Davina told them. "It is important... to me." Davina told him fixing his hair. "Please honey, for me..." Davina whispered kissing his forehead.

"For you." Baelon agreed.

"But can I be done for now?" Devin offered.

"Daor." Davina answered.

"I knew that meant no!" Baelon called after her.

"If you know this, we are done for today." Davina agreed and her boys nodded nodded ready. "You too ladies." Davina agreed. "If you dont know it" davina looked to Daemon watching them. "Daddy is going to stay in and study with you."

"What?" Daemon groaned shaking his head.

"I'm ready mama." Daelia assured.

"Get this right." Daemon told Baelon and Devin.

"Easy." Devin assured but Daelia smirked over at him distracting him.

"Sesīr kipi!''

Devin opened his mouth wordlessly.

"Baelon?" Davina asked innocently.

"FUCK IT ALL!" Devin shouted slamming his hands on the table.

"Language only mama gets to say those words." Davina reminded him.


"And now, we ride!" Alyssa declared.

"Keep at it Boys," Davina said as he turned back to his books agitated. "Daemon." Davina kissed him as she got up.

"Ruin my fun." Daemon said reaching out for her.

"Avy jorrāelan.'' Davina called over her shoulder.

''Avy jorrāelan, Muña.'' Devin called after her.

"Very good love."

"Slow down!" Baelon demanded.

"Speed up!" Alyssa countered.

"Whoo hoo!" Alyssa shouted raising her hands up as Davina and Daemon were racing. Each had a child in their laps.

Davina loved that her babies had that thrill of riding. That passion that she did. She loved that look on their faces when they touched the clouds.


Daemon and Davina smiled at each other, not speaking any words to betray their thoughts. They didn't need them. Words wouldn't have been good enough, anyway.

"Would you like some tea?"

Davina shook her head. He reached across the bed and put his hand over hers.

"Sorry if I woke you."

"You didn't wake me. The empty space in our bed did."

They sat there in silence for a while, both of them knowing why they were staring back at each other talking tea instead of the real problem at hand. Westeros. Neither of them wanting to start the discussion that they knew they would have to eventually have. He rolled next to her, holding her closer and put his forehead against her shoulder, sighing deeply before turning his face up to kiss her neck.

"I keep waking up and finding you wandering around the house, pacing, cleaning things that aren't dirty, straightening things that aren't messy, or sitting in here in the dark like you're waiting for something to happen." He nuzzled his nose into her shoulder and planted a second kiss there. "The anxiety is just radiating off of you, sweetheart."

"I'm sorry."

"No, no no...there's nothing to be sorry for, love. If anything I feel like I should be apologizing to you. I talked you into leaving so quickly. I get the feeling you felt like your choices were taken away and now you feel powerless to deal with the consequences." She turned her face to look at him and he lifted his head to meet her gaze.

"Consequences?" Davina asked. "It's been ten years, Dae. I want to go home. So do you.'

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