Barney Baratheon

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Lover // Daario Naharis is out now!!

Second husband

Many years ago

'You think you are the first woman to be forced down the aisle against her will?' Viserys questioned. 'Think again.'

'I hate you!' Davina shouted in outrage.

'Hate me all you want but this union-'

'Fuck your unions that man is not a man. He is a big hairy bear.' Davina shouted

'So fuck the bear.' viserys told her

'Fuck you!'

'I pity the big ugly bear.' viserys hissed. 'for having to deal with you for the rest of his life!'

After the first marriage the relationship Viserys and Davina could have had was gone, after the second she was in a fit of rage.


'Let it be known that princess davina of House Targaryen and Barney of house Baratheon-' Davina cough choking on the bile rising in her throat. Daemon wasn't here, Viserys thought that having him here would only further add to her fury.

'-are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder. In the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon one another and say the Words.'

Baratheon. Who the fuck were the Baratheons? Lord of the storms end. A bunch of grizzly bears with their sights on the crown.

'Father. Smith. Warrior. Mother. Maiden. Crone. Stranger.' Barney repeated. Davina wanted to barf, she glared over at her brother.

'I am hers.' There was a long pause as they waited for Davina to say her part of the speech but she just stared out, Fury was flying over the waters, catching fish and other sea life, throwing it up and cooking it mid air before consuming it. Barney Baratheon would be a good meal for Fury Davina couldn't help but think.

'Princess,' The setpon said clearing his throat she stared over at him.

'she is mine,' Barney went on. 'from this day, until the end of my days.'

'Until the end of your days.' Davina agreed.

'You may now cloak the bride with your protection.'

Barf, this mans anything touching her made her nauseous, his cloak smelled of ale and cheap perfumes.

'In the presence of your family and friends, I now bind your hands together, to symbolize your new union of love, trust and friendship." He bound their hands together. 'Now, please look at one another and pledge your vows to seal your union.'

Davina wasn't listening when he said his vows she was focused on the rope, like chains on her hands yet again. That was what marriage was, chains. Bound to another person. A man that held the power. That's what they all thought, they held the power and Davina was going to be a good wife. She was not some fragile breakable little thing, she was dragon fire at its height peak. Before she knew what was happening the bear like man pressed his lips to hers. Her face scrunched up as she leaned back using her shoulder to wipe the taste of him away.


'Lord of storms end.' Davina mused a storm raged on outside, she was a sunshine girl. Sure she was filled with darkness but she thrived in the heat.

'Making you lady of the storms end.' Barney said happily as he burped his ale soaked breath filled the room she glared back at him before heading outside. "I wouldn't do that little lady.' Barney told her following her.

"Why?" she asked as she got onto the ledge of the balcony.

'You couldn't survive that fall if you are planning on jumping.' He remarked.

'I'm not going to die.' Davina told him confidently.

"Even if you did survive the fall,' Barney told her getting closer. 'You wouldn't survive the storm.' A whistle escaped her lips as she looked down at the raging waters below.

"I am the storm.' She corrected and jumped. Barney looked over only to see Fury flying up, Barney stumbled back, tripping and falling into the water. Fury dove down picking him up and throwing him in the air, Barney screamed and screamed until Fury charred him eating him, limb from limb.

'Good boy Fury.' Davina coed. "Let's go home.' 

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