53. Duty

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''In truth, if it had to be someone, I'm glad it is you. I know this union is not what you would choose. I hold nothing against you, cousin. No, I... Rather... Dare I say it is a matter of taste? I prefer roast duck to goose. I cannot say why. It's, it's not for a lack of trying.'' Rhaenyra offered

''There are those who like goose very well.'' Laenor offered confused.

''I find it a bit greasy for my taste. I know that whatever agreement being struck up there will not change your appetites, nor will it change mine." Rhaenyra offered as her and Laenor walked the shores of driftmark.

''And what do you propose?''

''That we perform our duty to our fathers and to the realm and when it's done... each of us dines as we see fit.'' Rhaenyra offered


"I don't like this idea Vis." Davina said, she felt like mother right now as she tucked him in like a child.

"It is a good match," he reminded through a cough.

"You would have married the little shit Laena if you wanted our houses merged." Davina countered.

"Davina... sweetie stop." Viserys requested grabbing her hand.

"You know how I feel about marriage." Davina reminded him.

"Daemon's wife is dead, how do you feel about that marriage?" Viserys countered.

"You mean?"

"Marry Daemon if you wish," Viserys agreed. "But you will keep him in line." Viserys warned. "And I don't want you running off, never to be seen again."

"I love you!" Davina declared hugging him tight, he went into another coughing fit.

"I don't want to lose you."

"You wont." Davina assured.

"I know we had a rocky few years... I was trying to figure out how to be king and I just wanted... I pushed you away." Viserys told her. "I'm sorry. I'm very grateful though that we got these past few years to bond... even if you were on the verge of giving me a heart attack for the majority of those years." Viserys admitted.

"Get some rest," Davina requested. "I'm going to speed up the crew so we can get the fuck out of here."


''Viserys has taken to bed while his ship is readied.'' Rhaenys said as she approached her husband.

'Perhaps I... overextended myself? Pushed him too close to the edge? Push Davina...'' Corlys countered thinking of their talk
"Davina is always on edge, best to ignore her threats, they hold no weight." Rhaenys assured.

"She killed five husbands, I would say her threats hold plenty weight." Corlys countered.

'My cousin chose to sail into this tempest, husband. It was undignified of the King to drag himself here and beg for Laenor's hand.'' Rhaenys retorted happily.

''Where is Laenor?'

''He and Rhaenyra are walking the coast.''

''Good. Do they seem... familiar? They grew up together.'' Corlys questioned

''Familiarity is not at issue.'' Rhaenys reminded him.

''Oh, I'm sure Laenor was already taken with her. She's grown quite comely these last few years.'' Corlys offered.

''You know his true nature.''

''He's still young. He will outgrow it. There is no pleasure in the world like... bedding a woman.'' Corlys told her happily.

''We are placing our son in danger.'' Rhaenys reminded him.

''The lords of the realm bent the knee to Rhaenyra and swore obeisance to her.'' Corlys reminded her confidently.

''That was before there was a true-born prince named Aegon Targaryen. Rhaenyra's succession will be challenged.''

''Knives will come out for her, her husband, and for their heirs. Our house controls the realm's navy and half its dragons. Anyone fool enough to challenge Rhaenyra's claim will be crushed.'' Corlys told her with the utmost confidence.

''To what end, Corlys? Wealth? Power? Pride? Justice.''

''By all rights, you should be Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. You were robbed of the crown by-' Corlys began.

'I never wore the crown because the realm would not have it so.'' Rhaenys reminded him bitterly.

''And I would remedy that... small-minded error by any means necessary-'

''I myself have put the business behind me, Corlys.''


''I've always feared the day you'd have to marry a woman. And now it comes. Your betrothed gives you leave of her own free will to continue partaking of. Was I the duck or the goose?'' Joffrey questioned smugly as he kissed at Laenors chest.

''I've come to meet my fate and you make a jape of it?'' Laenor countered pushing him away.

''Look, Rhaenyra will be Queen of the Seven Kingdoms and you will be her king consort.'' Joffrey reminded him. ''Think of the tournament, the feast, the battles at sea. Will you wear your crown today, Your Grace?'' Laenor chuckled

''You're a fool.''

''You will need a sworn protector.'' Joffrey reminded him flipping him onto his back.

''Mm-hm.'' Laenor agreed happily.

''Well, this is better than we could've hoped for. She has a paramour of her own.''

''I wonder who it is.'' 

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