Kid (5)

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"How is she, Toshinori?"

"She's doing fine. Though, she's been reluctant when it comes to asking when it comes to friends... But she already made two friends, from what she told me."

"...maybe she's just shy on approaching other kids. (A/n) already told me about the situation she had with bullies. That worries me... It's been only a year since she moved there and she's already having problems."

"Don't worry. I'm sure she can handle it. If the situation worsens, I'll see to it that I will have a talk with the parents regarding the matter."


"Trust me, I will handle the situation if it worsens."

"You sure about that?"

"I'm sure about it. You don't have to worry about it, (M/n)."

(M/n) sighed as she slumped her shoulders before gazing back to Toshinori's blue eyes.

"All right. I won't worry about it... But I want to make sure that she's safe from that kind of situation."

"You don't have to worry about it, (Md/n). I'll make sure that she's okay. After all, I promise you, didn't I?"

(M/n) chuckled.

"Yeah... you did."

Toshinori smiled as he saw (M/n) smiling at him.

"You know, it's been a while since I've seen you smile..." Toshinori said, making (M/n) raise an eyebrow at him.

"Oh?...Were you expecting a glare instead?" (M/n) asked as Toshinori quickly waved his arms and shook his head.

"Huh?! Wait no! I-I didn't mean to--"

"I'm just joking, Toshi..." (M/n) chuckled as Toshinori sighed in relief, clutching his chest.

"Man, you really scared me, (M/n)."

"That's what I do..." (M/n) said as the two shared a laugh.

"Well... I have to head back now. This mission isn't done yet." (M/n) said as Toshinori felt a wave of disappointment engulf him as he gave her a smile.

"Oh, um... Good luck on your mission, (M/n). So, um... Same time, next week?"

"My schedule will be busy next week. But, I'll try. Maybe when this mission is done, then I'll call."

"Okay... Bye, (M/n)."

"Bye, Toshinori. Say 'good night' to (Y/n) for me."

"Don't worry, I will."

(M/n) smiled at him as she waved her hand, her hologram turning off as Toshinori smiled, slumping back to his. chair as he smiled, clutching his chest, feeling the profusely beating of his heart as he felt his face getting warmer.

"Shit!" he exclaimed.

"Shit!" a small voice exclaimed as he turned to see (Y/n), in her pajamas, sitting on the last step of the stairs as she smiled innocently, hugging a plush toy resembling her mother in her arms.

Toshinori placed his finger over his lips.

"What are you doing up, little miss?" He whispered, knowing that (M/n) might call again.

"Shit." (Y/n) repeated.

"Nope, we don't say that. Only bad guys say that. They coined it," Toshinori wave his hand, "it belongs to them."

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