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"(Y/n)! Eri! Lemillion!" 

Midoriya landed a solid punch on Chisaki, throwing him to the side. Aizawa erased Chisaki's quirk as he turned to Sir Nighteye, Ant-Man and Rocket as Scott shrank back to his original height.

"Nighteye, secure those who need treatment! Ant-Man, guard them! Rocket! help them!"

"On it!" Sir Nighteye held Mirio and Eri close to him as Rocket and Scott ran to (Y/n). 

"(Y/n)!" Scott examined (Y/n)'s face as he engulfed her to a hug. 

"Uncle Scott! Rocket!" (Y/n) hugged them tightly as (Y/n) begun whimpering. 

"We're here now. We're gonna rescue you and Eri. I'm glad we found you three." Scott assured her as Rocket saw the chain.

"Bastard." Rocket growled as he grabbed a device from his holster and destroyed the chain and cuffs. Once freed from the chain and cuffs, (Y/n) rubbed her wrists, trying to soothe the bruises as Rocket saw the ring on (Y/n)'s finger. (Y/n) saw the ring as Rocket patted her hand gently as he grab the ring. 

Before he could even slid it off, Scott saw Chisaki glaring at them as his crazed eyes saw Rocket trying to remove the ring. Chisaki growled as he raised his hand, preparing his attack.

"It's all for nothing!" Chisaki touched the ground, spikes emerged as (Y/n) was separated from Scott and Rocket. Everyone was trapped as (Y/n) fell to the ground. (Y/n) saw Nemoto fall in front of Overhaul as she saw him grab his own face as well as Nemoto.

She saw them morph into something as (Y/n)'s eye widened, seeing the monstrous form of Chisaki combined with Nemoto.

"Now! I'll have you return Eri and (Y/n)!" Chisaki turned to (Y/n) as she flinched at his stare. 

"How unfortunate, Lemillion. You got yourself involved between Eri, my (Y/n) and I, and look where it got you... If you haven't got involved, you would've still had your quirk." Overhaul taunted. He then picked up the case as he stared at her.

"You see, my dear! This is what happens when people get in my way! I'll have you back as well as Eri!!" Overhaul yelled as (Y/n) covered her ears, tears brimming as Rocket blasted him with his gun. 

"Not on our watch!" Rocket blasted the villain as Overhaul activated his quirk, causing another spikes heading towards Rocket as Rocket narrowly dodged. Overhaul was being punched by a shrunken Ant-Man as Overhaul tried to land a punch but he was punched every time. 

"Don't touch me!" Overhaul created another wave of spikes as Rocket and Scott got thrown away from him. He got pushed back as he saw (Y/n), standing up as fear was still visible in her face. Her hands emitted energy as she stared at the villain.

"Now, now, my dear..." Overhaul turned to her with a crazed expression as her eye widened. 

"Stop disobeying me... It's irritating!!" Overhaul screamed as he reached for (Y/n) as Midoriya lunged towards the villain with a spike he grabbed as he tried to pierce him but Overhaul shielded himself with one of his arm as Midoriya tried to land attack but it was blocked. Something was thrown at Overhaul as he managed to dodge it.

"I will be his opponent!" Sir Nighteye charged towards Overhaul, throwing his seals towards Overhaul, who managed to dodged.

"You go to Lemillion, Eri and (Y/n)! Ant-Man, Rocket and I will hold him off!" 

"Roger!" Midoriya carried (Y/n) and ran towards the injured Lemillion and frightened Eri. Midoriya set (Y/n) down as Eri hugged her.

"Eri! Lemillion! (Y/n)! Are you three all right? Can you move?" Midoriya asked the three as Eri hugged (Y/n).

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