Battle Trials

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(Y/n) woke up to the sound of her phone alarm. She groggily shut her phone alarm off and sat up. Her (h/l) (h/c) hair was messy as she stretched her arms and legs as she got off of her bed and fixed her bed. She then headed to the bathroom to wash up and brush her hair.

Once done, she headed to the kitchen and begun preparing her breakfast. When she finished her breakfast, washed the dishes and finished cleaning the kitchen and dining area, she then headed to her room and took out her yoga mat and did her morning stretch. After that, she then washed up again and wore her uniform. She then double checked her items in her bag before heading out.

(Y/n) headed to school as she enjoyed the peaceful scenery as she arrives at her classroom. She opened the door to see no one.

'I'm the first one.' (Y/n) thought as she headed to her desk and sat down. She then took out her phone and put on her earbuds. She scrolled through her playlist as she pressed 'play' as her song played.

Minutes passed as she noticed her classmates enter the room one by one and sat on their desks as they waited for the day to start. The day started out fine. Normal subjects like any other schools as everyone paid attention as the classes went by.

Lunch time arrived. (Y/n) decided to not to intervene with Midoriya, Uraraka and Iida. She looked around and spotted an empty seat by a guy with dual hair color eating. She approached him.

"Hey, is this seat taken?"

"No." he said as he slurped his food.

"Do you mind if I seat here?" she asked with a calm smile as he agreed for her to sit. (Y/n) sat down and saying a small 'itadakimasu' before eating her meal. The two sat there, minding their own business and lunch before...

"May I ask a question for you?" (Y/n) turned her gaze to the student in front of her. She nodded as she swallowed her food.

"Why aren't you sitting by your friends over there?" he pointed his finger towards Midoriya's table.

"Well, he's been making friends on his own. I had to give him some space in order for him to expand his friend circle. Besides, aren't I a friend?" (Y/n) explained as she gave him a small smile.

"You think of me as a friend?"

"Of course. Every one deserves a friend, even if it's only one." (Y/n) said as she finished eating her lunch.

"By the way, I never got your name. I'm (L/n) (Y/n), you can just call me (Y/n)."

"Todoroki Shoto. Nice to meet you (Y/n)."

"Likewise, Todoroki-kun. Do you wanna head back to the classroom together?"

Todoroki nodded as they picked up their trays, got up, threw the contents into the trash can and headed out. The two talked about their first day as (Y/n) smiled at Todoroki. Todoroki felt a warm feeling in his chest as (Y/n) walked beside him as they arrived at the classroom.

Lunch time ended as everyone came in and the afternoon subjects rolled in.

"I AM... COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!!" All Might cried as he enters the room, wearing his Silver Age costume. Everyone gasped in surprise and excitement as they saw All Might in front of them. He stood at the podium, proudly showing off as (Y/n) tried not to laugh at her guardian's antics.

"Welcome to the most important class in UA! Just think of it as Hero 101. Now for this Heroics, we will be engaging in... combat training!!" All Might cried as he presses a small remote, the walls opened to reveal multiple briefcases with numbers.

"The key part of being a hero is looking good in your costumes. Now, put them on and head on to Ground Beta."

Before everyone could even take their cases, a girl with pink skin and hair raised her hand.

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