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"...Hiro?" (Y/n) stared in disbelief.

"Who the hell is Hiro?" Hiro turned as he manifested a gun, pointing as her. He was then kicked to the ground by Peter, who then landed beside (Y/n). 

Hiro got back up as he turned at the two, glaring mainly at (Y/n). Hiro saw (Y/n)'s disbelief as he hesitated but aimed his gun at her once again. A shot was heard as a ball grenade was launched from behind the two, to which Peter and (Y/n) ducked. The explosion destroyed a car as (Y/n) and Peter turned to see Harley holding his makeshift rifle.

Alongside him was class 1A, Awase, Kendou, TetsuTetsu, Monoma, Shinsou, Mirio, Amajiki and Nejire. All of them stared with disbelief at the destruction around them as the pro heroes arrive.

The students, along with Peter and Harley, were interviewed by the police and some of the pro heroes assisted in the damages and talking to those who were saved by (Y/n) and Peter upon seeing the Nomus appearing out of nowhere. 

Midoriya turned as he saw (Y/n), standing to where she saw Hiro, barely moving.

"(N/n)?" Midoriya approached (Y/n), who didn't respond. This made Midoriya worry as he slowly approached her.

"(N/n)? Are you all right?"

"Hiro..." he heard her mutter as she collapsed to the ground. Her shield clanked as the others turned to see her unconscious on the ground.

"(N/n)!" the others rushed to her aid as the police requested for the paramedics. As they waited for the paramedics to arrive, they guarded (N/n) with Harley and Peter calling (A/n) about the situation they had experienced for the day.

The paramedics arrived as they took (Y/n), placing her onto a stretcher and lifting her to the ambulance, heading to the hospital as the others followed.

A few blocks away, Hiro stared at the aftermath as his eyes followed the ambulance before it slowly disappear to the hospital. He stayed for a bit before heading off, disappearing within the shadows.


(A/n) arrived at the hospital upon receiving Peter and Harley's call. She headed her niece's room as she saw her students waiting anxiously in the hallways by (Y/n)'s door.

"Kids." she said as her students turned to her, showing their worried expressions.

"(Md/n)-sensei." she heard the worry evident in their voices as they approached her.

"How is she?" (A/n) asked.

"She's doing fine, (Md/n)-sensei. The doctor said that the injuries were nothing to worry about since it was just scratches and her fever is slowly going down. The doctor also told us that she will be discharged." Iida explained, the others nodded in agreement.

"Thank the stars." (A/n) sighs in relief, placing her hand over her left chest.

"Thank you, kids." (A/n) smiled softly at them as a tear ran down on her cheek.

(A/n) wiped the tear from her cheek as she chuckled softly, which caught the others off since this is the first time they saw her shed a tear in front of them. 

"Excuse me... Ms. Flare?" (A/n) turned to see a doctor waving at his hand, motioning her to come over.

"I would like to talk to you about (L/n)." (A/n) tilts her head slightly before approaching the doctor. The others waited as they were deep in thought on what they had just encountered earlier as well as seeing Hiro, who was mentioned by (Y/n) and Mortale a few days ago.

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