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"Considering that another attack has been instigated near the school premises, security system has been upgraded. To considering if another sudden visitation arrives here at UA, we will make sure of it, as long as you guys will understand the concept of it." Aizawa said as the door slid open, revealing to be the Helios and Cyrus, holding a stack of papers.

"Hi Papa!" 

"Hello Father." the two boys greeted their father as they stepped into the classroom. Aizawa took the papers from their hands, examining it turning to the boys.

"Mommy told us to bring these in for you." Cyrus motioned the papers they were carrying. Aizawa took the papers from their hands, examining each paper.

"Where's your Mother?"

"Had to do some spy work with Uncle Mortale. Won't be back till later in the afternoon." Cyrus said, peeking from the podium stand.

"Your sisters?"

"With Mirio." Helios said. Aizawa nodded as he handed out the papers to each rows, which they passed along. 

"Since the kids brought in the forms, make sure to read them since they contain some information you'll need for the upcoming important activities for the next week." Aizawa stated as the other read the papers. 

"Yes, sensei."

(Y/n) read the paper, scanning the words written as she flipped to the next page, a folded paper fell to her desk. This caught her by surprise as she placed it on top of the form. Opening it, her eyes scanned the words written on the small paper.


Please meet me later.

The only words written on the paper. There wasn't a name of the writer, but she quickly shrugs it off and kept the letter in her notebook, as she continued reading the form papers in her hands.

'I hope she read it...'

"Make sure to stay with Togata and your sisters. Your Mother and I will head over once we're done." Aizawa said as the two boys nodded, facing their father. Aizawa patted Cyrus' and Helios' heads.

"Sure, Papa." Cyrus blinked his bright black eyes, smiling brightly while Helios stared at him with his usual nonchalant demeanor. 

"And make sure to keep your bracelets on in case of emergencies." Aizawa added.

"Yes, Father." Helios nodded. The two turned to the class as they saluted them, heading to the door.

"Oh, we forgot to tell you, Papa." Cyrus stopped as he turned to them.

"Uncle Mortale's leaving later. He wants us to be there." Cyrus waved good bye as he and his brother closed the door, walking away from the classroom.

"That's good news." Aizawa muttered as he turned to the students, who was staring at him. Aizawa cleared his throat.

"Let's continue."


"That's weird... I couldn't contact Shuri, Uncle Tony or anyone since yesterday." (Y/n) muttered, checking the contact logs in her bracelet. (Y/n) slid on her bag as she raise her wrist, looking at the hologram.

"Hmm... Must be doing something important..." (Y/n) dismissed it as she walk out of the classroom. 

"Hey, (N/n)!" (Y/n) jumped in surprise as she restrained the person with her energy quirk. (Y/n) blinked, realizing she had restrained Ashido, with the other students were surprised at her sudden action.

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