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The exams went on normally, despite the injuries and the teamwork the other teams had. There were others that had passed like Asui and Tokoyami, Iida and Ojiro, Todoroki and Yaoyozoru, Aoyama and Uraraka during the first half of the exams.

It was Ashido and Kaminari's turn. (Y/n) noticed the dense area they were placed in. As she focused on the monitor, she failed to see the stares directly at her.

"How are you feeling, Kirishima?" (Y/n) asked Kirishima as I sat on the edge of the bed with his head facing down to the ground, avoiding her gaze.

"Terrible." It was true that he felt terrible, not just from the failed exam. He couldn't face her knowing that the training with her was wasted because he and Sato couldn't find Cementoss or the exit.

He failed the exam...

He failed his partner...

He failed you...

A hand rested on his shoulder, he lifted his head as he saw (Y/n), a worried expression resides on her face as she gave him a consoling hug. The gesture shocked him as he gave in to the comforting hug.

"You don't have to doubt yourself, Kirishima. Everyone fail in some things and we can learn from them in order for us to continue. There's no need to doubt yourself. I know you and Sato did your best." (Y/n) said as she comforted the red haired boy.

"But... the training... the things you've taught us... I...I failed... How can I become a hero if I can't even fight against a pro?"

"I'm not mad. I'm not disappointed. I'm not upset. What matters is that the two of you are all right. There's no need to be upset, Kirishima."

"B-but..." (Y/n) cupped his face with her hands, his tearful red eyes stared at her (e/c) eyes. He felt his face begun to warm as she stared at him with a stern yet comforting gaze.

"Listen to me, Kirishima. Everyone fails from time to time, and they always get back up. I know you're upset but it's part of becoming a hero. No matter how many times you fail, you learn from them. That's why our failures helps us understand what we will do in the future. It's alright to fail but don't let it get to you. I know you're stronger than this. We all are. It's one of the reasons why a hero always rise up." Kirishima's eyes widened at this. The encouraging words you gave him felt so real. You didn't doubt him, you comforted him. You inspired him...

"I'll leave you to take some time to heal from your injuries." (Y/n) said as she gave him one last hug as she walked out of the small infirmary tent. Kirishima watched her leave as he felt a warm and comforting feeling inside him. His heart was beating faster as he placed a hand on his chest.


(Y/n) saw Ashido and Kaminari frantically running away from the falling debris. The words 'Exam Failed' appeared as (Y/n) watched the two got out of the debris. (Y/n) focused on the screen, not noticing some glancing eyes at her.

It was Jirou and Koda's turn. Their exam were very much deafening because of Present Mic's quirk, but Jirou managed to buy them some time until Koda overcame his fear of bugs. The bugs went on a surprise attack Present Mic from the ground as Present Mic screamed from fear and fainted, causing Jirou and Koda to run to the exit.

Next was Shoji and Hagakure's turn. Their exam was tough because of Snipe, but (Y/n) noticed Hagakure's gloves and boots were gone. While Snipe was shooting and Shoji was hiding, Hagakure managed to cuff Snipe's wrist, causing the exam to finish.

Then it was Mineta and Sero's turn. The fight was... something. Midnight managed to engulfed Sero's head with her quirk as he fell unconscious. His head hit the side of Midnight's breast. Mineta cried blood as he saw Sero's head laying on Midnight's lap.

(Y/n)'s aura darken as a menacing smile appeared on her face.

'Heh. That's it, cry more blood until you turn into a raisin.' She muttered under her breath as her menacing smile never left her face. Her classmates felt this dark aura as they turned to their (h/c) haired classmate.

"Umm... (N/n)?" Midoriya asked the (h/c) haired girl whose dark aura disappeared as she turned to her green haired friend.

"Yes, Izuku?" she said with a bright smile that confused everyone of them but they let it be.

'Must be nothing...' they thought as they went back to the screen. Mineta was cornered by Midnight... until he launched himself into view. His nose and mouth were taped with Sero's quirk as he threw several of his quirk towards Midnight and her whip, sticking her as Mineta rushed pass her.

He dragged Sero's unconscious body to the exit as the words 'Exam Passed' appeared.

The others cheered at the victory as Mineta entered the monitor room. Sero was placed in the infirmary as he's still unconscious.

Mineta was about to ask (Y/n) for a winner's kiss when a small dagger flew passed him as it pierced the concrete floor. There were cracks onto where the tip landed as everyone saw (Y/n)'s glare.

"M-maybe not." Mineta scooted away from the glaring girl as (Y/n) returned to the monitors.

'One more fight and it's my turn...'

Next was Midoriya and Bakugo's turn. The fight was... destructive, to say the least. The two were arguing at first. Midoriya wanted to run away but Bakugo wanted to fight head on. Until... All Might appeared.

The two were at disarray with their exam. One wants to fight the pro, while the other wants to run away from the pro. (Y/n) saw All Might grabbed Midoriya as he slammed Midoriya into Bakugo as the two students slammed into the ground, causing a large crater onto where the two are.

'Come on you two, just for once, settled in your differences and work together!' (Y/n) thought as her gaze never left the monitor.

"When I grow up, I wanna be like a hero!"

"M-me too!"


"Huh? Quirkless people don't become heroes!"

"B-but, I want to become like a hero! Like you, Kacchan!"

"Don't call me that, you weakling! You can't be a hero if the two of you don't have any quirks! Stay down and let the real ones become heroes!"

(Y/n) snapped back into reality as she saw Midoriya punched All Might as he grabbed Bakugo and dashed to the exit, the words 'Exam Passed' appeared as the monitor room erupted in cheers. (Y/n) smiled at the sight of her childhood friends as they were immediately rushed to the infirmary.

(Y/n) then walked out of the monitor room as she headed to the bus, to where her exam will take place.

'I just hope I can survive Auntie and live to see the next day... Help me...'

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