Chapter 48

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I was sitting on my swing.... thinking about everything I did so far.... 

But someone's  angry voice made me to come to the reality.....

"Krishnaaaaaaaaa" someone shouted my name and by the sound of it....I can make out  that person was really angry on me....

I turned to see the person....

"Dau...." I smiled though he  gave me a glare....

"Krishna....why did u do that??" He asked me again with angry look....

When he calls me means I have really done something which is not liked by him.

"What did I do ??" I asked him with confusion and his glare became hard.

"I'm talking about harshitha....." He said and suddenly for me the grounds became interesting....

"'t ignore my question and answer me looking at me...." He said and I looked at him...

"Fine....what do you want to know??" I asked...

"Why are you ignoring her??" He asked me....

"Because I have to..." I answered....and he was not satisfied with my answer...

"Krishna.....answer me properly....don't you see?? She is hurt....when she was going to varanavartha.....she...she was almost on the edge to cry...." Dau said and his voice was shaky.....

"I know....." I whispered...

"Kanha.....I know even you are hurt because harsh is hurt...." Dau said.....and he was correct...

"Then...why are you doing this??" He asked his question....

And in his voice I can make out that he was struggling to not to cry....

When Harsh came to Dwapara yuga....Dau was the one who saw her first and he soon got attached to her.....when his loved ones cries....he feels very sorry to them....because he is like that....and I love my sheshanaga for it....

"Because she sees me only as her friend and otherwise she sees me as just Supreme God...." I answered in a kid voice expecting Dau to laugh....

But he just stared me with blank expression....

I took deep breath and started to explain everything to my Dau.

" I know I'm hurting her and whenever I see disappointment in my harsh's eyes it just kills me.

When she came to Dwaraka with Arjun and was hard for me to ignore her......but I did.....

When she asked me to come to fare......I would have happily went with heart was shouting YES to her.....but I replied no and it hurted like hell.

When I first called her devi and her face fell into disappointment.....and I fell into deep pool of guilt....

Do you remember the first day, Dau? When she asked you to carry her to the palace?? I felt disappointment....because I wanted to carry her....

The day before she went to hasthinapur....I was standing with her in this garden.....I came here to tell her that I'll miss her when she goes there.....but she thought that I came here to tell her about karn....

When she went to hasthinapur......she went to garden and called me in  her mind....I answered her and she asked me to tell where she is....I wanted to tell her that she is in my heart but decided not to.....

The day when she dressed herself as and I....we both knew that who she expressed yourself in front of her.....even I wanted to do the same.....even I wanted to hug her and wanted to say what you said to her.....but I didn't because she was eagerly waiting for my marriage with Rukmini.....

When that Rukmi said those words to her.....I was so angry and decided to chop his head there itself.....but my harsh stopped me from doing that as she said in her mind to not to do that.....

I decided to fix my marriage with Rukmini early because I didn't want her to see that.....

When she came to confront me......I was speechless.....because she was right.....I was hurting her in every way and it was paining for me too.....

When she said she is dead to me.......I felt like I was dead.....when she said there is nothing between us.....I felt like I lost my connection with this world.....I felt like I lost everything.......

When ever she laughs....I'll be happy.....but when ever she cries,Dau...I feel like I'm dead.

Harsh sees me as her friend, Dau.....she sees me only as supreme lord......she is doing everything to avoid her true feelings and I don't want her to do that.....I don't want her to avoid what she feels inside.....I want her to express everything......I want her to be transparent about her feelings to me....."

I finished explaining about eyes were watery......actually they were ocean.....

I turned to face Dau.....but he was kneeled down....and was folding his hands....

"What are you doing Dau???" I asked in confusion.

"Kanha......I failed to understand you.....I was seeing only Harshitha's pain but I didn't see yours....I'm sorry about it, Kanha....." He said as his tears were scrolling down from his eyes....

I made him to stand up and hugged him......

After a while he asked "Kanha, why don't you tell her everything?? Why don't you tell her who really she is??"

"No, Dau I can't tell her this......she should know who she is by's not the matter for us to interfere.....and I really can't tell her about my intentions till she comes back to hasthinapur.....there are so many things which are going to happen in panchala....and even I am scared about her decisions....." I said in a serious tone and Dau became little confused.....

"What.....what will happen, Kanha??" He asked me with a nervous look....

"You'll see, Dau....everything is now depending on my harsh....I....I really wish for her to choose everything wisely.....because whatever she chooses....she will be the one who will also suffer for her choices' consequences....." I said......

Dau sensed my seriousness and he decided to make me smile....

"Hmm....krishna....I feel like you ignored harshitha because she was distracting you from everything...." Dau said mischievously....

"Distracting me??? A little human distracting the supreme lord?? Never...." I said with a smirk.....

But my smirk soon disappeared from my face....

"" I started to mumble

"What happened???" Dau asked me.....

"I.....I.....forgot to tell Arjun about river saraswathi's story...." I said in nervous tone....

"You were never got distracted....." Dau said sarcastically......


So.....the most awaiting chapter is updated.... I hope my krishna answered your questions....and yes there are few which got unanswered....but don't worry my future chapter answers that......

I hope now you are getting a clear view of her love life....

And yeah....there will be some confusing events in panchala....

In future you will be getting more krishna's pov.....

How was the chapter???


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