Chapter- 28

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I sat in one place and called Krishna but I didn't get any reply.

" Krishna with me." I requested him for the 100th time.

"What?" Finally he answered but this time his tone was totally different from his usual tone.

"I just wanted to talk with you." I said in my mind happily.

"Okay..." He said with an annoyed voice.

"What happened to you Krishna???" I asked feeling little bit sad with his behaviour.

"Nothing." He said without any emotions.

"Have I done anything wrong??" I asked feeling really sad.


"What have I done??? Tell me....I try to correct it."

" I talked with you without any emotions and with little did you feel Harsh???" He asked with his normal tone.

"I felt really sad Krish...." I said.

"Even Arjun is feeling the same, Harshitha" He said and I got realised what he was really trying to convey.

"But.....but.....Krishna I don't like Arjun."


"I don't know.......maybe because he is son of Indra......or maybe because he married so many people." I said.

Even in kaliyug, I hated Indra dev whole heartedly.....why??? I don't know.

" Because he is son of Indra dev??? He didn't choose that Harshitha. He is innocent in that matter." He said and I kept quiet.....I mean I didn't say anything in my mind.

"And because he married so many people??? Come on......i have married so many girls and in next few weeks I'm going to marry another girl.......hate me also Harshitha." He said.

"Krishna.....even in my dream I don't hate you...." I said loudly.

"I know......remember have came here to change things.....who knows you can also change Partha's mind about marriage." He said.

I thought for a while.......I can change it.......and now I felt ashamed of myself for treating Arjun like that........

"So....tomorrow you should...." He started.

"Appologize to Arjun." I finished his sentence.

"My harsh is very intelligent." He said with fake proudness tone and I laughed.

" know? Maathe Kunti made me to wear traditional dress."


"Your sister helped me with wearing that."

"My sister always helps everyone."

"I know......and I decided to wear red colour."


"Actually everyone are saying that I'm looking beautiful."

"Hm..... Harshitha I have to go....Dau is calling me" He said one last time.

Is he not getting what I am trying to say???? I am explaining everything about my dress and his replies are just 'oh', 'ok'. Can't he just say that I am looking beautiful or something like that.....he just made me understand my mistake and when I expected him to say something about my dress....he gave a reason and stopped talking in my mind.........

That Arjun is lot better than him. Even though I treated him like that.......he came to me and complimented me. I should really say sorry to him. And that's what I am going to do in morning.

Now is the time to make peace between harsh and Arjun.....


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