Chapter 42

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We all sat in the chariot and Dau became our charioteer.....

Arjun sat beside me..... Krishna sat in front of me....

"Arjun.....what job did Krishna gave you to do in vidarbha..." I whispered in his ear.

"He asked me to go to devi Rukmini's chamber and then bring her to mata parvati's temple." He explained.

I thought for a while and said to Arjun.

"I have another job for you."

"What job???"

"You have to seduce or just flirt with Rukmi......" I said controlling my laughter.

His eyes went wide with shock and he shouted saying "WHAT?????".

I think krishna was eavesdropping our conversation because even he was trying to control his laughter....

"You should do it you think Rukmi is so good that he will allow us to go inside Rukmini's chamber??? I don't think so...." I tried to maintain a serious face.

" can I.....don't you see me??? Even though I have dressed like a body don't exactly look like a girl......" He said nervously.

Actually he was correct......he had biceps....after all he was a warrior.

"Hmm....actually you are correct...." I said sadly.

I wanted to have some this eloping, Arjun plays vital role and I want him to do this because I want to laugh about this with other pandavas.

"You know what...I heard that Rukmi.....Rukmi....." Krishna said but he was searching for words to complete his sentence.

"Wo.....womaniser...." Dau completed....

Really?? Rukmi was womaniser??? Its the new news to me.

"Yeah.....yeah....he can get seduced even though you don't look like a girl, partha...." He said to Arjun.

" can try to seduce him...."He said to Arjun but was looking at me.

And by that look I understood it was a lie and he was making Arjun to agree with my plan.

But why??? I think he don't want me to be sad in his wedding day.....

'Aww!!!!krishna still cares me' I thought to myself.....and this thought made me get butterflies in my stomach and a big smile on my face.

"Whatever....." Arjun said sadly....

"Oh my Brihanale! Don't get sad....I will help you....I will give you every idea I know to seduce that idiotic creature...." I assured him.

Then I started to give him every idea I knew.....I gave him ideas which were there in the movies which I watched in kaliyug.....from bollywood to Hollywood......

After giving him ideas I assured him by saying....."Don't worry Arjun, I will be with you...."

"So....Krishna you will be waiting in the temple??" I asked Krishna expecting him to answer.

But he just nodded his head saying yes.

" talk with krishna..." I whispered to him

Krishna has stopped talking with me and also around me a long time ago.....reason?? Very krishna got mood swings like a teenage girl.

I started to talk with Dau....for the whole journey I only talked with him.

Arjun and krishna were in their own world talking with each other.

Dau stopped the chariot as we came to mata parvati's temple.

"Okay....Krishna and I will be here....and you both should go inside the palace..." Dau said looking at us.

"Okay.....Come on Arjun....." I said taking arjun's hand in mine.

"Wait...." Krishna stopped us.

"What, madava?" Arjun asked.

"You forgot the box....." He said giving the box to Arjun.

I remembered now that partha will use this box to get inside the chamber of Rukmini saying this box has prasad which makes devi Rukmini agree to get married with Shishupala.

Taking that box we left the temple and headed towards the palace.

"And one more advise Arjun.....make your voice girly and you should act like girly..." I said.

He cleared his throat.

"I am eagerly waiting to see Rukmi...." He said in a very girly voice with a little fake blushing....

And I started to laugh falling on the ground.

Finally updated!!!!


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