Chapter 30

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Today I really overslept and even Subhadra didn't care to wake me up.

When I asked her why..... she said " you were looking so peaceful in your sleep that I thought you were having a great time with know??......that person you saw and you didn't tell I didn't wake you up." And I rolled my eyes at her.

I have to run from here. I am sure that Karn and Arjun will be waiting for me in ground.

When I came to the ground I was really shocked to see them.

"Today I will be the first to teach her. " Arjun said.

"What do you think I'm here for??? First I will teach her." Karn said.

"See..... Angaraj....I know archery very well and I will teach her."

"Are you saying that I don't know it ??? Come on rajakumar........take your bow and we will see who is best in archery."

And next moment they both were holding thier bow and were ready to shoot an arrow.

'God!!! This is not as easy as I expected.' I thought to myself.

'All the best Harsh.....' I heard a voice in my mind.

'Thank you Krish' I replied.

"What the hell you both are doing???" I came in between them and said.

By seeing me........the anger in thier eyes vanished and their eyes smoothed.

Now.....they both didn't answer as they both were looking down like a child got caught. I wanted to smile but I maintained seriousness.

"Today nobody will teach me first...... as today is the first class let us talk about our teachers who taught archery to us." I said and then I wanted to hit my head to a rock because for me there was no teacher.

' ready to tell a beautiful lie.' I said to myself.

"I was taught by guru Parashuram.........he was really a great teacher.........he even took care of me well...." literally for half an hour Karn talked about his Guru......

"I was taught by guru Drona.......he is just great that he made me realise that I was  born for archery." I think Arjun took it as a competition because he talked for 1 hour.

"'s your turn." They both said.

"I......I was taught by......" think Harshitha.....think of any names.

"I was taught by devi Parvati" I said in an nervous tone.

Gosh.........I really don't know is devi Parvati good in archery or not.
****************************   Sorry for the late update


Unknown Destiny - The Mahabharat FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora