Chapter 66

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"Gettttt uppppppp" some body shouted.

"What the hell???" I opened my eyes getting irritated.

After talking with Rukmini I came to my chamber to get some sleep. But now somebody is shouting like hell.

Oh!! That somebody is Subhadra.

"What happened Subhadra?? Did somebody die?? Why are you shouting like that??" I asked with a frown.

"Oh harsh! Nobody died... it's already noon and you are still sleeping.... you missed breakfast..." She said in a motherly tone.

"Its already noon! Omg! Why did nobody wake me??" I asked as I got up and sat.

"Everybody were busy in sending Rukmini and bhrata krishna...." She said.

"Sending them to where??" I asked in confusion.

"They went to vidarbha...." She said   and I cringed.

"Vidarbha? Why did they go their? If they went to honeymoon then let me tell you it's the worst place ever...." I said and she laughed.

"Oh no harsh! They went their because the king had called Rukmini and bhrata went with her to leave her their for a while... I think Rukmini going to stay there for a while. Bhrata may come today itself." She explained and I nodded in understanding.

"I miss her!" I said and Subhadra nodded her head agreeing.

"You should have sent your Arjun with them. Rukmi would have been happy to see him." I said with a giggle and she glared me.

"Arya told me everything! It was just part of plan." She said

"Arya?? Are you referring it to Arjun." I asked and she nodded her head.

"God! You guys are not yet married!" I said.

"I know but soon we will...for that I need your help."

"My help?? What do you mean?"

"I want you to talk with elders about us..." She said.

"Me?? Are you kidding me??your nibba-nibbi love story is famous in Aryavartha.... so there is no need of me to talk with elders." I said jokingly.

"But please talk with everyone... first talk with my parents and then talk with Kunti mata when you go to Indraprastha...." She said

"Indraprastha?" I questioned her.

"Yeah! Pandavas now live in Indraprastha. Kunti mata may not live in Indraprastha now but she is coming there by the time you go there... you please talk with her and also with Pitamaha Beeshma." She said with eagerness.

But I looked at her confusingly. The last time I left the pandavas they were still in Hasthinapur.

"Wait a minute! When did the pandavas go to Indraprastha?" I asked her in confusion and she saw with surprise.

"You don't know?? After you came to Dwaraka everything was fine for a while. But then king Dhritharashtra held a sabha about kunti mata. It was about to discuss karn and to accuse kunti mata."

"To accuse about kunti mata means did they accuse her for leaving karn when he was just an infant?" I asked with surprise.

I never expected King Dhritharashtra to held a meeting on it. I mean I never expected him to talk this rightly.

"Noo!  To accuse her for having karn before marriage."

Oh! I think I was right about him. He is just upto no good.

Unknown Destiny - The Mahabharat FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora