Chapter 43

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We started to walk....all the way I was correcting Arjun's walking style.

"Arjun try to walk like Subhadra.....not like Mamashri Shakuni...." I said to him in between my laughs.

"Shut up Harshitha...." He said but even he was controlling his laughter....

" you go that I can observe your walking style and I even can give you more tips about this...." I said in a bossy voice with a goofy smile.

He rolled his eyes and did as I said.

He was walking in front of I can say that he is actually trying to imitate Subhadra......

I was walking behind him holding the box which krishna gave.....

Suddenly I felt chill as wind came towards me..... but Arjun was walking normally.

I ignored it and started to speed my walk to catch Arjun.

But again the wind came towards me and I heard a masculine voice near my right ear....

"You are looking  really beautiful, love....."

I stopped walking and stood there with a wide eyes and a opened mouth...

That voice was not only masculine but it was my imaginary boyfriend's voice...

Is that real??? Am I dreaming??? Did I really hear his voice or just imagining things???

"Harsh....Come you are looking like a big idiot by standing there......" Arjun said...

Maybe he was true.....maybe I am an idiot and I am just imagining things.....

Whatever......I came here to see Krishna Rukmini's marriage.....not to worry about my imaginary boyfriend....

'I really have to talk about it with Krishna' I thought and resumed my walking.

"Hey Arjun....wait..." I ran to him.

Now we are standing in front of the gate of vidarbha.....

"Who are you?? Why did you come here???" The gaurd asked us with a feel of superior authority.

"Namaste!! We are gopikas.....we came from near village.....we wanted to meet prince Rukmi....." I said with a smile.

And Arjun was giving seductive smile to the guard....and I kicked his leg indicating that don't show your talents here.

"For what purpose you want to meet him?? He can't be seen by you people and more over today is princess Rukmini's marriage..." The guard said but this time in a calm voice.

"Please....we just want to see our future king....that's all we want and we are here to help our future king to make this marriage successful...." Brihanale said in a very sweet voice with dramatic expressions.

"I.." the guard cleared his throat and spoke again..." You both can go...."

I was Brihanale made that guard agree....

Then he opened the gate and we both went inside....

"I'm proud of you my Brihanale...." I whispered in his ears....

"Stop!" We heard a voice as we came near the garden....

It was Rukmi.....

"Who are you???" He asked in a poker face....

"Namaste prince Rukmi.....we are gopikas....we came here to give this box to princess Rukmini...." I said with a fake respect to him....

"Why do you want to give her that??" He asked...

"Because this is the prasad of God....the speciality of this prasad is if one eats it means they will definitely agree to Devi Rukmini will also agrees for marriage if she eats it....." Brihanale explained....but in a very seductive way....

I turned my head to see Rukmi if Arjuna's acting is working or not....

Surprisingly Rukmi was biting his lower lips in a way that said he was controlling his emotions.....

Again I was shocked.....

"Okay then give to me....I will give you...." He said to me as I was holding the box....

" can't touch can be touched only my females and a female only should feed it to the person...." I explained...

"Okay then....I will call my female servant...." He said and was going to call a female servant but.....

"What???? You are going to call your female servant??? Don't you see clearly that we are also females???" Brihanale said going near to Rukmi.

"Don't you see???" Brihanale said again going nearer to him and he going back until the wall touched his back....

"We are also girls,Prince..... want me to prove it ????" Brihanale asked Rukmi by drawing a line on Rukmi's face....

I was really shocked....I was dumbstruck.....i really didn't know what to do or how to do.....

I said Arjun to do a small seduction to make Rukmi agree to send us inside Rukmini's chamber.....

But Arjun is doing the seduction which is really making him agree to not to go inside Rukmini's chamber but Rukmi's chamber....of Course....the entry for his chamber is only for Arjun.....

"Tell us king....tell....please.....don't we look like girls??? Don't you allow us to go to devi Rukmini's chamber??? If you want I am ready to prove you that I am a girl...." again Arjun said very  seductively as his hands were roaming around  Rukmi's upper body....

God!!! He is doing bedroom seduction.....

" can go..." Rukmi finally gave permission...

"Brihanale....Prince gave us permission....please come...we will go to princess's chamber...." I said with a shock voice...

Arjun was coming towards me but Rukmi stopped her by holding her hand.....

"Can you be till this marriage gets over???" He asked arjun....

"I can stay for you, Rukmi......" Arjun answered.....this time seduction was neither in his voice nor was in his eyes....

I was seeing this opening my mouth in shock.

Then....Arjun came in front of me and took my hands in his and started to walk towards the chamber....

I was not even able to walk properly...

You really can't blame me for being this much shock....the great warrior Arjun seduced Rukmi in this way.....

I don't know if it is a boon or curse to watch this...

Now we were standing in front of the door of Rukmini's chamber.....

Really sorry for late update🙇

This chapter was about our arjun's great acting chapter will be definitely about our krishna and Rukmini's marriage....😊😊


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