Chapter 61

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Harshita's POV

I turned left and right from my sleeping position. Stupid sun has rose and it's not helping me to sleep well.

"Who the hell pushed the curtain? Cover the window before I kill you!" I shouted with closed eyes.

"Your highness!! You are not in your bedroom. Now shut your mouth and open your eyes." Someone said.

I cursed something and opened my eyes.

In front of me was krishna standing in his glory. I mean he was shining because of sun.

Wait! Why is he in my room?

"Idiot! I'm not in your room. We are in forest. Now get up." He said.

Ohhhh.... that's when I realised that we got stuck in forest because of that horse.

I got up and sat. But I had this terrible head ache.

"Ouch!" I said massaging my temples.

"What happened??" Krishna said with concern.

"I'm feeling like my head is going to blast." I said honestly.

Hearing that he smirked. Now why is he smirking! He is so weird.

"You don't remember anything! Do you??" He said and his smirk was proudly there on his face.

"No??" I kind of said but it sounded like question.

"My my!! What we got here!! So many happened yesterday and you don't remember a thing.... ohhh nooo!" He started to over acting.

"You want to tell me or not?!" I questioned as I was irritated with his overacting.

He came and sat next to me and held my hand.

"What are you doing??" I asked.

"Shhh!! You want to know that what we did yesterday, right? I'm trying to show here. Don't talk." He said and I zipped my mouth.

Slowly he started to come near me and I started to breath heavily. My heart started to beat fastly and I felt so unusual emotions. He came to halt when his face was just few inches apart from mine.

And if I just move there were lots of chance for our lips to get touched. That made me nervous and I became statue.

"Last night what happened is..... you were super drunk and acted in  your usual way... that is you acted stupidly. Acting and being stupid is not new to you... and then you dozed off...." He said and there came his husky voice.

After saying those things he got up. And I too got up with anger.

"Excuse me? What did you just call me? For your kind information I'm not stupid and I don't act like stupid." I said sternly.

"Oh yeah? Then tell me, what is there between us?" He asked coming near me.

I frowned in confusion and took few steps backwards till my back touched the tree.

But he didn't stop coming to me and soon his two hands were on my both sides touching the tree and locking me.

"Friendship?" I answered to his question but this also sounded like question.

"See?? This is why I call you stupid." He said. This time there was no smirk. There was no husky voice. All I could notice was pain in his voice and the need of understanding in his eyes.

It hurt me. It hurt me to see him like this.... and it hurt me more that knowing he is in pain because of me.

"And love." I said adding to my previous answer.

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