Chapter 72

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"Yes putri, Dharmika Desh is attacked by this powerful Asura called Krithvasura. They say he was imprisoned by Mahadev himself. But now he escaped it." King Vasudeva explained.

"But what should I do??" I asked confusingly.

"Putri, there is a rumour that the first girl child of Dharmika Desh can bring the death to this Asura. So you have to leave to Dharmika Desh now." He said.

Is Dharmika Desh real?? Even if everything is real also I can't kill that Asura.  Because I don't belong to Dharmika Desh.

I stood up from the chair and went to the garden.

Right now I'm freaking out. What the hell is even happening here? I thought Dharmika Desh was not real. But now it's. ...


"Harsh!" I heard the voice of Dau.

I turned to look at him.

"I know what you are feeling. Even I'm confused  as you. But we can't waste our time. We have to leave." Dau said.

"Dau, you and Arjun go. You guys are warriors. You have experience in it." I said nervously.

Even Arjun entered the garden.

"I heard the news. I'm sorry to know that your Desh is in danger." Arjun said thinking that I was nervous because of hearing that news.

But I was nervous hearing that Dharmika Desh's existence.

"Dau, you guys go." I said.

"Harsh, it's not possible you should also come." Dau said.

By this time my nervousness turned to irritation.

"Balaram, look at me. Do I look like I can kill that Asura? I don't even know what the hell I'm doing here anymore. Where is that Krishna?"

I don't know why. But my angerness has raised. It's level was so high that all my manners was vanished.

"Harsh...." Dau tried to say.

"No! Where is he? I don't want to say words to you which I don't mean, Dau."

Right now I was so angry on the so called Krishna. He lied to me. He lied to me about everything.

"Harsh, right now he is not there. He went to some other place." Dau said to me.

"I can't.... I can't come, Dau. I can't kill anyone. I...." I searched for words.

I felt helpless. I fell to the ground. Tears were not coming. But still there was fear.

Dau came in front of me and sat.

"Harsh..... I can understand everything you are feeling right now. I know you can't kill anyone. I know you are the one who tries to keep everyone happy. You are the one who gives life to each one. But now you have to take one just to keep thousands of lives  happy.

Don't you want others happiness? " He questioned me.

He was sincere. I felt like his words were not meant to convince me to come. In fact I felt like his words were genuine.

"I'm sorry, Dau." I said to him.

"Why?" He asked in confusion.

"Because I called you Balaram." I said.

"Arree Harsh, you can call me anything. You know, I'm so lucky that you uttered my name." He said jokingly.

But I felt like he really meant what he said.

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