Chapter 40

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Today was actually a boring day......

All I did was nothing......

"Hey Subhadra.....I am really feeling bored....Come on let us do something....." I said to her.

"What can we do???" She asked...

"Anything you want but it should be exciting....."

"Now I really don't have time for your child's play.....Harshitha..... I have to go to kitchen...."

"Okay then....take me also...." I said with a little twinkle in my eyes.

"Come....." She said and we left the chamber.

We came to the kitchen...... they were already preparing delicious food and it's smell made tom and Jerry which is inside my stomach awake.

"Subhadra...... I am hungry....." I cried.

"Harsh.....the cooking is not over yet.......why don't you eat butter.....go there and eat..." She said pointing at the direction where butter was there.

"Hm....ok...." I said and ran.

More than 20 pots of butter were there. I sat there and took the first pot. I opened it and took a bit of butter to taste.

'God!! This is just awesome.....' I thought to myself and started to please my tom and Jerry.

Those amul butter is nothing in front of these.... the one who made these is really like a God.

I don't know for how long I was sitting there and eating.....but after a while I heard someone's laugh.

"Harsh......that is butter which should go into your mouth not a beauty item to apply around your mouth." Dau said in between his laughs.

" don't know how tasty it is.....I am not able to resist myself from eating the way.....who made this?" I asked my question.

"Kanha....." He said with a smile.

"Oh!! But for whom he made?" I asked him.

"No one in particular......." He shrugged and said.

"Hm....Whatever but butter is really nice." I said.

Then Dau became silent and I became busy in finishing the butter.

"Harsh......harsh....." Arjun came running towards me.

"What happened Arjun??" I asked him as he was catching his breath....

"I want to tell you something important." He said.

"I am all ears..." I said taking butter in my hand and getting ready to eat it.




"Now arjun....Do you tell or should I hit your head with this pot." I said holding a empty pot in my hand.

"Okay.....I will tell you..... Madava  said he and I are going to vidarbha and then we are going to kidnap princess Rukmini......Then krishna will marry to do all these things he asked my help and I accepted it......" He explained to me.

My eyes went wide and I stopped eating butter....... I am excited to meet Rukmini.

I looked deeply into his brown eyes and said "I am also coming with you, Arjun."

He gave me a nod indicating yes.

Today may be was a really boring day but tomorrow will be really adventurous.....


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