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Colby's POV

I held Cora tightly as she trembled into me. "M-make it stop." She wimpered as my heart shattered in my chest. I scratched her back and held her even tighter. "You're doing great, baby. You're okay." I cooed as she wimpered and shoved her face deeper into my chest.

"I love you so much, sweetheart." I cooed as her body loosened slightly. It was breaking my heart that she was struggling so much, but it made me wonder how long she's been having those thoughts. 

I hated knowing she could be having those thoughts again. It scared me knowing she was alone when she was thinking those things.

It scares me that I could have lost her.

Once Cora was fully sedated I relaxed a little bit, holding her in my arms as if she was going to slip away from me at any moment.

I looked at the clock and decided it was too late to make an appointment with Emily, so I would just have to do it tomorrow.

It broke my heart knowing that Cora was struggling with thoughts she couldn't control. It made her life so much harder than it needed to be.,

She deserved better.

I ended up staying awake all night, holding Cora close. I knew she was gonna be out for a long time but I couldn't risk her waking up or having another episode.

I couldn't risk losing her.

"Daddy?" Mia asked as I walked to the kitchen to make breakfast for the girls. "Can we go to the park today?" She asked as she sleepily rubbed her eye with her fist. "Hmmm I don't know about today, but we'll see." I said as she frowned. "What else am I supposed to do?" She asked as I chuckled. "Well...mommy and I might have to go to the doctors later so maybe papa can take you if you ask nicely." I said as she giggled.

"Okay! Why are you and mommy going to the doctors are you sick?" Mia asked as I started making pancakes. "No, we just have to get a check up." I said as Olivia cried from the other room.

"I'll be right back, princess." I said and kissed her head then jogged towards the nursery. Olivia was standing up, crying loudly as I walked in. "Oh angel, what's wrong?" I asked and scooped her up.

"Shhh, let's get you changed so we can get some breakfast." I said and brought her to the changing table. Once she was all cleaned up I brought her out to the kitchen with me.

"Where's mommy? I miss her." Mia said as I frowned slightly. "Mommy's still sleeping, she's extra tired today." I explained as I reached for my phone and texted Emily asking if she could squeeze Cora in later. I also texted her dad explaining what was going on so he could hopefully watch the girls.

"When will she be awake?" Mia asked curiously as I put Olivia in her swing. "Hmm I don't know. Hopefully soon though." I said and smiled slightly at her. "Okayyy." She sang then sat down at the island.

I was about halfway through making breakfast when I heard my phone ding. Colby's dad texted me telling me to drop the girls off whenever and Emily texted me telling me she was free all afternoon.

I sighed with relief that she had time for Cora today, then turned to finish making the pancakes.

"These look yummy, daddy." Mia said with a smile as Olivia reached up for me. "Thanks, sweetheart." I said with a grin as I pulled Olivia into my arms. "Good news, papa said you guys can hang out today." I said as Mia squealed. "I love papa!" She said as I grinned, "he loves you too." I said as Olivia looked up at me.

"Mama." Olivia said as I smiled and rubbed my thumb against her cheek. "Mama is sleeping." I said then heated up some milk for her.

I heard footsteps coming from down the hall, which meant Cora was awake. "Hi mommy!" Mia exclaimed as Cora shuffled towards us.

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