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"Mommy!!!" Mia squealed as she ran to the side of the bed. "What are you guys doing here?!" I asked excitedly as everyone filed into the room. "It didn't feel right being on vacation without you two." Corey said as he laid Olivia on the bed next to me.

"I'm sorry I ruined your trip." I said quietly as Colby lifted Mia up so she could sit on the other side of me. "You didn't ruin the trip, Cor. We wanted to come home." Devyn said with a smile as I struggled a little bit to wrap my arms around the girls.

"I love you guys." I said and pouted my lip as Colby helped me get the girls situated. "We love you too." Corey said as I looked down at Mia.

"Are you gonna tell me about your trip, kid?" I asked her quietly as she smiled at me. "I missed you." She said as my heart swelled. "I missed you too, sweet girl." I said then kissed her head.

"Are you hungry, Cor?" Colby asked as everyone settled into the room. "Yeah, I don't know what I would want though." I said as I looked down at Mia.

"What are you thinking?" I asked her as she giggled. "Spaghetti!" Mia squealed as Colby laughed. "You want spaghetti?" He asked as she bounced up and down. "Yeah! Spaghetti!" She squealed and snuggled into me more.

"Spaghetti it is then." Colby said then grabbed his phone so he could make the order.

"So how are you feeling?" Corey asked as I smiled slightly at him. "I'm...Uh..." I said and looked down at the girls. "I'm okay." I said even though the pain that was radiating in my skull was back with full force.

I forgot about the pain for a little bit since I was so surprised to see everyone, but now I would have to hide the pain. I didn't want to scare the girls.

"Do you want to try some spaghetti?" I asked Olivia as she looked up at me and waved around her favorite blanket. "You're so cute." I whispered and brought my hand to her cheek.

I was so happy that I was really starting to gain feelings in my hands and feet again. I hated the feeling of being helpless and that's exactly how I felt when all I could do was lay in bed.

"Can we go on a walk?" I asked Colby as he leaned down and pulled Mia into his arms. "Do you think you're ready for a walk?" He asked cautiously as Mia looked at me and frowned.

"Why can't mommy walk?" She asked as Colby chewed his lip. "Uh..." He said as I smiled softly at her. "Mommy has a headache that makes it hard for her to walk." I explained as Mia nodded. "Would Mia kisses make it better?" She asked as Devyn and Tara awed.

"Yeah, I think they would." I said with a grin as Colby bent over so Mia could kiss my forehead. "Muah! All better." She said as I smiled. "All better. Let's go on a walk." I said as Corey grabbed Olivia from the bed.

"I'll go get a wheelchair, wanna come with Mia?" Tara asked as Mia giggled. "Yeah! Can I ride it?" She asked as Colby set her down. "I don't see why not." She said as they walked out of the room.

"Can you sit up?" Colby asked me as I breathed out a shaky breath. "I need help." I said as he nodded. "Let me help you baby." He said then pulled the blankets off of my legs. "Jake can you get on her other side?" Colby asked as he slowly helped me sit up.

"Owww." I groaned as Colby looked at me with concerned eyes. "I don't know about this, Cor." He said and crouched down to be eye level with me. "Please...I feel like I'm dying in here." I mumbled as Devyn rubbed my back gently.

"I don't want you to get hurt." He said and brushed my hair behind my ear. "Please." I begged and frowned at him. "We'll try one more time, then you're done." He said as I nodded slowly.

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