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Colby got Mia and Olivia ready to go swimming in the pool that was in the backyard while I got ready to go out and help Kat find her something new and something blue.

"Cora?" Kat asked as she walked through the door, "Hey, I'm coming." I said and grabbed my bag before heading out to the living room. "I'm freaking out dude." She said as I nodded. "I know, it's gonna be okay though. I promise." I said then turned towards Sam.

"You have your tux?" I asked as he nodded. "Yep!" He said as I raised my brows, "With black dress socks?" I asked as he chuckled. "Yes, mom." He said as I grinned. "Perfect. Okay. Let's go!" I said then linked my arm through Kat's.

"Bye mommy!!" Mia squealed as Colby came up to give me a kiss. "Bye guys, I'll be back later. Don't have too much fun." I said and winked at Colby then turned towards the door.

"Alright, so this is good because your wedding colors are literally blue and gold...wait! Your bouquet!" I exclaimed to Kat as we got in the car. "What about it?" Kat asked as I laughed. "It's blue!" I exclaimed as Kat gasped, "it is!! Okay so we just need to get something new then." She said as I started driving.

"What were you thinking?" I asked as she hummed. "Probably jewelry. I have your necklace so maybe a bracelet?" Kat asked as I nodded, "that's a good idea." I said then drove to the nearest jewelry store.

"Cor..." Kat said as I pulled into the parking lot. "What's up?" I asked and looked up at her. "Were you nervous? Ya know...for your wedding?" She asked as I smiled sympathetically.

"A little bit. I wasn't nervous about marrying Colby though. I knew he was my soulmate and that we would be together forever but I was nervous about the wedding for sure." I said as she nodded. "I just want it to be perfect ya know? I only get one wedding." She said as I nodded and got out of the car.

"I'm gonna make sure it's a perfect day." I said and gave her a hug. "Thanks, Cor...I'm so lucky I have you." She said as I pulled away to look at her. "I'm lucky to have you too, now let's get you something new." I said then took her hand.

The jewelry store we went to was fairly small but there were plenty of bracelets for us to look at. "I think I just want something simple, so maybe this one?" Kat said as she pointed to one of the bracelets.

It was a think sterling silver chain with small diamonds encrusting it. "That's beautiful." I said with a smile. "I'm getting that one." She said with a nod then waved the sales associate over.

We got the bracelet then headed out, I wasn't ready to go back to the house yet though. "Where are we going?" Kat asked as I started driving in the opposite direction of the house. "I'm hungry." I said with a shrug as she laughed. "Ooooo honestly same. Where are we going?" She asked and bounced up and down in her seat.

"I don't know, I was just gonna drive and hope for the best." I said as she laughed. "Very good plan." She said as we drove down the road.

We ended up deciding on a little food truck that had teriyaki chicken in a pineapple. "So, how's Josh been doing?" I asked as we sat down on a little bench next to the food truck. "He's great, oh my god Cora..his tux is the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life. I never knew I could be so obsessed with something." She said as I grinned.

"He's a really cute baby, I think I might explode from the cuteness of him wearing a little tux." I said and put my hand on my chest. "Olivia's little dress is also pretty cute though." I said with a laugh. "And Mia is obsessed with her dress." Kat said and pointed to me.

"Can you believe we have kids...like...we did that." I said with a laugh as Kat shook her head. "No, it doesn't feel real." She said as I sighed. "If you would have told 20 year old me that was afraid to even leave my apartment that we would be sitting here with husbands and kids I wouldn't believe you." I said as she grinned at me.

Forever (Epilouge) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum