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I woke up to Olivia kicking me in the face. "Shit, sorry Cor." Colby said as Mia giggled, "Bad sissy." She said as I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "How long was I asleep?" I asked and looked around.

"A couple hours, I think Olivia needs to be changed, that's why she kicked you." Colby said as Olivia squirmed on Colby's chest. "Okay, okay. Let's go." I said and hopped out of bed then took Olivia from Colby.

"I ordered pizza, it should be here soon." Colby said as I nodded and took Olivia to get changed. When I came back Mia was cuddled up to Colby, taking my spot on the bed.

"I see how it is." I said with fake sadness as Mia giggled and hid into Colby's chest mischievously. "It's fine, you can have him, he's a butthead." I said and stuck my tongue out at him as the doorbell rang.

"Hey! That's not nice!" Colby said as I shrugged and turned to go get the pizza. "It's true though," I said then winked and left the room with Olivia in my arms.

I grabbed the pizza from the delivery driver then went to the kitchen so I could get three plates. I was surprised that Olivia was able to fall asleep again from how much I was moving around but she managed to do it.

I brought her to the nursery as I balanced the pizza on my hip. "Sleep well, sweet pea." I said and smiled down at her before walking to the bedroom again.

"Alright Brock, you can have some pizza if you stretch first." I said and raised my brows at him as he laughed. "I've never had to stretch for pizza before." He said as I handed Mia her plate, "thank you mommy." She said as I brushed her curls from her forehead. "You're welcome sweetie." I said then turned to Colby, "You. Stretch." I said and held my hands out to help pull him out of the bed.

He groaned in pain a little bit as he stood up, but I think he was trying to really keep it together for Mia.

"Did you learn your lesson to not go climbing on roofs?" I asked and pulled his arm more, stretching it as he hissed in pain. "Yeah, I think I did." He said as I pulled harder, "you think?" I asked as I raised my brows, "I know. I know I did." He said as I chuckled and let go.

"Enjoy your pizza." I said then kissed his cheek and went to the other side of the bed.

"So...I was thinking about pranking the guys..I'm still mad at them for lying to me also." I said with a mouth full of pizza. "As you should, they're just as dumb as I am." He said as I looked over at Mia who was staring blankly at the tv in front of us. Thank god she wasn't listening to this conversation.

"Yeah. They are. I think all of you have one brain cell combined." I said as he smirked and shook his head, "whatever, how did you want to prank them?" He asked as I chuckled and slid my wedding ring off.

"Nooo." Colby breathed out in shock as I chuckled, "I think we should..get a divorce." I said and winked with each word. "You're diabolical, Cora." He said as I shrugged, "I know. Hey Mia?" I asked catching her attention.

"Yes, mommy?" She asked and looked up at me. "How would you feel about visiting your aunties and uncles?" I asked as she gasped, "YES!" She yelled and bounced up and down as I looked at Colby.

"Guess we're pranking them." I said with a grin as he shook his head. "Game on." He said then held his hand up for high-five. I smacked his hand then turned towards the tv.

We ate dinner and plotted out how we were going to do it. We decided to make it look believable so I packed Mia, Olivia and I a bag.

"Mia, we aren't spending the night but I have to bring your bag okay?" I asked as she put her shoes on, "okay, is everything okay?" She asked as I chuckled and smoothed her curls down. "Yeah, everything is fine sweetheart." I said then grabbed her bag and slung it over my shoulder.

Forever (Epilouge) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu