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Sam, Kat, Jake, and Corey hung around for a while as Colby slept.

"Did you want us to stay?" Sam asked as I bounced Olivia. "No, I'll be okay. Thank you guys for everything...I seriously owe you." I said and reached down to rest my hand on Mia's head. 

"Don't worry, once this baby is born we will be needing you plenty." Kat said with a laugh as she rubbed her belly. "I'm ready for the task. Drive safe and let me know when you get home, okay?" I asked as they all went to leave, "we'll text you. Bye, Cor." Corey said as they went out the front door.

"Looks like it's just us. Ready to color?" I asked Mia as she giggled, "Yep!" She said then ran over to the coffee table where we had the crayons and coloring pages set up.

"You start coloring, I'm gonna feed sissy okay?" I asked as she nodded and sat on the ground so she could start coloring. I sat on the couch and rubbed Olivia's back as I fed her.

"Hey mommy?" Mia asked and looked up at me, "yes, sweet girl?" I asked and smiled down at her, "who was that? The scary lady?" She asked as I sighed, "Hmm have you ever heard of an imaginary friend?" I asked as she nodded, "Sophie has one!" She exclaimed as I giggled,

"well, she was mine..but she wasn't very nice and she made mommy very sad. So daddy and your uncles took me somewhere to drop her off." I explained as she nodded, "I don't like that." She said as Olivia finished up.

"You don't like what?" I asked and started to burp Olivia. "That she made you sad." Mia said with a frown as I brought my hand to her cheek for a second. "It's okay sweetie, I'm not sad anymore. She's never gonna come back, so don't worry, okay?" I asked as she nodded, "okay, mommy." She said as I brought my hand back to Olivia's back.

As soon as Olivia was cleaned up and rocked to sleep I put her in her automatic swing then sat next to Mia again.

"Mia! This is beautiful!" I said and pointed to the butterfly picture she was coloring. It was really messy and she didn't do the best job at coloring inside the lines but I still thought it was perfect.

"Thank you mommy, I want you to color this one." She said and slid a coloring page to me. It was a kitten with a caterpillar on it's nose, "why do you want me to color this one?" I asked as she giggled, "Because I want you to forgive Athena." She said as I scrunched my brow.

"I love Athena, what are you talking about?" I asked with a laugh but picked up the black crayon anyways. "Because she scratched you, silly!" She said and pointed to my cheek, "oh! Don't worry I forgive her." I said and started to color.

"So what's your favorite color today?" I asked Mia as she picked up the pink crayon, "orange." She said as I giggled, "not pink?!" I asked as she giggled, "no! Pink." She said, changing her answer. 

We sat and colored for a while as Olivia cooed happily in her swing.

It was time for us to make dinner so I put on some music as grabbed Mia's hands, twirling her around the kitchen. "Are you ready to go back to school?" I asked as I pulled out the ingredients to make tacos.

"Yes, I miss everyone! I think we are going to start learning how to read! Then I can be a big girl like mommy." She exclaimed as I giggled, "how about we just slow down, I don't want you to grow up." I said with a sigh. "Don't worry mommy. I won't be a grown up until I'm 10." She said as I helped her get up onto the counter so she could help me.

"Oh yeah? If 10 is old then what am I?" I asked with a laugh as she scrunched her nose at me, "a grandma." She said as I gasped dramatically. "I can't believe you'd say that." I pouted dramatically as she squealed with laughter. "I'm sorry mommy!" She said as I scooped her up in my arms and spun her around.

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