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"Hey Cora, how are you feeling?" Claire asked as she came in with my chart. "Claire. You have to help me." I whined as she let out a small laugh, "well if anyone here can do that, it's me. Let's take a look." She said and sat down on the rolling stool at the end of the bed.

Colby held my hand as she put my legs on the stirrups, then checked to see how dilated I was.

"Only 5 centimeters. You're halfway there! That's better than the last time right?" Claire asked as I groaned and threw my head back onto the pillow. "Make it ten..just like...use your magic doctor skills and make it ten please." I begged as she chuckled.

"I wish I could Cor..the only thing I can do is offer you an epidural, did you want to do it?" She asked as I let out a breath. I told myself I was going to try and challenge myself, to see if I could do it without one.

I had thought about it for a while. I thought about how miserable I was when I was numb from the antidepressants when I had to take those regularly.

I don't think I wanted to be numb during this.

"No...I don't want to be numb." I whispered as Colby squeezed my hand. I think he knew why I made that decision because he didn't argue or question it. "Okay, but Cora this may be your only chance to get it.." Claire said cautiously as I nodded, "I know...I can do it." I said as Colby kissed my head.

"Yeah you can, you're a badass." Meghan said as another contraction came, it was painful, but I tried to keep it together to prove to everyone that could do it.

"You don't have to pretend like it doesn't hurt, Cor." Colby said as I held back a whimper. "I don't think you guys believe I can do it without the epidural." I whispered as he shook his head. "If anyone can do it, you can. I know you don't want to be numb...I know that brings you back to a bad time. I stand with your decision. I support you." He said quietly as he smoothed my hair down.

For the first time today, he didn't piss me off.

"I love you." I whispered and reached up to put my hand on his cheek, "I love you too, you strong girl. I'm so proud of you." He said and put his hand over mine.

I cuddled with Mia's stuffed animal as Colby fed me ice chips. We were waiting for my dad and Colby's parents to get here as we watched a movie.

I couldn't concentrate on it though, because every five or so minutes I would have a contraction which would have me crying out in pain.

Colby's parent eventually got here with flowers and balloons, "hey Cora! How are you feeling?" Mrs. Brock said and came over to smooth my hair from my forehead. "It hurts." I mumbled as Colby frowned, "she's trying to do it without the epidural." Colby explained as he gave me a spoonful of ice chips.

"Oh wow...if anyone can do it, you can, Cora." Mr.Brock said as I smiled weakly. "As long as there's no brain surgery this time..we're good." I mumbled and crossed my fingers as another contraction hit.

"Shhh..you're okay." Colby cooed as he rubbed my forearm comfortingly. "I...I don't know if I can do this." I whispered as my hands shook from the pain. "Come on Cor, keep fighting...we are so proud of you." Colby said as Mrs. Brock took my other hand and squeezed it gently.

"You know, Mia is so excited. She has been running around your dad's house screaming about the baby. It's adorable." Mr. Brock said as I chuckled, feeling another contraction coming on.

"She better be in bed now." I mumbled and looked at the clock. It was way passed midnight at this point. "She's in bed now, Michelle is watching her." Mrs. Brock said as I nodded. "Where's my dad?" I asked as he came in.

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