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Claire looked at the monitor for a while, studying all of the information and looking at the baby as Colby held my hand tightly. "The silence is killing me, Claire." I said as she breathed a laugh, "the baby's fine, Cora." She said as I felt Colby breathe a sigh of relief.

"So why is there pressure?" I asked as Colby rubbed my forearm soothingly. "I think this is just a classic case of Braxton Hicks. I literally can't see any other reason for this to be happening." She said and squinted at the screen.

"Braxton Hicks? But I'm not even close to my due date." I said as she chuckled, "they can start any time, people usually just don't feel them until the third trimester so I guess you're just unlucky." She said as I rolled my eyes, "tell me about it." I grumbled as Colby kissed my head.

"So how do we know when something is a false alarm rather than something serious?" Colby asked as I chewed on my lip. "If there's blood or any liquid, it's an emergency. If it hurts, it's an emergency. Anything else is probably a false alarm." She said as she cleaned up.

"I'm sorry....I shouldn't have just jumped to conclusions." I said and picked at my nails, "no, Cora..I know this pregnancy has been really hard for you. I'm glad you came in instead of just ignoring it." She said as I nodded. "I'm just glad everything is okay." I breathed out as Colby squeezed my hand, "I am too. Thank you for coming in Claire, we really appreciate you." He said as Claire smiled sympathetically.

"You two have been through hell and back. If I can help in any way then I'm going to. Just go home and take it easy, maybe stay in bed as much as possible. I don't want you going into early labor at 24 weeks." She said as I nodded, "we definitely don't want that either. She's not getting out of bed." Colby said as I laughed.

"Oooo I get to have a servant?" I asked as Claire laughed, "yeah, I'm prescribing you your own personal servant for a couple days. Hope you're up for the task, Colby." She said as he nodded, "I was born for this." He said and fake stretched.

"You're such a dork." I said and rolled my eyes as Claire handed me my clothes. "Call me if you have any issues." She said as I nodded, "thank you Claire, you're really the best." I said as I rubbed my belly.

"I'm only the best FOR the best." She said then left the room. Once the door closed I sighed and looked at Colby, "sorry for scaring you." I whispered as he shook his head, "it's not your fault baby, you did the right thing." He said as I started to get dressed again.

"I'm just...so on edge...maybe bed rest will be good for me." I said as he nodded, "I think it will. Did Mia seem freaked out at all?" Colby asked as I shook my head, "No, the sweet girl just wanted to watch princess movies with me." I said and pouted my lip.

"I think the best medicine for the fear is going to be Mia cuddles." He said and helped me stand up. "Yeah, those really do help..but Colby cuddles help too, so expect those." I said as he nodded, "oh, I did. Don't worry." He said then kissed me.

As soon as I was dressed we made our way to the waiting room where Sam and Kat were. "Is the baby okay?!" Sam asked as they scurried over, "yeah. Just Braxton Hicks." I said with a sigh as Kat hugged me, "thank god." She whispered as I wrapped my arms around her.

"Sorry for scaring you guys." I said quietly as Sam hugged me, "don't worry about it. We are just glad everything is okay." He said as I nodded, "me too." I said as we made our way to our cars.

"We need to start wedding planning." I told Kat as I took Colby's hand in mine. "I don't want to stress you out too much." Kat said as I shook my head, "it's okay, Kat. I'm on bed rest for a couple days. Come over and we can start planning. You were amazing for my wedding, I need to be just as amazing." I said as she grinned.  "Okay, I'll let you know when I'm free." She said then hugged me.

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