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"Alright, squirt. I'm taking the girls to the airport now, are you gonna be okay?" Dad asked I cracked my eyes open to look at him. "Mhmm." I mumbled then closed my eyes again.

Olivia ended up getting me sick a couple days ago so I've been in bed trying to recover. It didn't help that I literally couldn't sleep but I was surviving. I was supposed to pick the guys up from the airport but I was too weak to drive so my dad offered.

"Bye mommy!!" Mia called out as she waved. "Give daddy kisses for me." I mumbled as I smiled slightly at her. "Okay!" She yelled then ran away as my dad waved and followed her.

It made me really sad that I wasn't able to pick Colby up from the airport. I just wanted to hug and kiss him but I couldn't because I would feel bad if I got him sick.

I just laid there, staring at the ceiling as my chest ached. I hated being sick but I was glad I was the one that got it and not Mia, Kat, or Josh.

Kat and Josh actually went home a couple days ago so Josh could her reacustomed to his room before Sam got back.

My dad had stayed to help with the girls while I've been sick which has been a blessing. I didn't know what I would do without him.

I was so out of it I didn't even realize Colby had come into the room until he was caressing my face gently causing me to open my eyes. "Hey." I whispered with a smile as he smiled at me. "Hey, baby girl." He said and leaned down to kiss me.

"No, I don't want to get you sick." I mumbled and tried to push him away. "I don't care." He said then leaned down and kissed me. I couldn't help the smile that formed on my lips as he kissed me.

I missed him so fucking much.

Once he pulled away he kissed my forehead. "God, you're burning up." He whispered and put his hand on my forehead. "I feel like shit." I mumbled as he frowned.

"I'll be right back. I'm gonna make you some tea, and some soup." He said and smoothed my hair down. "Mia and Olivia are gonna wanna cuddle." I mumbled as he chuckled. "We can cuddle, I just have to take care of you first." He said then kissed my head again.

"I missed you." I said quietly as he smiled at me, "I missed you, too." He said then left the room.

My heart felt full knowing that he was here. We felt complete again, our little family was finally back together.

Colby came in with my tea and soup a couple minutes later. "Come on." He whispered then helped me sit up as I coughed into my elbow. "I'm sorry." I whispered as he caressed my cheek again.

"Why are you apologizing?" He asked and propped a pillow behind my head. "We are supposed to have sexy time when you come home from big trips. Instead I look like a drowned rat who needs to be taken care of." I said and pouted as he laughed.

"I think you're really fucking sexy, in fact I could take you right now if you were up for it." He said as I shook my head. "You're a dork, Brock." I said and scrunched my nose as I reached for the tea he was offering.

My dad eventually came in with the girls so he could say goodbye. "Bye squirt, I hope you feel better soon." He said as he handed Olivia off to Colby. She giggled and slammed her face into his chest as soon as she was in his arms which I thought was cute.

"Bye dad, thank you for everything." I said as Mia climbed into bed with me. "Any time, you guys have fun. Love you." He said then left.

"Daddy, will you snuggle with us?" Mia asked as I carefully sipped on my tea. "Yeah, let me sit next to mommy though, I don't want you to get sick." He said as she nodded and scooted further from me so Colby could climb in next to me.

"What do you want to watch?" Colby asked as I leaned my head back into the pillows, feeling the chills again. "Rapunzel!" Mia yelled excitedly as he grinned and put it on.

I only ate about half of my soup before my body gave up on being able to hold the bowl anymore. "Mia can you snuggle with sissy for a minute?" Colby asked as he handed her off to Mia. "Yep! Hi sissy." She said and pulled her into her lap.

"Here, baby." Colby said quietly as he took the bowl from me and started to feed me the soup. "Thank you." I whispered and closed my eyes as I chewed the noodles and veggies.

He fed me the rest of my soup then put the bowl on the bedside table and pulled me into his chest so he could play with my hair and massage my scalp. I almost forgot his absolutely amazing he was. He was always sweet, but he was especially sweet when I was sick or hurt, which made my heart swell even more for him.

I really REALLY missed him.

We cuddled with the girls for a while before Colby got up to make them dinner. Mia of course followed him and Olivia was asleep so he just brought her to bed.

I tried to take a nap but I was just so uncomfortable that it was nearly impossible to even try to sleep. I did have time to close my eyes though, which felt nice.

Colby and Mia hung out for a while before Colby brought her to bed. When he came back to the bedroom he crawled into bed and pulled me into him.

"How are you feeling?" He asked as he tucked my head under his chin. "Like ass." I said as he kissed my head. "I'm sorry baby, I wish I could take it away." He said as I sighed and melted into him. "You're doing a good job." I mumbled as he scratched my back.

"How about a bath? Would you like that?" He asked as I nodded. "Will you sit with me?" I asked as he nodded and carefully slid out of the bed to get the bath ready.

I got out of bed and stood there for a second so my shaky ass legs would adjust, then shuffled slowly to the bathroom. Colby was testing the water for me as he filled the tub.

"I don't know how you manage to be so beautiful, even when you're sick." Colby said as I rolled my eyes and coughed into my elbow. "Shut up, I look horrible." I said with a giggle and looked into the mirror.

My skin was flushed and the bags under my eyes were huge. I was visibly shaking as I pulled my sweater tighter around me.

Colby filled the tub up then helped me get undressed. He somehow managed to make the water the perfect temperature. I couldn't help the moan that escaped my lips as I sank down into the hot water.

"That feel good?" He asked as I reached my hand out for him to hold. "Yeah, thank you babe." I said and leaned my head back, closing my eyes.

"Did you have fun on your trip?" I asked as he massaged my hand gently. "Yeah, it was super fun. We also caught a lot of stuff, I'm so excited to show you." He said happily as I smiled.

I hated that he was away for so long, but I loved how happy and excited he was from the trip. It made it all worth it.

"I can't wait to see it." I said quietly and opened my eyes so I could look at him. "Thanks for taking care of me." I whispered as he grinned. "In sickness and in health baby." He said then kissed my hand.

I sat in the tub for a long time before we decided it was time for me to get out so we could go to bed. I felt a little better after the bath, but my body was still so fatigued that Colby had to help me get dried off and dressed.

When we got in bed he held me closely, cradling my head against his chest as he ran his fingers through my hair.

I had been having a hard time falling asleep since he was gone but now that he was here, I felt safe. I fell asleep almost instantly as he hummed me the song we wrote tougher all those years ago.

Him being away for so long just proved that we were meant to be together forever.

Forever (Epilouge) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora