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When we got home I went straight to bed for a couple days. Mia did an amazing job at being my little nurse, even when I was feeling better.

"Mommy! I'm coming in with your souuup!" She yelled as Colby opened the door for her, "thank you honey, but I'm feeling better now! I was hoping we could maybe go shopping for Halloween today!" I said as she held out the half filled bowl of soup to me.

"Really?!" She asked with wide eyes, "yes, really!" I said and smiled, even though I knew it wasn't reaching my eyes.

I was still worried and stressed out about the baby, but I didn't want it to effect my relationship with Mia.

"Okay! Is daddy allowed to come?" She asked as I nodded, "of course, if he wants to." I said and looked up at him.

"I'd love to. Mommy needs to eat her soup first though." He said as I chuckled. It was heartwarming seeing how careful Colby was being about this pregnancy. I knew I was fine and the baby was fine by now but he was still being very cautious with everything.

I really appreciated him.

"Okay, I'll eat my soup while you two get ready to go, okay?" I asked as Mia jumped up and down, "okay!!!!" She screamed excitedly then ran out of the room.

"I'm glad you're feeling better baby." Colby said and came over to kiss me, "COME ON DADDY!" Mia screamed from the hallway as I stifled a laugh. "Coming sweetheart!" He said and looked at me with a panicked look.

"You better go, or she'll throw a fit." I said and put my hand on his cheek. "Eat up. I'm serious." He said then kissed me before leaving the room.

I quickly ate my soup then got out of bed, feeling a little light headed. That was a new thing about this pregnancy that I had to deal with.

I was constantly feeling like I would pass out. I never did, but it always felt like I would. It sucked.

I got dressed then slowly waddled to the living room.  I was almost a month away from giving birth, since I was due on November 19th and it was October 15th today.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous.

I didn't go full term with Mia, and she was really small baby so I was scared that I wouldn't be able to handle giving birth to a bigger baby.

Man up, woman do it all the time. Be lucky you're not having twins.

I shook my head and sighed as I rubbed my belly, waiting for Colby to come down so he could help me with my shoes. "Mommy! Can you put my hair in pigtails? Daddy keeps messing it up." She said as Colby shrugged, "I thought they looked fine." He said as she shook her head, "they were lopsided, mommy. I looked silly." She said as I laughed,

"Daddy is more a braid kind of guy, pigtails are a whole different science. Sit in front of me, I'll put your hair in pigtails." I said with a laugh as she came over and plopped in front of me.

"Hey babe, can you get me a brush and some rubber bands?" I asked as he nodded and walked to the bathroom. "Men." Mia grumbled as I laughed, "you don't even know, Mia." I said with a laugh as Colby came back.

I brushed her hair out at the root then bundled her hair into two perfectly curly pigtails, "go take a look."  I said and set the brush down next to me as she got up and scurried over to the closest mirror. "They're perfect!" She said and giggled as I handed Colby my shoes.

"Hey Mia, did you want to learn how to tie your shoes?" Colby asked as she slid the vans onto my swollen feet. "Yeah! This kid in my class already knows how to do it, I'm excited!" She said as Colby pulled my legs so they would be on the couch.

"Okay, I'm gonna do mommy's left shoe, you follow my lead and do her right." Colby said and pulled the strings on my shoe as I leaned back on my hands as I watched them.

Colby slowly explained what he was doing as Mia watched intently. It was cute how eager she was to learn, she was completely zoned in on the tast I'm sure a marching band could walk into the room and she wouldn't notice.

She eventually did it very loosely then gasped and smiled, "I did it!" She screamed and pointed to the show, "yes you did, princess!" Colby said and wrapped his arms around her, picking her up and swinging her around.

"I'm proud of you sweet girl! That's so good!" I said and smiled as I looked down at the sloppy bow.

She needed to stop growing.

"Thank you for teaching me daddy! I can't wait to show everyone at school!" She said and jumped up and down. "I'm so proud of you." I said as Colby helped me stand, "you're gonna redo it, right?" I mumbled just quiet enough for Colby hear, "of course." He mumbled back then smiled at Mia, "alright, kid. Get in the car, we'll meet you there in a second." He said as she giggled and nodded before running out of the house.

"She really needs to stop growing, I can't handle it." I said as Colby retied my shoe. "Yeah, it feels like just yesterday you were pregnant with her." He said as I smiled fondly. "Yeah, I wish time would just slow down for a minute." I said with a sigh and laced my fingers through his.

"Me too baby, me too." He said then opened the car door for me. "Look! I buckled my car seat all by myself!" Mia yelled as Colby helped me get in the car.

"Very good! Daddy's gonn make sure you did it right though, because safety always comes first." I said and buckled my seatbelt.

As soon as I clicked it in an image of the car accident played in my mind.

Please god no...not right now..not with Mia in the car.

I could hear Kat and I's screams as I silently tried to keep myself together. I couldn't unwravel with Mia in the car. "Are you okay mommy?" Mia asked as I silently sobbed.

"Cor?" Colby asked as I held up a shaky thumbs up. I tried to respond but I knew it would come out tearfilled and panicked so I just kept my mouth shut.

I remember holding my stomach as the car flipped, because I needed to protect Mia. I needed her to be okay.

Colby got in the front seat and took my hand, bringing it to his mouth, "you're okay." He mumbled as he started the car. I took a deep breathe in, and tried to bring myself back to a stable place as Colby brushed his thumb along my hand. "Wanna talk about it?" Colby asked as I rubbed my belly. "Just an attack. I'll be okay." I assured and took another deep breath.

I was calmed down enough by the time we got to the halloween store, which was good. I just wanted to enjoy this family time.

"So Mia, what were you thinking?" I asked as we walked into the store hand in hand, "I don't know!" She said with a shrug as we made our way to the costumes.

Mia looked through them with her hand on her chin, it made me laugh how much she looked like Colby right now. "Mommy you should wear this." She said and pointed to one of the inflatable sumo suits.

"Why? Because I look like that?" I asked as I rubbed my belly. "Nooo because it would look funny, duh." She said as I nodded, "silly me." I said and looked at Colby who was stifling a laugh.

"And what should daddy wear?" I asked as Mia giggled, "this one!" She said and pointed to the sexy nurse costume. "Oh my god." I said and smacked my hand to my mouth as Colby laugh, "I think you have it backwards, Mia." He said then quickly redirected her to the kids part of the costumes again.

She eventually decided she wanted to be Rapunzel since that was her favorite Disney movie. I wasn't going to dress up because I was so pregnant I didn't know if I would even have the energy, but Colby was going to be Flynn Rider. I was so excited to see them all dressed up.

"Mommy, can little brother or sister be pascal?" Mia asked as we slowly made our way to the registers. "Umm...I can try to see what I can do!" I said and smiled at her, feeling the fatigue start to hit again.

This baby really took it out of me.

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