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Colby's POV

"Daddy, do I get to have some cake now?" Mia asked as she tugged on my hand. "Yeah, you can have some cake, Sammy and Kitty have to cut it though." I explained as Olivia rested her head on my shoulder.

"Okay. Where's mommy?" Mia asked as Sam and Kat started cutting the cake. "She went to the bathroom, she'll be back soon." I said as she jumped up and down. "Okayyyy!" She said then leaned her head on my arm as Tara and Jake came over.

"Hey, do you know what kind of cake they got?" Jake asked as I shrugged, "No idea, Cor might know though." I said then looked around, hoping I would see Cora.

I knew I was a little over protective sometimes but I could tell something was going on with her. I couldn't really figure out what it was, but something was off.

"Everything okay?" Jake asked as I nodded. "Yeah, let's get some cake." I said and took Mia's hand. "CAAAAKE!" She screamed and dragged me towards the cake.

"CAAAAKE!" Jake repeated as he ran beside Mia. I chuckled and grabbed her a slice then started walking towards our table so she could sit and eat it.

"Colby!! Colby!" Devyn yelled as she ran towards me. "Whats going on? Are you okay?" I asked as she ran up to me frantically. "It's Cora. She had a seizure." She said as my heart stopped. "What?! Where is she?" I asked as my heart raced.

"Meghan's helping her in the bathroom." She said as Olivia fussed in my arms. "We'll watch the girls. Go." Tara said and took Olivia from me as Jake distracted Mia.

I nodded then followed Devyn as we raced towards the bathroom. Devyn opened the door and let me go in first.

Cora was on the floor, sat up against the counter as Meghan held her up. Her eyes were half closed as she jerked every couple seconds. Meghan was cleaning up the blood that was trickling out of her nose as I sat down next to her and pulled her into my arms.

"W-w-where's c-Colby?" She mumbled as I held her close. "I'm right here, baby girl. I'm right here." I said and cradled her head against my chest. "I n-need c-Colby." She whimpered. "I've got you, baby. I'm here." I cooed as she trembled into me.

Cassie came running in with a glass of water as Cora hid her face in my chest. "How long was she seizing?" I asked Meghan as she crouched down next to me and rubbed Cora's back, trying to get her to relax.

"Probably 2 or 3 minutes." Meghan said as Cora tensed up. "Easy, baby. You're okay." I cooed and held her tighter. "That's pretty long..do we need to take her in?" I asked as Meghan gently pulled her shoulder so she could drink some water. "Not sure." Meghan said as Cora tried to push Meghan away.

"Need Colby." Cora mumbled as Meghan pushed her hair from her face and brought the cup of water to her mouth. "He's right here, Cor. You need to drink some water." Meghan said as Cora tried to refuse it.

"Do you want to go to the hospital?" Meghan as Cora closed her eyes and trembled. "P-please no." She whispered as I rubbed her back. "Drink some water, baby. You'll feel better." I said as I looked up at Devyn and Cassie.

"Can you guys get us some bread or cake or something?" I asked as they both nodded. "We'll be back." Devyn said as they left the room.

Meghan finally got Cora to drink some water but she was still trembling pretty bad. "C-Colby." She whimpered as I pulled her into my chest again. "It's okay, baby girl. You're okay. Just ride it out, I'm not going anywhere." I said and rested my cheek on her head.

"Are you feeling any better, Cor?" Meghan asked as she rubbed her back. "Feel sick." Cora mumbled as my heart broke. She usually bounced back from seizures much faster than this, which made me believe something was wrong.

"Should we take her to the hospital?" I asked worriedly as Meghan sighed. "Let's get some food in her then we'll see how it goes. I'm a little worried because we don't know what caused it." She said as I frowned.

"C-Colby." Cora whimpered as Devyn and Cassie came back. "Shhh, it's okay baby. Let's get you some food." I said then reached for the plate of food.

"Sit up for me sweetheart." I said quietly as Meghan and I tried to get her situated so I could feed her. I could feel my heart shattering as I watched her struggle. I couldn't even understand why she was still so out of it, but I was really worried for her.

I grabbed a piece of bread and ripped a bite size piece off. "I think this is gonna make you feel better, babe." I said and brought the bread to her lips.

She opened her mouth ever so slightly so I could put the bread in. "Good girl." I cooed as she chewed it. "That's my girl." I said and brushed her hair back as the door opened.

"Oh my god! What happened?!" Kat asked with a gasp as Cora frowned and started to cry. "She had a seizure." Meghan said as Cora hid her face with her hands. "Oh no..are you okay, Cor?" Kat asked and crouched down as Cora shook her head.

"I'm sorry." She whispered as I moved her hands to feed her more bread. "Why are you sorry? You can't help it! Come here." Kat said and pulled Cora into her arms. "I r-ruin e-everything." Cora whimpered.

"Shut up. You didn't ruin anything, are you okay though? You're shaking pretty bad." Kat said she pulled away from the hug. Cora shook her head then opened her mouth as I brought another piece of bread to her lips.

"She's struggling a little bit but she'll bounce back." Meghan assured as she brought the glass of water to Cora's lips. "I know she will." Kat said with a smile then turned towards Cassie and Devyn. "Will you help me undo this dress? I have to pee." Kat said as Devyn laughed. "Yeah." She said as the girls went into the big stall.

"Cor, do you think we can move somewhere else? Maybe outside to get some fresh air?" I suggested as she looked at me with tears in her eyes. "Hey, don't cry sweetheart. You're okay." I said and rested my hand on her cheek, catching one of the tears as it fell.

"I think going outside is a great idea." Meghan said with a smile as she grabbed the plate of food from me so I could pick Cora up.

I could tell she was slowly coming back but it was still scary knowing that we didn't know what caused it this time. I didn't want to see Cora go through any more surgeries or tests. I didn't want to watch her struggle anymore, I just wanted her to be happy.

I carried Cora through the dining room, trying to avoid as many people as possible. She hid her face in my neck as Meghan followed us with the plate of food and water.

When we got outside I found a little bench and sat down with her in my lap. "How are you feeling? Any better?" Meghan asked as Cora nodded. "Little bit." She said quietly as I grabbed the plate of food from Meghan.

"Here, let's try some cake." I said as Cora shakily reached for the fork. "You wanna do it?" I asked as she nodded and grabbed the fork, getting a little bit of cake and bringing it to her mouth.

I smiled, feeling my heart warm up at the progress she was making.

We sat out there for a little while, until Sam and Kat came out. "How's she doing?" Sam asked as I rubbed Cora's back. "She's doing better, not one hundred percent yet but she's getting there." I said and smiled at Cora as she quietly ate her cake and drank her water.

"Sorry for ruining your wedding." Cora mumbled as Sam and Kat both frowned. "You didn't ruin anything, Cor. We're just glad you're doing a little better." Sam said as Kat rubbed her back gently.

"I expect a dance once you're feeling one hundred percent." Kat said with a laugh as Cora cracked a small smile. "You got it." She said quietly as I kissed her head.

It took another 20 or so minutes before Cora was really starting to feel better meaning she was able to walk and talk a little better than before.

"Where are the girls?" Cora asked as we slowly made our way back inside. "I left them with Jake and Tara so they could honestly be anywhere at this point." I said with a laugh as she took my hand.

I could still feel her trembling a little bit but I was so proud of her.

She really was the strongest girl in the world.

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