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"Really?!" I squealed as Colby snapped his head in my direction with worry in his features. "Yeah, she wants to talk to you she's kinda freaking out." Sam said as I heard Kat groan in the background, "it's okay, babe. You're doing great." Sam soothed as I pulled the phone away from my ear for a second.

"Kat's water broke." I said to Colby as we got in the car, "oh shit!" Colby said with a grin then started the car.

"Cora?" Kat whimpered on the other end of the line, "hey Kat! How are you feeling?" I asked as Colby started driving back to LA.

"This hurts so bad, how did you handle it?" Kat whined then hissed in pain, "just breathe through the pain until you can get the sweet sweet drugs. Are you on your way to the hospital?" I asked and took Colby's hand that he was offering.

Truth be told I was nervous to be on the other side of the birthing process. I knew how painful it was and I didn't really want to see Kat or anyone else go through that.

"Yeah, are you guys coming?" She asked as I nodded, "We'll be there in 45 minutes or so, we were at Disney. How far apart are your contractions?" I asked as Colby drove just a little faster. "Uhh...ten minutes." She said as I nodded.

"You still have a while to go, how's Sam doing?" I asked trying to keep her mind from the fear and pain. "I'm surprised he's not on the floor in the fetal position." She said with a laugh as I heard him laugh.

"Okay, well get to the hospital safely and when they ask if you want an epidural, DO IT." I said as Colby laughed, "Don't try to be tough, it's not worth it." I said as she breathed a laugh, then sucked in a breath as another contraction hit.

"Breathe, you've got this Kat. You're strong." I cooed into the phone as she groaned. "This SUCKS. You made them look easy what the fuck." She said as I laughed, "you're doing great, Kat. I'll see you at the hospital. I love you." I said as she giggled, "love you too, Cor. Now HURRY UP." She said then hung up.

"How's she doing?" Colby asked as we sped down the road as best we could with LA traffic and all. "She's hanging in there. I'm so excited!" I squealed quietly since both of the girls were sleeping in the backseat.

"I can't believe Sam and Kat are about to be parents." Colby mused as I squeezed his hand, "they're growing up." I said with a sigh as I looked out the window.

It's strange that Colby and I have been parents for almost 7 years now, it felt like yesterday that we were pregnant with Mia.

I kinda missed those times, before we had the girls. We were always so carefree. It kinda sucked that our young adulthood was cut short but I wouldn't have traded it for the world. Mia and Olivia are the reason I was still on this planet. I wouldn't have made it through my toughest times if it weren't for those sweet little girls.

They owned my heart.

"What are you thinking about?" Colby asked as he rubbed his thumb along my hand, "How happy I am that we had the girls." I said and smiled at him.

"They are the best thing to happen to us." He said as I nodded in agreement. "Do you think we will have another kid?" I asked and looked forwards, "I don't know. I wouldn't be against it necessarily but I'm totally content with two." Colby said as I nodded, "you wouldn't want a son?" I asked as he shrugged.

"Having a son would be cool, but I love my girls so much I don't feel the need to have one. I'm perfectly happy." Colby said as I nodded.

"How about you, did you want another kid?" He asked as I let out a deep breath, "have another kid? Maybe. Give birth to another kid? Questionable." I said as he laughed, "yeah....Olivia's birth was pretty traumatic." Colby said as I shuttered.

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