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The next couple days in the hospital were rough. I was getting frustrated because I would sometimes lose feeling in my hands and legs. Colby was always so patient with me when I would have my little meltdowns.

I hated feeling so helpless all the time. I hated that I would wake up not knowing how the day was going to be. I hated everything.

"I feel like I'm dying." I mumbled as Colby massaged my hand. "I know..I'm so sorry sweetheart. On the bright side you might get to go home today!" He said as I frowned.

"I hope so. I miss Athena and I miss my bed and the girls. And my freedom." I said as he breathed a laugh. "I don't know how much more freedom you'll have at home, but I think the girls miss you too." He said as Dr. Robinson came in.

"How's my favorite patient?" She asked as my eye twitched. "Let me go home." I grumbled as she laughed. "Good to see you too." She said then came over to check my vitals.

"I think there's a good chance of you getting to go home today. How are you feeling?" Dr. Robinson asked as I sighed. "My head hurts like a bitch, and I can't feel my left leg." I said as she frowned. "I'm sorry, Cora. I know this isn't the easiest thing to handle right now, but you're doing such a great job. Isn't she Colby?" She asked as Colby grinned at me.

"Yeah, she is." He said as I sighed. "Can I please home?" I begged as Dr. Robinson laughed. "Yeah, you can go home today." She said as I smiled weakly. "Yay." I breathed out as she pulled out the discharge papers.

"Bed rest for at least another month. Try to stay as relaxed as possible, I know that's hard for you but please try. No sex for at least another 6 weeks. Any questions." Dr. Robinson said as I nodded slowly.

"What's going to happen to me?" I asked as she scrunched her brow. "What do you mean?" She asked as I frowned. "Something always happens to me. What's gonna happen?" I asked as Colby frowned and smoothed my hair down.

"You're gonna recover and live happily ever after. That's what's gonna happen." Dr. Robinson said as I chewed on my lip. "Okay." I whispered then sat up.

"Let's go." I mumbled as Colby laughed. "Slow down, we gotta fill out the paperwork and get the car pulled up." He said then grabbed the papers from Dr. Robinson so he could fill them out.

"Please hurry." I begged as he grinned, "Will do." He said then sat and quickly filled out the paperwork as Lucy brought me a wheelchair.

"Let's get you settled in to leave." Lucy said as I swung my right leg over the edge of the bed. "Can you help with my other leg?" I asked as she nodded and pulled my leg so it could also dangle off of the bed.

"Let's massage that leg before you go." Lucy said as she bent over to massage my numb leg. "Thank you." I said quietly as Colby finished the paperwork.

"Alright. I'm gonna go get the car, do you need help getting in the chair?" He asked and pointed to the wheelchair. "No, we've got it." I said as he grinned at me. "Okay, I'll see you down there then." He said then kissed my forehead before jogging out of the room.

"I want one of him." Lucy said with a laugh as I nodded. "He's pretty great." I said then scooted so I could place my right leg on the ground. "Let me pull the chair closer." Lucy said as I tried standing up.

I held Lucy's hand so I could balance on my right foot as she pulled the chair closer. "Okay, you can sit now." She said as soon as I was positioned well enough to sit.

I sighed with relief when I was in the chair because this meant I was actually going home and that made me happier than words could describe.

I never expected when we left for Hawaii that I would be coming home with a brain injury. I never expect that I would have to have another surgery. I never expected any of this.

Lucy wheeled me down the halls until we got outside. Colby was just pulling up the curb as we made our way outside. He parked the car then jogged over the passengers side so he could open the door.

"Ready to go home baby girl?" Colby asked as he helped me stand up. "More than ready. Are the girls there?" I asked as he grinned and helped me get in the car. "Yeah, they're there with your dad." He said as I buckled my seatbelt.

"Perfect. Can we get milkshakes?" I asked as he chuckled. "Yeah, we can get milkshakes." He said then turned to Lucy. "Thank you for everything." He said then gave her a hug as I waved. "Thank you!" I said feeling the happiness bloom in my chest again.

I was so excited to go home.

Colby got back in the car and drove us home, stopping at In N Out on the way. We got Mia a milkshake as well since she has been such a trooper during all of this.

Olivia was also a trooper so she was going to get some of my milkshake.

I leaned my head against the window and closed my eyes since my head was aching so badly. "You okay, Cor?" Colby asked as he grabbed my hand. "Yeah. I'm gonna take a bath." I said dreamily as he rubbed his thumb along my hand.

"We're almost home." He said as I grinned. "Yaaay." I said sleepily as I focused on the joy rather than the seering pain in my skull.

When we got home I felt a certain sense of joy that I haven't been feeling recently. I couldn't wait to cuddle up to my favorite blanket, and take a bath with a bath bomb while sipping on some tea.

I couldn't wait to watch movies with Mia and Olivia. I couldn't wait to not hear the constant beeping in my ears of the heart monitors and machines.

"Mommy!!!!" Mia squealed as she ran towards the parked car. "Hi sweet girl, I missed you!" I said as she giggled. "I missed you too, mommy! Papa took sissy and I to the park today and we brought you surprise!" She exclaimed as Colby pulled me out of the car.

My leg was still a little numb so he had to carry me inside. "Oh yeah? I can't wait to see it." I said as we made our way inside.

"Hey squirt!" Dad said as Olivia smiled and reached for me. "Hey daddy." I said as Colby set me on the couch. "This ones been looking for you." Dad said as he sat Olivia on my lap.

"Hello my little sweet pea. Did you miss me?" I asked as she nuzzled her face into my neck cooing excitedly as Athena jumped up next to me.

"Papa, can we show her now?" Mia asked I let Athena and kissed Olivia's head. "Yeah, I think it's the perfect time." Dad said as Mia squealed and scurried off to the kitchen.

"Did you want your milkshake, Cor?" Colby asked as I nodded slowly. "Yeah." I said as Olivia looked up at me with so much love I thought I was going to explode. "Okay, I'll be back." He said then jogged out of the house so he could get them from the car.

"Mommy look!!!" Mia yelled as she held up a bunch of handpicked flowers. "Did you pick these yourself?" I asked as I reached for them.

As I reached for it I noticed my hands were shaking which meant I needed to rest soon. "Yeah! Papa, sissy and I did! Sissy picked out this one." Mia said and pointed to one of those wishing flowers that's just a puffball.

"They are beautiful. Thank you sweet girl." I said then opened my arm so I could give her a hug. "Daddy and I got you something too." I said as she gasped. "Really?!" She asked as Colby came back in.

"Here you go, princess." Colby said and handed her the strawberry shake. "YUM!!!" Mia screamed causing my head to ache even more.

"Okay, squirt. I'm gonna head out but did you need anything before I leave?" Dad asked as I shook my head. "Thank you for all of your help I'm so grateful for you." I said as he came over and kissed my head. "I love you, sweetheart. I always will." He said then kissed Olivia's head.

I zoned out thinking about the pain in my head as he said goodbye to Mia and Colby. I wanted to spend some time with the girls but I didn't think I had much energy left in me.

"Cor." Colby said breaking my thoughts. "Sorry." I whispered as he smiled sympathetically at me. "Don't be. I'm gonna set your bath up, okay?" He asked as I smiled sleepily and nodded.

While Colby did that I fed Olivia some of my milkshake as Mia happily drank hers. I couldn't help but feel the biggest sense of happiness as Mia told me all about her week with my dad. Both her and Olivia were always so happy, it warmed my heart every time.

I really missed them.

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