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"Shit!" Colby yelled as he hit the call button and grabbed a random blanket to stop the blood that was flowing from my abdomen. "I saw him, Colby." I said as he shook his head, "stop moving Cor...shit!" He yelled and looked around frantically.

"Colby, stop! I saw him." I said, trying to get his attention. "Cora, please baby. Stop moving." He begged as Olivia started to cry.

"What's going on?!" Meghan yelled as she rushed in. Her eyes widened as she saw Colby desperately trying to stop the bleeding from my abdomen.

"She has a nightmare and accidentally ripped her stitches out." Colby said as Meghan ran over to help him. "Stop! Ow!" I yelled as Meghan pressed down on my incision.

"Cora, you need to relax." She said as she kicked the call button again. "I saw him.." I whispered as I suddenly got very tired. "Stay with me, babe." Colby said as another nurse came in.

"Get packing materials! And a suture kit! Now!" Meghan yelled to the nurse then pushed down harder on my abdomen with the blanket. "I fucked up didn't I?" I mumbled as Colby shook his head. He was focused on helping Meghan keep pressure on the open wound.

"It was an accident baby, you didn't mean to." He said quietly as the nurse from before came back with a bunch of cotton packing and a cart with a plastic box on it. "Okay Colby, we got it from here, get yourself cleaned up." Meghan said as he hesitated to pull his hands from me.

I didn't realize how bad it hurt until I saw how much blood was on Colby's hands. "Holy shit." I mumbled as he looked at me with fear. "I'll be right back, Cor. I'm not leaving you." He said then ran off to the little bathroom that was connected to the room.

I looked up at the ceiling as little black blobs danced around, obscuring my vision. "Cora, hey! Don't pass out!" Meghan barked as her and the other nurse tried to fix the wound.

Either they numbed me or I lost so much blood I couldn't feel anything, because I didn't feel pain anymore.

I just felt like I was about to float away.

I didn't even notice that Colby came back to the side of the bed until I could feel his still wet hand in mine. "C-Colby." I mumbled and looked at him lazily as he smiled reassuringly, "you're okay angel, you're okay." He assured as I nodded.

"We had a son." I mumbled with a fond smile on my face as I remembered the little boy in my dream. It brought me so much comfort that I got to see him.

I had been so broken from the miscarriage even to this day. Something about seeing him though, even if it was just a figment of my imagination, brought me comfort and closure.

He was okay.

"What? Baby we had a daughter..." Colby said with confusion lacing his voice. I noticed she had stopped crying, but I didn't know how or why she stopped.

"He's okay." I mumbled as my vision blurred, "who's okay? Cora you're scaring me." He said as I shook my head. "Explain later, too tired." I said and laid my head back.

"Cora! Stay a-" I heard Colby yell as I drifted to sleep again.

I didn't dream though, instead I just floated along, feeling totally at peace.

I eventually woke up to the sound of a baby crying, but I kept my eyes closed, not wanting to leave the peaceful silence I was just in.

"Cor?" Colby asked the crying died down. "Hmm." I mumbled, still keeping my eyes closed. "Are you okay?" He asked as I nodded slowly. "Are you?" I asked then finally cracked my eyes open so I could see him dancing around the room with Olivia in his arms.

"Now that you're awake I am." He said with a small smile, then sat down next to me. "How long was I out?" I mumbled and brought my hand to my eyes so I could rub the sleep out of them. "Only a couple hours. You lost a lot of blood, but they fixed you up." He said as I nodded.

"I'm sorry.." I said as he shook his head, "don't worry about it. I'm glad you're okay." He said as I nodded. I reached for my water but hissed in pain from reaching too far. "Let me get it. Wanna hold Olivia?" Colby asked as I nodded.

He smiled and stood up, laying her on my chest. As soon as she was settled in I sighed with happiness in my heart.

"So...do you remember anything from before you fell asleep?" Colby asked and brought my straw to my lips. "Yeah, why?" I asked after taking a couple sips of water.

"You were going on about us having a son...what were you talking about?" He asked as I smiled. "I'm gonna sound crazy." I said and shook my head. "Please Cor, it's been bothering me for hours..I won't think you're crazy." He said as I sighed.

"I saw him." I said as he shook his head, "who?" He asked and sat down again as I rubbed Olivia's back gently. "Our son." I said as he shook his head, "Cora. We don't have a son..we have Mia and Olivia. Two daughters." He said as I shook my head.

"The baby we lost, Colby." I said as his face fell, "We didn't know the gender though." He said and shook his head slightly. "I know..." I said and took a deep breath.

"Before I woke up from the surgery. I heard Mia, another little girl's voice, which I would assume was Olivia's, and your voice." I explained as he listened intently.

"You told me that if I needed to go, I could." I said as he sucked in a breath. "Then a big bright light opened up in front of me. It was warm, and I wanted to go to it, but it didn't feel right. I needed to turn away." I said as he clenched his jaw as his eyes watered.

"Before I turned away though this little boy yelled that he loved me. I didnt realize who it was or what was happening, but I woke up." I said as he nodded.

"Then, when I just fell asleep, I dreamed that I was alone in the hospital. I saw him again...he looked just like you." I said fondly as I remembered those beautiful blue eyes, and the big dimples on his cheeks.

"He said he wanted me to know that he loves me..God, I sound crazy don't I?" I asked as he shook his head.

"No. Cora, you came so came so close to death that I think you really saw the light." He said and took my hand, pressing it to his lips.

"I think he knew that I needed closure..it feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders." I said as a single tear slid down my cheek. "That makes me happy, Cor. You deserve that closure." He said and reached over to wipe the tear as I smiled.

"You don't think I'm crazy?" I asked as he laughed. "Maybe a little bit, but it somehow makes me love you even more than I already did, if that's even possible." He said as I shook my head. "I don't think it is, you're pretty whipped." I said and winked at him.

"Yep. But only for you and those two beautiful daughters we have. To everyone else I'm still the emo god." He said with a shrug then pulled his phone out. "Anyways, Jake and Tara want to meet Olivia. They said they would bring food, what do you want?" He asked as I thought about it.

"Hmmm...In N Out. I want it all, burger, fries, shake but NO pickles." I said and fake gagged. "That's my girl." Colby said with a grin as Olivia cooed and looked up at me.

"Good morning sunshine!" I cooed at her and brought my finger to her cheek as she looked around the room with an uncomfortable look on her face. "I think she needs to be changed." I said as Colby typed away on his phone.

As soon as he was done typing he got up and changed her, "we should have saved that for Jake and Tara to do." I said with a laugh as he shook his head, "you know after all the times they have watched Mia I don't think they ever learned how to change a diaper." Colby said as he rocked Olivia to sleep again.

"That doesn't surprise me." I said with a laugh and leaned my head back on the pillow.

A couple minutes later Meghan popped in, "oh hey! You're awake, that's good." She said with a smile as she lifted the blanket and my gown so she could see my wound. "Thanks for saving my life again, Meghan." I said as she giggled, "it's my pleasure. Let's maybe not make it a trend though." She said as I held up my pinky, "deal." I said as she linked hers through mine.

That was a promise I was really hoping I could keep.

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