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Colby's POV

"Colby, calm down." Sam said cautiously as I looked down at my throbbing hand.

"Calm down, Sam?! She been gone for three days with no word from the bastards that wrote this fucking note! How the hell am I supposed to calm down?!" I yelled as Kat started to weep next to him.

"I know this is hard...it's hard for all of us, but you have to try and keep it together." Sam said as I shook my head, "She's dead, Sam. They would have contacted me by now if she was alive. They killed her." I said as Kat cried even harder.

"Don't say that, Colby." She cried out as Sam attempted to comfort her. "I'm sorry, Kat." I breathed out and sat down next to her and Tara.

Everyone had come over the morning after Cora went missing. They have been here since, and I'm sure it's because they thought I would go insane.

Maybe I was.

"We should call the cops." Tara said as I shook my head. "We can't." I said as Cora's dad sniffled, "They'll kill her if they haven't already." He said quietly as we heard little footsteps coming from the master bedroom.

"Come here, princess." I said as she rubbed her eye and came over to me. "Is mommy home yet?" She asked as I kissed her head, "not yet, sweetheart. Want a snack?" I asked as she nodded slowly.

"Come on then." I said and lifted her up with me. We were desperately trying to keep things as normal as possible for Mia and Olivia. It was obviously not easy though since Olivia was fully dependent on Cora for food, and Mia was old enough to remember what she saw.

Mia was being such a trooper though, she was attached to my hip every moment she was awake but she would make sure to make me smile a couple times a day.

"What would you like, we have ants on a log or we can make some chocolate strawberries if you'd like." I said as Corey and Devyn came to the kitchen to help me.

"Hmmm can we have pancakes?" Mia asked as I grinned at her, "we can have pancakes for dinner, what would like for a snack now?" I asked as she shrugged, "chocolate strawberries." She said quietly as I nodded and kissed her head.

"I'll wash the strawberries." Devyn said and smiled at me. "Thanks, Dev." I said as Corey patted my back, "you're doing a great job, man." He said as Mia rested her head on my shoulder. "I'm really trying.." I mumbled as he nodded and helped me melt some chocolate for the strawberries.

I felt like I was going to break down at any moment. If they took her for money why wouldn't they tell me where to bring it? I would give them every dollar I had if it meant I could have Cora back.

I was so scared, thinking about what they were doing to her. I couldn't even imagine how scared she was.

"Colby." Corey said and waved his hand in front of my face. "Sorry." I said then turned towards Devyn so we could keep making Mia's snack.

As soon as we were done I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, meaning I had a text message. When I pulled my phone out it was from a number I didn't have saved.

"Everything okay?" Devyn asked as I nodded, "yeah..okay Mia, sit here and eat your snack, I'll be right back." I said and kissed her head, "Don't go.." she said which broke my heart, "I'm just going to the other room, princess. I'll be right back, I promise." I said as she nodded.

I pulled my phone out and jogged to the living room, "I got a text." I said and watched Cora's dad spring up, "what does it say?" He asked as everyone else stood up.  "I don't know. I didn't want to read it in front of Mia." I said then unlocked my phone.

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