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"I don't want to go." Mia pouted as Colby and I ran around, trying to get things packed up. "I know honey, I don't either." I said and stopped to smooth her curls down real quick before grabbing Olivia so I could feed her.

"Why can't we stay then?" She asked as Colby went to go get the car packed up. "Because I miss Athena, don't you?" I asked as she gasped, "kitty!!!! Let's go home! Has Uncle Jay been feeding her?? I'll punch him." She said as I gasped, "Amelia, we don't punch people." I said as she giggled, "daddy said I can punch Uncle Jay." She said as I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, then I'm gonna punch daddy." I said as she frowned, "No punching!" She exclaimed as I laughed, "exactly." I said and pointed at her as Olivia ate.

Once she was finished, I cleaned her up then went around to make sure we weren't forgetting anything.

"Babe?" Colby called out as I came out of the bathroom. "Let me guess, we're late?" I asked as he chuckled from the other room, "no, I do have to talk to you though." He said as he jogged in.

"What's up?" I asked as he came over and kissed me, holding my face in his hands. "Oh my beautiful wife that I love so so much" he said causing me to squint at him. "What are you up to, Brock?" I asked cautiously as he sighed.

"On a scale of one to ten how mad would you be if I had to go out of town right when we get back?" He asked as I sigh, "Mad. Why?" I asked as he took my hands in his.

"Sam and I have a meeting for the possibility of a Netflix show..like a legit show, Cor." He said as I sighed. "You know I can't be mad at you for that." I said as he frowned slightly. "I won't go if you don't want me to, you know that you're my number 1." He said as I brought my hand to his cheek.

"I know that and I want you to go. How long will you be gone?" I asked and combed my fingers through my hair. "Just two days, I'm not sure how long I would be gone if we got the show though." I said as Mia came in.

"Are we gonna be late?" She asked as I nodded, "yeah, we are. We should go." I said and smiled, caressing his cheek gently before turning towards the door.

"We aren't done talking about this." Colby said as I took Mia's hand and led her out of the room.

Part of me wanted Sam and Colby to get this show because they have worked tirelessly for this for years. I was selfish though, I didn't know if I would mentally be able to handle Colby being away for a long time.

I tried to just forget about it for the time being so I could enjoy the rest of the time on vacation with my little family.

"Okay, honey. Say goodbye to the mini van." Colby said to me as I laughed. "We should definitely get a minivan." I said as I held Olivia close to my chest. "Mini van! Mini van! Mini van!" Mia chanted as we unpacked the car.

"Jake would make fun of us for YEARS." He said as I laughed, "Good, also did you tell our sweet baby Mia that she could punch Jake?" I asked as Colby cringed and reached for his phone.

"Oh my god! My phones conveniently ringing!" He said then put his phone to his ear as Mia giggled loudly, "no it's not!" She squealed as we made our way into the rental car place.

We ended up just donating the car seats we bought to the car rental place, since we weren't about to fly with them.

"Can we get more snacks?" Mia asked as we got to our gate. "You're always talking about food." I said with a laugh as she huffed out a breath, crossing her arms.

"Stop making fun of me, mommy." She said as Colby ruffled her hair, "she's not making fun of you, princess. She's the snack queen, so you learned from the best." He said and took her hand leading her towards the little shop that was next to the gate.

I stayed back with Olivia and rocked her as she slept peacefully. They came back a couple minutes later, just in time for us to board the plane.

The flight went by quickly since we were all pretty tired, but Olivia ended up being really fussy this time around.

"Shhh, I know sweet pea. We're almost home." I whispered as I tried to calm her down. "Here, try this." Colby said and handed me her pacifier. "Thank you," I said and bounced her on my lap as the plane finally landed.

"It's okay sissy, we're home!" Mia said and took Olivia's hand, trying to comfort her. "Thank you Mia." I said then kissed her head as everyone started filing off of the plane.

"That's my girl." I whispered and kissed Olivia's head as she slowly started to calm down. "Want me to take her?" Colby asked as he stood up. "Yes, please." I whispered then handed her off to him.

We got off the plane and got our bags before heading back to the car. "I missed home." Mia said as I held her hand firmly while we walking through the parking lot.

"I did too. Are you excited to see Athena?" I asked as she giggled, "yeah!" She said and jumped up and down as we got to the car.

Olivia has finally calmed down fully, which meant she was sleeping like a rock.

"Ready to go home, baby girl?" Colby asked as I nodded, resting my head on the window. Exhaustion was really hitting me now, since I was so hyper aware at all times while we were on vacation.

It felt good to finally be home, so I could just relax. Being a parent was honestly so backwards, because you were supposed to be able to relax while on vacation but instead you're just stressed out that something will happen to your kids.

"Alright girls, we're home." Colby sang as we pulled into the driveway. "Yayyy!" Mia yelled as I grinned and sleepily looked over at Colby. "Tired, babe?" He asked as I nodded, "little bit." I said but got out of the car anyways.

When we got inside Mia squealed and ran towards Athena who was innocently grooming herself on the couch. "I'll take them to bed, we need to finish our conversation from earlier." Colby said as I sighed, then nodded, taking our stuff to the bedroom.

I didn't want to have to conversation we were about to have, because he would just do what I said. I knew it was out of love, but I just felt like I was always holding him back.

When I got to the bedroom I started sorting through our stuff so I could start washing it. I was about halfway through the first bag when Colby came into the room.

"Both the girls are down for their nap, now let's talk." He said as I sighed and looked up. "I don't know what there is to talk about." I said as he sat down on the floor across from me.

"Would you even be okay with me leaving for a long time again?" He asked as I shrugged. "I don't know, Colby. I don't know. I obviously want you to go because you've been working so fucking hard for this...but I'm scared." I admitted and looked down at the clothes I was sorting as tears filled my eyes.

"I know, Cor. Trust me I know. It scares me too, not that I don't think you can handle being alone with the girls but your attacks have been getting worse." He said as I chewed on my lip.

"That's what I'm worried about. I can't have an attack around the girls. It's not an option." I said and wiped my cheeks. "I know, we haven't even gotten the show though. We might be freaking out over nothing." He said as I chuckled.

"You're dumb if you think you aren't getting that show." I said as he chuckled. "I don't know, Cor. Netflix is huge." He said with a nervousness I wasn't expecting.

"Yeah, it is. You and Sam are ready for it though. Your fans would LOVE a Netflix show. Now when is the meeting?" I asked as he pulled his phone out to check, "Monday, but it's in New York." He said as I frowned.

"How long would you be gone again?" I asked as he took my hand, massaging it gently. "Only a day or two. It would be a quick trip." He said as I nodded. "It'll be a good trial run to see how my attacks are when you're away." I said as he grinned at me.

"I really fucking love you." He said as I chuckled. "I really fucking love you, too." I said and scrunched my nose at him.

"So, you're saying I should go for it?" He asked as I nodded.

"Go get that Netflix show."

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