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Today was Halloween.

Which unfortunately meant it was also my birthday.

Since Mia was older now and knew what Halloween was we kinda let my birthday be brushed under the rug. Colby tried to make it special every year but I would rather have the day be centered around Halloween for Mia.

"Happy birthday baby." Colby whispered as I opened my eyes. "I don't want to do this today." I mumbled as he leaned in and kissed me. "Do what?" He asked and brushed my hair behind my ear. "This." I said and pointed down to my massive belly. It seemed like I was getting bigger by the day and I still three more weeks before I was technically due.

"It will be fun, Sam said we can come over whenever. They made you pancakes." He said and kissed my head as I rolled over to attempt getting out of bed.

"MOMMMMMMYYYYYYY! Happy birthday!! How old are you again? 45?" She asked innocently as I nodded, "yeah. 45." I said as Colby laughed, "Cora Elizabeth stop it, she's 28 honey." He said as he went around the bed to help me get up.

"You're cranky." Mia said as I slowly shuffled to the bathroom, "mhm," I mumbled then closed the door.

She was right. I was cranky, but it's because the mornings were ten times harder now. I was just exhausted.

After I got ready I opened the door again to see Colby and Mia smiling at me. "Turn that frown upside down!" Colby said as I raised my brows.

"Let's just go." I said and waddled out of the room, "daddy can I wear my costume?" Mia asked as I got a glass of water. "Yeah, honey. It is Halloween after all." He said as I looked up and smiled softly at her as she cheered. I couldn't wait to get the obligatory birthday breakfast out of the way so I could focus on Halloween with Mia.

"I want mommy to help me put it on!" She said as Colby shrugged, "you up for it?" He asked as Athena wove her way through my legs. "Yeah, but can you feed the cat? I quite literally can't bend over." I said and held my hand down as far as it would go so she could jump up on her hind legs to headbutt my hand.

"Of course I can, go get the princess ready." Colby said softly then put Mia down. "Okay honey...let's go." I said and took her hand then slowly started walking up the stairs. "Come on mommy, you got this." Mia encouraged as I laughed, "mommy just has a bowling ball taped to her belly right now." I said as she giggled, "that's not a bowling ball! It's baby brother or sister!" She said as we finally made it to the top of the stairs.

"Can I talk to you about baby brother or sister really quick?" I asked as we walked to her bedroom. "Yeah!" She said then jumped on the bed excitedly. "Baby brother or sister is going to take up a lot of mommy and daddy's time, you know that right?" I asked and grabbed the little rapunzel dress so I could put it on her.

"Yep!" She said and nodded once. "Well..I just want to make sure you know that no matter how much time we spend with the baby it doesn't take away the amount of love we have for you..you understand?" I asked as she nodded, "yeah! I want to share with baby brother or sister. That's what big sisters do!" Mia said which caused my heart to swell.

"You're going to be the best big sister, you know that?" I asked as I pulled the dress on her. "I hope so! I can't wait!" She said and bounced up and down. 

"Me neither...but between just us what are you hoping for? A baby brother or a baby sister?" I whispered as she giggled, "baby sister." She whispered as I smiled, "that way we can play dolls together." She said with the most innocent smile which made my heart soar.

I braided Mia's hair then took her down stairs again so we could go to the traphouse. "You look beautiful!" Colby said as Mia skipped down the stairs. "Thank you daddy! I'm Rapunzel!" She yelled and ran around the room. "Alright Rapunzel, get in the car." Colby said with a laugh as he opened the front door for her.

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