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"Mommy, what's your favorite color?" Mia asked as she smeared the paint onto her canvas with her fingers. "Hm yellow, what about you?" I asked as she smiled at me, "hmmmm green!" She decided as I got up to get a wet towel to wipe her hands off with.

"Green! Since when?" I asked and put my hands on my hips as she giggled, "just now, silly mommy!" She said as I shook my head. "You're right. I am silly for not knowing that your favorite color changes every day." I said and scrunched my nose at her.

"My favorite color is.....orange!" She said with a laugh as I shook my head, "orange?! What happened to green?!" I asked as she laughed loudly, "pink!" She yelled as I wiped her hands off, "you're silly, Mia." I said as Athena wove through my legs.

"I think it's time to feed Athena, wanna help?" I asked as she giggled. "Yeah!!" She screamed as I finished cleaning her up.

Once she was cleaned up I pulled her down so she could help me feed the cat. "Okay. Can you grab her bowl?" I asked and pointed to where it was. "Okay mommy!" She yelled then went to go grab the bowl for me. When she handed it back to me I felt a slight pressure in my belly, causing me to pause.

"Here you go mommy!" Mia said and handed me the bowl as I tried to control my hands from shaking. "T-thank you baby." I whispered and took it from her as the pressure subsided.

I was okay.

It was just a cramp.

"Okay, let's feed Athena." I breathed out and took her hand so I could lead her to the food. "Can you put one scoop in the bowl for me?" I asked and pointed to the container of dry food. "Just one?" She asked and looked up at me with her big blue eyes. "Yep! Just one!" I said as the pressure filled my stomach again.

Something was wrong.

"Okayyyy!" She sang out then put the scoop of food in the bowl as I tried to keep myself calm in front of her. "Perfect! Good job baby." I said then set the bowl down.

Athena meowed then started to eat as Mia sat down next to the bowl to watch her, "okay honey, mommy has to take care of something really quick. You just stay here and watch Athena." I said as she nodded, "okay mommy!" She said and watched Athena as she slowly pet the cat.

I clenched my jaw, forcing the tears to stay at bay so I wouldn't lose it in front of Mia, but I was really scared. I grabbed my phone and went into the bedroom so I could call Colby.

As soon as the door closed I let out a shaky breath and shakily dialed his number as I slid down the wall. Luckily he answered after a couple rings. "What's up, Cor?" He asked as I silently cried, "something's wrong with the baby." I whispered through my silent sobs. "Woah, okay tell me what's going on." He said calmly as the slight pressure returned to my belly.

"Pressure..there's pressure in my abdomen. Please help me..I can't do this again." I whispered, "it's okay, calm down baby, panicking is only going to make it worse, Sam is calling Kat. She's gonna come pick you up, we will meet you at the hospital." Colby said as I heard movement from the other end.

"What about Mia?" I asked in a panic as I rubbed my belly anxiously. "Don't worry about a thing, Cor. I'm gonna take care of everything. Just keep yourself calm baby girl, do you want me to stay on the phone with you until Kat gets there?" He asked as the pressure came back.

"Yes please." I whispered as I heard Mia coming down the hallway. I quickly pulled myself together, wiping my face as Mia knocked on the door, "are you okay mommy?" She asked quietly. "I'm okay baby, just give me one more minute, is Athena done?" I asked trying to keep my voice level.

"Yeah, can we watch princess movies?" She asked as I sniffled, "ummm...yeah..go ahead and sit on the couch, I'll join you in a minute." I said as Colby started talking to Sam on the other end.

"Okay mommy! Love you!!" She yelled then ran off. "You're doing so good, Cor. I'm so proud of you." Colby said as I tried to stand again. "I'm so scared,
Colby." I whispered as he sucked in a breath, "I know honey, I know. Kat's almost there." He cooed as someone knocked on the door.

"Hey, it's me." Kat said as she quietly opened the door. "Kat, the baby." I wimpered and hugged her, "shhh it's okay, I'm sure everything is okay. Does it hurt?" She asked as she assessed my body. "Not really, just some pressure...what if I'm going into labor?" I asked as my hand flew to my chest.

"Cor?" Colby's voice broke through my panicked thoughts. "Sorry. Kat's here." I said as we walked to the living room. Devyn and Corey were on the couch watching a movie with Mia. Her eyes were glued to the screen as her mouth hung open slightly. "Okay, we will meet you at the hospital, Claire knows your coming, just keep calm. I love you." He said as I nodded, rubbing my belly anxiously. "I love you too, please hurry." I said then hung up.

"Mia, mommy has to go to the doctors really quick, will you be okay with Coco and Dede watching movies with you?" I asked and crouched down, ignoring the pressure in my abdomen.

"Yeah. Will you be home to tuck me in?" She asked as I smiled softly, "I'm not sure, but I left some mommy kisses in the drawer next to your bed. Coco and Dede know where they are." I said as she nodded, "okay. I love you mommy." She said as I kissed her cheek, "I love you too, Mia." I said then stood up.

"Thank you for watching her, I...I hope this isn't a long visit." I breathed out, feeling the anxiety start to boil again. "Don't worry about it Cor, just keep us updated." Corey said as Kat linked her arm through mine so we could go to the car.

As soon as the door closed and I knew Mia couldn't hear me I started to sob. "I can't do this again, Kat!" I sobbed out as she hugged me, "shhhh it's okay Cor, we don't even know what's happening, just try to relax." She said gently as she rubbed my back.

I cried into her shoulder for a minute  before we finally got in the car to go to the hospital. I had a small ounce of hope that everything was okay because it didn't necessarily hurt, there was just a lot of pressure.

We sped to the hospital and went inside to be met by a nurse. "Hey Cora, come this way, do you need a wheelchair?" She asked as I shook my head, "no...I think I can walk." I said as she nodded, "that's a good sign then." She said with a smile.

We were led through the halls until we got to the room we would be in. "Go head and put a gown on, Claire's on her way." The nurse said and handed me a gown. "Okay...when Colby comes will you send him in?" I asked quietly as she nodded. "Of course." She said then left.

"I'm scared, Kat." I whispered as I put the gown on. "I know, I'm sure everything is okay though." She soothed as she smoothed my hair back from my forehead.

We waited a couple minutes before Colby came rushing in, "Cora." He breathed out and came to my side, pulling me in for a hug. "I can't do this again." I whispered against his shoulder as I started to cry, "it's okay, I'm right here..I'm right here." He soothed and kissed my head as he scratched my back comfortingly.

"Are you in pain?" He asked as I shook my head, "not really...it's just pressure..why is there pressure?" I asked with tears in my eyes as he shook his head, "I don't know, but I do know we are going to be okay." He said and wiped my tears with his thumb.

Claire came in a couple minutes later and frowned at me slightly, "what's going on?" She asked as Colby sat next to me and held my hand tightly.

"Mia and I were feeding the cat and all the sudden I felt this pressure in my abdomen..they happen every few minutes." I sniffled as she nodded,

"Okay...let's take a look."

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