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Colby's face lit up as soon as those words left my mouth.

"Really?!" He asked excitedly as I nodded, "yes! Now get up we have to call Claire and I have to shower again and we have to call everyone because it's TIME." I said as he sat up, then helped me up.

"Okay, you shower, I'll call everyone. Are you okay? We need to time the contractions." Colby said as I grinned, "I'm so happy." I whispered as he leaned in and kissed me. "I am too." He whispered back as my first contraction came.

It was a dull pain that I knew all too well. I took a second to be grateful that they weren't super painful yet.

After it passed, I grabbed Colby's phone and started a timer, then started walking to the bathroom to get in the shower.

"You're doing so great already, babe." Colby encouraged as the second contraction came on. This one was a little more painful, but was still manageable. "How far apart?" I asked as we continued our journey to the shower. "9 minutes apart. 45 seconds long." He said as I nodded.

The heat of the shower relaxed my muscles as the fear started to bubble up inside of me. I had wanted this to happen so badly but now that it was here, I was horrified.

"You okay baby?" Colby asked as he came into the bathroom with fresh clothes for me. "I'm scared." I admitted as I turned the water off. "Oh honey...it's gonna be okay. I'm right here by your side." He said and opened the door so he could help me get out of the shower safely. "Thank you." I whispered as my face scrunched with the third contraction.

"Hmmm that was like 15 minutes from the last one." Colby said with a sigh as I shook my head, "this is going to take so long." I grumbled as he helped me dry off. "Cora Elizabeth I need you to have more confidence in yourself right now. You were such a trooper when you gave birth to Mia, and you'll be a trooper again for little Joey or Olivia. You can do this." He encouraged as he held my arms with both hands.

I nodded and closed my eyes for a second, trying to compose myself. "Did you call Claire? And everyone else?" I asked as he helped me step into my sweatpants, "yes, Claire said to come in when the contractions become a little more consistent. She said it would be more comfortable for you here than there." He said and helped me get dressed.

"Ugh!! That could take hours!" I whined as he chuckled and kissed my forehead, "I know, but you're so strong, baby. We are just gonna watch some movies, we can walk around a little bit..maybe finish what we were starting?" He suggested as I clenched my jaw.

"You're fucking insane if you think I want to have sex with you right now." I said as he grinned, "I'm kidding, we couldn't even if we wanted to because your water broke and it would cause an infection." He said with a tone that pissed me off.

"Walk away from me." I said as he laughed, "I'm sorry, Cor. That's not gonna happen." He said then led me to the bedroom.

"Owww." I hissed as another contraction came, this one a little stronger. "You're doing great baby, I'm so proud of you." Colby said as I gripped onto his hand tightly.

"Okay that was only 11 minutes. Maybe this will go faster than you think." He said once it passed then helped me climb into bed. "I want Mia." I whimpered, wishing she was here to give me cuddles.

"We can call her if you want, she's not in bed yet." Colby suggested as he laid down next to me and pulled me into him. "Okay." I whispered as he grabbed my phone for me.

"Hey, squirt. How's it going?" Dad answered as another contraction hit, causing me to pause and breathe out. "Contraction?" He asked after a second, "yeah...sorry. I can't go to the hospital yet, so I'm a little miserable..can you put Mia on?" I asked as tears started pouring down my cheeks.

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