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I rolled out of bed and stretched as Colby chuckled, "what?" I asked and turned to face him, "I bruised you." He said as I gasped, "you did not!" I said and looked at the sides of my hips.

There were five finger sized bruises on my skin causing me to laugh, "damn. It was worth it." I said as I pulled a sweatshirt over my head. "I'm honestly surprised we didn't wake Olivia up." Colby said as he got out of the bed. "Yeah...we should probably check on her." I said and rolled the stocking down so I could put them back in the drawer again.

"You go ahead and check on her, I'm gonna make you an appointment with a psychologist. You're sure you want to do this?" He asked as I nodded, "yeah..I feel okay right now but I don't want to get to the point of no return again." I admitted as I pulled a pair of Colby's sweatpants on.

"I understand. Okay, I'll take care of it." He said and smiled reassuringly at me as he reached for his phone. "Thanks babe." I said then smiled and walked out of the room.

When I got to the nursery, Olivia was still fast asleep which I was grateful for since we were definitely being loud. I walked to her crib and admired how adorable she was.

I knew I wasn't the most mentally stable but I knew that I was grateful for my family. I would genuinely do anything for them.

They were my entire world.

I admired her for just another minute before turning and going back to the bedroom.

"Yeah...as soon as possible would be good...okay...that would be perfect. Thank you so much." Colby said as I slid into the bed with him. "What's the verdict?" I asked as he pulled me into his chest.

"You have an appointment for tomorrow. We can go pick Mia up then go to the appointment or we can just leave her at the traphouse and bring Olivia only." He said as I traced my finger along his rose tattoo.

"I'd rather not have Mia around me when I'm at the crazy person doctor." I said as Colby breathed a laugh. "You're not a crazy person. There's nothing wrong with getting help in order to heal." He said and kissed my head.

"I guess..I don't know. I wish I could just be happy and normal ya know?" I said with a sigh. "You'll get there. We're gonna get you through this, sweetheart. I'm right here with you." He said and ran his fingers through my hair.

"Thank you. I love you." I said and smiled up at him. "I love you, too." He said then kissed my lips, sending butterflies through my heart.

We laid in bed for a while before we decided to get up and make some dinner. It always felt good getting to have alone time with Colby.

We spent the rest of the night just hanging out and eating dinner. We ended the night by cuddling and falling asleep in eachothers arms.

When I woke up I groaned against the sunlight, knowing I would have to face my feelings today.

"Good morning baby girl." Colby said as I sat up, rubbing my face. "Good morning. What time is my appointment?" I asked and stood up to stretch. "11, so we should leave soon." I said as Olivia started crying.

"I'll get her, you get ready." Colby said then jogged up to me so he could kiss my cheek. "Okay." I whispered as he ran out of the room. I chuckled then turned to get ready.

I got myself ready to go then met Colby in the kitchen as he fed Olivia a bottle. "Good morning sweet pea!" I exclaimed as she giggled in Colby's arms, hiding her face in his neck as I tickled her toes.

"You feed her, I'll get ready then we can go." Colby said as he handed me the bottle, then passed Olivia off to me. "Okay, let's eat some breakfast huh?" I asked Olivia as I brought the bottle to her mouth.

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