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A week had passed.

Sam and Kat were still trying to get on the rhythm of having a newborn which meant that Colby and I were also still trying to get in the rhythm of a newborn.

"Hey Kat." I groaned into the phone. "I'm sorry it's so late I just don't know what I'm doing wrong." She cried into the phone. "You changed him, fed him, burped him?" I asked and sat up, rubbing my eyes.

"Oh! I forgot to burp him, shit." Kat said then I heard movement, "I'm so sorry, Cor." She said as I frowned. "It's okay, Kat. I know how hard it is. You're doing a great job." I encouraged as Olivia started crying.

"I have to go, my own little human is crying. Are you gonna be okay?" I asked as I got out of bed. "I'll be okay, you're the best. I owe you lunch and dinner and coffee...and dessert." She said as I walked to the nursery. "Shut up, you don't owe me anything. Now finish burping Josh then get some sleep. Remember, when he sleeps, you sleep. I love you." I said as she sighed.

"Love you too, Cor." She said then hung up. I sighed then made my way to Olivia. She was teething pretty badly right now so she wouldn't sleep through the night.

"Shhh, hi sweet pea, are you hurting?" I asked as she cried up at me. "Yeah, I know..I know." I said and grabbed one of her teething toys. I handed it to her and let her bring it to her mouth by herself.

"All better?" I asked and sat in the rocking chair, holding her close as she stopped crying. "That's my girl, shhh." I whispered as Colby came into the room.

"Hey." I said quietly as he let out a small sigh of relief. "Hey, is she hurting?" Colby asked as I nodded, "yeah, but I think she's gonna be okay." I said and brushed her hair back with my fingers.

"She's strong like her mom." He said as I grinned, "and her dad." I finished as he came up and kissed my head. Olivia looked up at us as she chewed on the teething toy.

"She's so fucking cute." I said and brushed the residual tears from her cheek. "She really is. I wish we could freeze time though." Colby said as he ran his fingers through Olivia's hair.

"I do, too. Before we know it both of the girls will be the ones getting married and having kids." I said as my heart dropped a little bit.

Time was going too fast, Mia was about to be 7 years old, which was insane to me. I couldn't believe that our smiling little girl was already almost halfway through her childhood. I frowned up at Colby as he caressed my cheek with his thumb.

"We still have some time, we just need to live in the moment and enjoy our time with them while they are little." Colby said as I nodded. "You're right." I said as I heard my phone ringing in the other room.

"Kat's calling again." I said with a sigh as Colby chuckled, "do you think we were this nervous with Mia?" He asked as I stood up to go get my phone. "I remember crying in the shower multiple times, yes." I said with a laugh as Olivia fussed in my arms.

"Hey, Kat." I said into the phone as she cried, "can you please come over?" She begged as I frowned. "What's going on?" I asked as she cried, "nothing is working. Nothing. I'm so bad at this." She said as I looked up at Colby, "you're doing great. I'll be over in a couple minutes." I said and looked at the time. It was already 3:45am.

"Thank you, Cora. I'm so sorry." She said as I shook my head, "don't apologize. I'll be over soon." I said as Colby took Olivia from me. "Thank you." She said and sniffled as I hung up.

"I guess I'm going to the traphouse." I said as Olivia settled into Colby's arms. "You're a great friend, you know that?" Colby asked as I pulled on some sweatpants, "they've been there for me through everything. It's the least I could do." I said with a small smile as I grabbed my keys.

"Text me when you get there so I know you made it there safely." Colby said as I nodded, "love you." I said then leaned down and kissed him, "love you, too. Go be a super mom." He said as I balled my fists up and put them on my hips, and puffed my chest out like a superhero.

I heard Colby laugh as I ran out of the room as if I was flying. I might have been delirious from the lack of sleep, or I was just a huge loser, I'm not sure.

When I got to the traphouse I texted Colby and made my way inside. I heard Josh crying upstairs so I went in that direction.

"Oh thank god." Sam said as Kat looked at me with exhaustion in her features. "Help." She said as I nodded, "come here, little boy." I said and bobbed him up and down as he screamed. "Okay, so you've rocked him, fed him, burped him, and changed him?" I asked as Sam laid on the ground.

"Yes, all of the above. He won't stop crying." Kat said as I frowned. I could tell she was feeling helpless and was starting to unwravel. "It's okay, Kat." I said gently then looked at the screaming baby in my arms.

"I wish I could understand you." I mumbled and wiped his tears away. "I know you changed him, but maybe he's having some sort of reaction to the baby powder or something." I said and laid him on the changing table.

Sure enough there were little red spots on his legs that looked like he was irritated by them. "He may have very sensitive skin, I know Olivia had this problem, too." I explained and grabbed a baby wipe so I could wipe any residual powder off of him.

As soon as I wiped them off I looked over at Kat, "can you grab a wet towel?" I asked as she nodded and left the room.

Josh was still screaming but I could tell that this is what was bothering him because his cries died down ever so slightly.

When Kat came back I stepped away from Josh, "okay, now gently pat the cloth onto these irritated spots." I said as she nodded and did what I said.

As soon as she started doing that Josh stopped crying. "Oh my god. You're an angel sent from above." Sam breathed out as Kat smiled widely at me. "How did you know?" She asked as I shrugged.

"Olivia had the same problem. She has to use sensitive baby powder." I said as Sam tackled me with a hug. "You're moving back in." He said as I laughed, "I don't think Colby would like that very much." I said as Kat attempted to get Josh's diaper back on.

"Shit!" She hissed as Josh started peeing everywhere. "Yep, never had to deal with that." I said with a laugh as she burst into laughter.

Sam joined in and laughed with us as he came over to help Kat. I think they were starting to get delirious because they were both crying from laughter as they got Josh a fresh diaper.

"I think you guys should get some rest maybe." I said as Josh started crying again. "Why now?" Kat exclaimed and pulled him into her arms.

"He wants to be swaddled." I said as she looked at me quizzically, "how-" she started as I shook my head, "just trust me." I said and grabbed a swaddling blanket.

"Are you sure you're not some sort of alien?" Sam asked as Kat started swaddling Josh. "I'm 100% sure I'm an alien, now you two, go to bed. I'll stay here and watch him." I said as they both frowned at me.

"You don't have to do that." Sam said as I nodded, "yes I do, you guys have helped me through both of my kids, and through all of the bullshit in my life. I can stay and watch him. It's no biggie." I said and took Josh from Kat.

"I love you." Kat said and hugged me. "I love you too, now get some rest." I said then hugged Sam. They both looked exhausted as they trudged out of the room.

I sat in the rocking chair with Josh as I looked around the room. This was the same room we had Mia's nursery in. It brought a lot of memories being in this room with a newborn.

I ended up falling asleep on the floor of the nursery, being woken up every hour by Josh crying.

I didn't miss this part of having a new born.

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