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Colby's POV

It was killing me seeing Cora so terrified. I had seen her scared plenty of times since knowing her but this one took the cake.

She was petrified.

When we got back to the traphouse everyone got out of the car except for Cora and I. She was still trembling into my side as I held her tightly, trying to bring her a sense of comfort.

"I shouldn't be around the girls." Cora mumbled as I smoothed her hair down gently. "They're asleep, sweetheart. If you want to just wait in the car I'll go get them." I said as she nodded, "okay." She whispered then sat up straight so we could get out of the car.

I opened the car door and got out, before turning to help her get out of the car and settled into our car.

As soon as she was in and comfortable I closed the door and ran inside. "Colby, what happened?" Kat asked as I walked into the living room. "I don't know, Kat." I said and started to quickly gather the girls' stuff.

"I need more information. She sounded horrified on the phone." She asked and helped me collect everything.

"We were doing an EVP session, one second she was there, then the next she was gone. It was almost as if she blew away in thin air." I said and shivered, feeling the fear rise up in my belly. Not knowing where she was may have been the scariest moment of my life.

"We looked everywhere for her. Every single room." I said and chewed on my lip, "then like an hour later she was screaming in the master bathroom...I have no idea what she saw. I just know that she's absolutely terrified." I said as Tara frowned.

"Wait, when you looked around did you look in the master bathroom?" She asked as I nodded. "We searched every inch of the house." I said and grabbed Olivia from Kat. "Where is she now?" Kevin asked as he and Meghan stood up from the couch.

"She's in the car, I have to hurry so I can get back to her." I said and grabbed Olivia's stuff. "You go get Mia, we will sit with Cora." Kevin said as he clapped his hand on my back. "Thanks man." I said as he smiled sympathetically and took Olivia from me so he could bring her to the car.

"Where's Cassie and Reg?" I asked Devyn as Jake and Sam reunited with Kat and Tara. "They went home a little while ago." She said and helped me collect Mia's things.

"So..do you think she's going to be okay?" Kat asked worriedly as she and Sam came into the room where Mia was sleeping, "I know she will be. It just might take some time." I whispered then pulled Mia out of the bed.

"Daddy?" Mia mumbled sleepily as I cradled her to my chest, "shhh, go to sleep sweetie. We're going home." I whispered and kissed her head as Sam grabbed her bag for me. "Is mommy okay?" She asked which broke my heart, it's almost like she knew something happened to her.

"She's okay, princess." I whispered as we went down the stairs. When we got outside I could hear Cora sobbing loudly causing me to cover Mia's ears and look at Sam helplessly.

"Put her in my car." Sam said quickly then opened his door for me so I could put Mia in. "I'll follow you home, just make sure she's okay." Sam said as he and Kat got in the car with Mia.

The closer I got to Cora the more my heart broke as her sobs rang through the quiet night air. "Shhh, it's okay, Cor." Meghan cooed as she held Cora in her arms as Kevin bounced Olivia, trying to keep her calm.

"What's going on?" I asked and ran towards Cora as Meghan turned her head to look at me, "when we came out here she was mumbling about something and holding her ears, then she just started screaming about not wanting to jump." Meghan explained as my heart dropped.

"I couldn't help them." Cora sobbed out at she looked up at me with a broken expression. "Hey, come here." I mumbled as Meghan moved out of the way so I could take Cora into my arms. "Breathe with me baby, you're okay now." I whispered as she hid her face in my chest, sobbing uncontrollably.

I felt her take a deep breath in as she trembled into me, "that's my girl, that's good." I cooed as I rubbed her back gently. We sat there for a while, just slowly calming her down but she eventually got through it and looked at me with glassy eyes.

"I need help, Colby." She said as I nodded, "I know, I'm gonna help you, Cor. Don't worry, I'm gonna help you." I promised then kissed her forehead.

"Thank you for everything." I said as I slowly closed Cora's door and turned to all of our friends. "We're here for you guys." Devyn said as Kevin put Olivia in her car seat again.

I was worried about Cora having another attack so I was still going to have Sam follow me home with Mia in his car.

After saying goodbye to everyone I hopped in the car and took Cora's hand. It broke my heart that she was still trembling.

I needed to know what happened to her.

"I'm sorry." Cora whispered as we drove down the road. "Don't apologize, baby girl." I said and squeezed her hand gently as we pulled into the driveway.

Once I parked I got out and went to grab Olivia as Sam pulled in behind me. "Why is Sam here?" Cora asked as she got out of the car. I noticed she was chewing on the sleeve of her sweatshirt, which she only did when she was really scared or nervous.

"He brought Mia home for us, Kat's here too." I said as I grabbed the girls' bag and rocked Olivia with one arm. "Oh." She said then walked with me inside as Sam pulled Mia out of the car.

When we got inside, Cora shuffled to the bedroom as I brought Olivia to the nursery. "I love you." I said and kissed her head before laying her in the crib.

"Is she okay?" Kat asked worriedly again as she pointed to the bedroom where Cora was. "I don't think so...she will get there but right now she's not okay." I said as Sam came in with Mia.

"Thanks for everything, you guys are really the best." I said and took Mia into my arms. "Keep us updated, okay?" Sam asked as I nodded, "I will. Love you guys." I said then kissed Mia's head and turned to go upstairs.

When I laid her in the bed she fussed a little, "Goodnight, princess. I love you." I whispered and kissed her head as her face relaxed.

When I got back downstairs I went towards the bedroom but decided to make Cora some tea first. I knew there was no way she was sleeping tonight but I had to at least try to get her to relax a little bit.

After I made the tea I poured a glass of water for her then made my way into the bedroom. She was sitting on the bed, with her legs tucked into her chest as she chewed on the sleeve of her hoodie, staring straight in front of her.

"I made you some tea, Cor." I said as she looked up at me, "thank you." She whispered as I sat beside her, carefully handing her the hot cup of liquid.

"Please tell me what happened." I whispered after a minute. "I can't right now, Colby...I just can't." She whispered and took in a shaky breath. "You can't bottle it in, I'm not going to let you. I understand if you can't talk about it right now, but you have to tell me eventually." I said as she nodded, "I'll tell you when I'm ready." She said and held up her shaking pinky so I could link mine through hers.

We sat there quietly for a while as she sipped on her tea, "can I take a bath?" She asked as I nodded, "of course you can, you don't need permission." I said then stood up to go get it ready for her.

"Will you sit with me?" She asked as she followed me into the bathroom. "Of course I will." I said and sat on the edge of the tub and patted my leg so she would come sit down.

"I'm sorry you married a crazy person." She whispered as I chuckled, "you're not crazy, Cor. Something happened to you." I said as she nodded, "it was scary." She said and leaned her head on my shoulder. I think she was starting to feel a little better because she wasn't trembling as much.

"I know, but we are going to get you through it. I promise." I said and kissed her head as she let out a sigh.

"I hope you're right." She replied quietly with doubt in her voice. I could she was nervous that she would never get through this but I knew with all my heart she would.

I knew she would bounce back again.

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