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"You okay?" Colby asked as he walked into the room. "What? Oh..yeah. I'm just being a sad mom." I said with a sigh and put the box back on it's shelf. "You're sad she's growing up?" He asked as I bit my lip. "Yeah." I mumbled causing him to chuckle and pull me in for a hug.

"You're so cute." He said with a laugh then kissed my head. "I just can't believe how old they are getting. Our little Livvy is gonna be one in a couple weeks.." said as he rested his cheek on my head.

"I know. I can't believe how fast this year went." He said then let go of me so we could go get dinner started. "It's crazy. I can't wait for it to be over though. I need a fresh start." I said with a sigh as we walked to the kitchen.

"Have I mentioned lately that I'm proud of you?" Colby said causing me to laugh. "All the time." I said then started pulling ingredients out to make tacos. "Well I'm telling you again. I'm super proud of my super sexy and amazing wife." He said then turned me around and kissed me.

"You're such a loser." I mumbled against his lips as he pulled my hips into him. "Yep." He said as Mia screamed upstairs causing us to both flinch.

Colby let go of me then raced towards the stairs with me following closely behind. When we got upstairs Mia was sitting on her bed, hugging the ten dollar bill with a big smile.

Colby and I both let out sighs of relief when we saw she was okay. "The tooth fairy came!" She yelled excitedly as I put my hand on my chest, trying to calm my racing heart.

"You can't scream like that, honey. You scared us." Colby said and walked over to the bed so he could smooth her curls down.

"Sorry." Mia said with a frown as Colby placed a kiss on her head. "It's okay, princess. You were just excited." He said then grabbed the money from her.

"Wow, you can get a lot of candy with this money." He said as she hopped off the bed. "Can we go get some?!" She asked excitedly and looked at me. "Maybe after dinner. Then we can stop at the party store and get stuff for sissy's birthday." I said as we made our way back downstairs.

"Okay!!" Mia yelled excitedly as we made our way back to the kitchen. "Wanna help me?" I asked Mia as Colby lifted her onto the counter. "Yeah!" She said and clapped her hands together.

"Okay..uhh how about you grate some cheese, daddy will help you." I said then slid the cheese grater, cutting board, and cheese over to her.

"That's a big girl task!" She exclaimed as Colby got it all set up for her. "Well you're getting close to being a big girl." I said and winked at her as Olivia cried in the nursery.

"I'll be right back." I said then went to the nursery to get Olivia. When I got in there Olivia was standing up, rubbing her eye as she cried.

"Aw, what's wrong sweet pea?" I asked and pulled her out. "Mama." She wimpered as I held her on my hip. "Hi, honey. We're making dinner did you wanna help?" I asked as she looked at me blankly.

"No?" I asked as she smiled. "Yes?" I asked causing her to giggle. "That's what I thought." I said then kissed her cheek, blowing air out to make a funny noise.

Olivia burst into a fit of giggles as I started walking towards the kitchen again.

"What's so funny?" Colby asked with a smile as he helped Mia grate the cheese. "Mommy's just being silly, right Livvy?" I asked and looked at her. She was just smiling at me with so much love I thought my heart was going to explode.

"Right." I answered for her then walked over to the stove so I could cook. I held Olivia on my hip as I made the taco meat and heated up the shells.

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