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I woke up to the sun shining into the room as Colby slept soundly next to me. I looked up at his relaxed features, reveling in this moment of peace.

We were going skiing today and I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous. I didn't have the best track record when it came to injuries, but I was up for the challenge.

I decided I was going to get ready for the day while Colby slept. He mumbled something in his sleep as I slowly rolled out of the bed, causing his arms to flop onto the empty spot where I was just laying.

I made my way to the closet so I could pick out my outfit for the day. As I sifted through my clothes I decided to call Kat,

"Hey girl, how's your trip?" Kat asked as I giggled, "amazing so far." I said and pulled out a yellow sweater from my bag, "that's good..." she said as her voice trailed off, "what?" I asked and squinted my eyes, knowing she was hiding something. "Hold on." She said then covered the speaker with her hand as she started talking to someone with a hushed tone.

She was hiding something.

"Okay, I'm back." She said as I huffed out a breath, "what are you hiding Katrina?" I asked as she laughed, "nothing! Don't worry about it." She said as I put the phone on speaker and closed the door so I wouldn't wake Colby.

"I'm worrying about it...wait did you have your baby or something? You're not due for an-" I started but was cut off by her laughter as I got dressed in the sweater I picked out and some leggings with some knit socks that would go over the boots Kat packed for me.

"No, I'm still pregnant. We have the results for the gender reveal, and we need your help with it." Kat said as I grinned, "I'm so excited for you, Kat." I said and rubbed my chest where my heart felt warm.

"I can't believe in a few months we will have our own little mini Sam or Kat." She said longingly as I laughed and braided my hair.

"I hope your kid is ready to be attached to Olivia's hip. They have to be best friends, it's like a right of passage." I said as she laughed, "yes, you and I are best friends, Sam and Colby are best friends, Olivia and baby Golbach will be best friends." She said as I nodded.

"Do you have any baby names picked out?" I asked and sat down to do my makeup. "We were thinking, Lydia for a girl, and Joshua for a boy." She said as I gushed at those names, "those are adorable. I can't wait to meet him or her." I said as Colby came in rubbing his eyes.

"I can't wait either, it's going to be so crazy having a kid, you'll be there for the birth right?" She asked as Colby came up to kiss my head. "Of course I'll be there, but listen I have to go, Colby's awake now." I said as she giggled, "oooo what are you love birds doing today?" She asked as Colby started getting dressed.

"We are going skiing." I said as she laughed louder, "you're gonna break something!" She exclaimed as I shook my head, "yeah I know...okay bye!" I said then hung up.

"Good morning..or I guess afternoon." I said and kissed Colby's cheek, "good afternoon, you ready to skii?" He asked as I shook my head, "yes, but no." I said as he chuckled, "I'm not gonna let you get hurt. It's gonna be fun." He said as I nodded, "I'll hold you to that, Brock." I said then grabbed my shoes and jacket.

We got ready and ate some breakfast which consisted of the snacks we bought last night. It wasn't the healthiest thing in the world but we wanted to just be on the slopes already.

When we went outside the sun was shining on the fresh coat of snow, making it twinkle like a million diamonds.

"God, this place only seems to get more beautiful." I said as we got in the car. "Yeah, when my parents came here my mom said she never wanted to leave." Colby said as he started driving to the skii slopes.

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