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Everything was fuzzy. I could hear people talking but I couldn't understand what they were saying or who it was.

Was I dead?

I felt someone brush their hand on my cheek, the coldness of their rings bringing me a sense of reality. "She's gonna be really upset.." Colby said as beeping filled my ears. "I know, but she'll get through it." Dad said as I tried so desperately to open my eyes.

Why were my eyes so heavy?

I was definitely dead.

"I think she's waking up." A random girl said as the dryness in my throat intensified. "Come on baby, you can open your eyes. It's okay." Colby cooed as I finally peeled my eyelids open.

The room was so bright I closed my eyes again, feeling my face scrunch with pain. "I'll turn the light off." Dad said then jogged across the room to turn the light off. "Okay, try again baby." Colby said as I opened my eyes again.

"There she is." Colby said quietly as he brushed his hand on my cheek. I happened my mouth to talk but the words were caught in my dry throat. "Here, drink some water, squirt." Dad said as he brought a cup of water to my lips.

I went to grab the straw so I could guide it into my mouth but I realized I could even feel my hands.

I immediately started to cry, turning my face from the cup of water. "Shhh...hey...it's okay." Dad cooed as he brought the straw to my lips, essentially forcing me to drink. I took a sip of water then looked at Colby and pouted my lip out.

"W-why can't I f-feel my hands?" I wimpered as he brought his hand to my cheek. "It's only temporary, baby. You had an aneurysm and it burst, but the surgery went well." He explained as my heart broke into a million pieces.

I thought I was done with that point of my life. No more surgeries. No more pain. That didn't seem possible anymore. I was meant to be in pain. I was meant to suffer.

"I wanna die." I mumbled as Colby frowned. "No, baby...don't say that." He whispered as I closed my eyes, feeling hot tears roll down my cheeks. "I'm so sorry." I whispered as my dad smoothed my hair down.

"You can't help this, Cor. Dr. Robinson said this was bound to happen eventually." Colby said as I frowned. "I hate this place." I grumbled as the door opened.

"Look who's up!" Dr. Robinson said as I frowned. "I wish I wasn't." I mumbled as she frowned back at me. "I know this is difficult to deal with, sweetie. The recovery for this is going to be easier than the last. In 6 weeks you'll be completely back to normal." She ensured as Colby rubbed my forearm.

"That's a long time." I whispered feeling my head start to pound. "Yeah, but you'll start feeling better in 2'weeks. How does that sound?" She asked as I sighed.

"Why does this have to happen to me?" I whispered as she came over and checked my vitals. "Well. I think it's because you're so funny and sweet and beautiful that your body can't handle all of the perfection." Dr. Robinson said as I snorted.

"Shut up." I mumbled as she smiled at me. "I'm just speaking truth. Now, how does some morphine sound?" She asked as I smiled slightly. "Drug me up." I said as Colby grinned and brushed my hair from my forehead. "As you wish." She said then left the room.

"Where are the girls?" I asked as I leaned my head back into the pillow. "They're in Hawaii, remember?" Colby asked as I frowned. "Not really. I remember waking up this morning but nothing really after." I said with a sigh.

"You were really out of it, but they are with everyone in Hawaii still. When you're up to it we can call them." He said as I nodded as best as I could. "I'm hungry." I mumbled as my dad chuckled.

"I knew she would be." Dad said as Colby grabbed a cup next to the bed. "You're not allowed to eat yet, but you can have some of these." Colby said and grabbed a spoon of ice chips. "Yay, my favorite." I said sarcastically as Colby brought the spoonful of ice to my lips.

"I'll get you whatever you want as soon as you're allowed to eat." Dad said as I chewed on the ice chips. I thought it would be satisfying to chew them because my stomach was aching for food but it actually just hurt my head so badly I just opened my mouth and let them fall onto my chest.

"O-oh." Colby said as he looked at me apprehensively. "It hurt." I said as he frowned. "I'm sorry, honey." He said then leaned down and kissed my forehead.

"I come with drugs!" Dr. Robinson said as she came in with a bag of morphine. "Yaaay." I hummed as Colby cleaned me up from the ice incident. 

I was rapidly losing energy with hall the interacting I was doing but I wanted to talk to Mia and Olivia so I just closed my eyes for a second.

"You tired, squirt?" Dad asked as I hummed quietly. "You can rest, honey." Colby said as I frowned. "I wanna talk to Mia and Olivia." I whispered as Colby took my hand, massaging it gently.

I could feel the pressure of the massage but I still couldn't move my fingers or toes at all.

"We can talk to them when you wake up. Mia is probably swimming right now." Colby said as Dr. Robinson changed out my IV for morphine.

"Are they sad?" I whispered as I felt my body weaken even more. "No, they're having fun, sweetheart. Get some rest." He said and kissed my head as I felt myself drift off again.

When I woke up my dad was gone and Colby was sitting next to my bed, sleeping while sitting up and holding my hand. My head was really swimmy from the morphine and I couldn't really feel any pain which was good.

I was still starving but I didn't know if I was allowed to eat or not yet. I went to reach for the call button but my hand just sorta flopped to the side.

I didn't want to wake Colby up but being alone right now scared me. I didn't like the thoughts that would try to pop into my head. I didn't want to hear them.

I opened my mouth to talk but instead a huge fit of giggles left my mouth instead of words. "Cor?" Colby mumbled as he opened his eyes. "I'm sorry." I giggled out as literal tears of laughter streamed down my cheeks.

"What's so funny?" He asked with a grin as he kissed my hand. "Drugs." I said with a giggle as he grinned. "Oh, you're stoned." He said as I chewed on my lip with a big smile. "No you." I said and scrunched my nose at him. "You're adorable." He said then kissed my cheek as my stomach rumbled loudly.

"Can I eat, daddy?" I asked as he laughed. "Oh?" Colby asked as I grinned, "Yeah." I said then tried to reach for the call button again. "My arms won't work." I said and pouted my lip. "I know, they're gonna feel numb for a couple days." He said and pressed the button for me.

"I want nachos." I said and licked my lips as a nurse came in. "What's up?" She asked as I giggled. "Can she eat yet?" Colby asked as the nurse picked up my chart. "Hmmm...yeah it should be fine. Let's try something light though." She said as I frowned.

"What about nachoooos?" I asked as she chuckled. "Not yet, let's try some soup first." She said as I nodded. "Better be the best fucking soup ever." I grumbled as Colby laughed. "I'll get you the best soup ever." He said as the nurse put my chart away.

"She's flying like a kite, huh?" The nurse asked as she checked the bags I was attached to. "Oh yeah." Colby said as I giggled. "She'll be good after some food." The nurse said then patted my legs. "Let me know if you need anything." She said then left.

"I'm gonna go get you some soup, okay?" Colby asked as I giggled. "Yes, daddy." I said as he laughed. "Stop it." He said with a grin then kissed my head and walked out of the room.

I sat there and hummed to myself as the fit of giggled started up again. I wasn't happy that I had to have brain surgery and I hated being trapped in the bed with no feeling in any of my limbs.

But god, I was grateful for pain relievers.

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