58. Mine

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The house is silent.

Everyone has left for South Columbia where Kenneth was launching his new company today.

My dad, Na'zila and Lodzin also joined them.

Now imagine a home with me and Bally alone. With some workers of course. No Cassandra, no Bruce.

Yesterday after our prom night which was my favourite day in my life, a day I will leave to commemorate, we got home and went straight to bed. We were both exhausted from the dance earlier.

We woke up at eleven in the morning to Bruce Knocking hard on Ballice's door.

Afterwards we found out that they were all ready to leave.

"Graduation is around the corner, I'm sorry I can't join you, besides am really tired. I had a long night." That's what Ballice had told Cassandra and they left because they had no much further ado.

We spent the whole afternoon at Morgan's place where they had a band rehearsal. And I got some time to spend with my two asshole of friends.

We got back at seven, we ordered in pizza and after eating, we moved upstairs to his bedroom.

Now we're on bed, both of us lying on our backs looking up on the ceiling.

"Hey." Ballice breaks the silence first.

"Hey?" I respond turning to look at him

He chuckles lightly. " I can't believe you're my girlfriend now." He snorts. " Heck, I  never even knew a day Will come when you'll give me a chance. I said maybe you'll give me a chance in dreams and even if it was going to be in dreams, I wished to never wake up when that time comes, but here you are, virtually not imaginations. You're my girlfriend. Infact I should go out and shout to the whole city that you're my girlfriend now." He chirps excitedly turning on his side to face me.

"I never knew that I'll ever fall in love in highschool, scratch that, I never even knew I'll have a boyfriend in campus, so here I am, having a boyfriend before graduating even." I move my hand to his cheek and I poke his intended dimple. "You do know you have an intended circular dent on the centre of your chin. Right?" I say moving my hand to the dent on his chin.

"Yeah, I know, it's my birthmark. Incase I die and be hideous, this will help you identify me." He jokes and I slap him lightly on his cheeks.

He pushes my index finger into his mouth and he bites it's pad lightly.

"Satan!" I snap pulling back my hand.

"Lucifer!" He interjects.

"Well at least Lucifer was an angel first before he turned to be Satan. So I'm flattered. An angel with the most melodious voice. That's me!" I boast .

" No lie!" He bursts out laughing.

" Hey you! Watch out, you may choke on your own saliva." I pat his back lightly with my palm as he coughs out loud. "You're even choking on it." I snort patting him a little harder.

When his coughs die, he flips us around laying on top of me. All the jokes die inside me as I wrap my legs on his waist.

"If I had to choose whether to breathe or to love you, I would use my last breath to tell you that..I LOVE YOU." He mumbles softly his voice sending shivers down my spine.

I smile as I run my fingers along his jaw.
"As cheesy as that sounds I may also be cheesy and say, there may be hundreds and thousands of stars in the sky tonight, but I want you to know that you are the only star in my life.
I never knew love can change anyone and make them better. Just like you came into my life and turned my normal world into the sweetest world. Like right this moment. This is my sweetest moment, even just lying next to you feels like heaven to me."

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