27. Promising day.

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Tleigh's pov

I rub my eyes with the heels of my knuckles as a yawn escapes my mouth. I open my bleary eyes trying to adjust to the golden fingers of sunlight that are sipping through my window thus making it lit up. I then drag my ass across the bed to the window to draw my curtains open. I'm immediately greeted with a dappled sun casting a rosy hue across the morning blue sky which is dotted beautifully with fluffy white clouds that are drifting lazily in the gentle breeze.

"Yaaaaay!!!! God please is this a sign of today's going? Let it be a good day!" I shout out loud my voice diffusing into the trees surrounding our compound. I just feel merrier and lively than I've ever felt before. In a crisp and clear day like this, I always want good luck. Another Saturday with new hopes and inspirations just like any other day!

I lower my feet to the floor and pad towards my Ashley trinell two drawer night stand beside my bed. I pull the top drawer to get my phone. I usually do turn it off if I need a peaceful sleep on weekends when we're not with Tif and Cam. I know it's not logic but tell me, will you stand a nagging Tiffany waking you up at 3 in the morning just to rant about the horrible nightmare she has just woken up from and how she can't sleep anymore? No, I prefer it shut down, I can't give her the energy to throw tantrums at me that I assumed her calls if I'll prefer it silent.

I check on the time and it's a quarter past eleven in the morning. I gasp out loudly my eyes scanning the small digits at the corner of my home screen displaying eleven colon fifteen. Sweet Jesus! I slept in today. I unlock the screen and a message notification snatches my attention. 'Bally' that's how I saved him after leaving his place.

Bally: Morning princess, Nice day ahead 😊.

The smile that threatens to break through my cheeks every time I see his common messages is unexplainable. Actually right now I'm grinning widely at those five letter words I've become so fond of.

My fingers move ambly to the phone keyboard and I find myself typing without much ado.

Me: Nice day too Bally.

I place my phone on the nightstand and I sluggishly scuff my feet into the bathroom to get rid of my morning breath before I forget. I take a light swap of toothpaste into my toothbrush and I shove it into my mouth when I hear a message going off from the bedroom. I brush quickly and I don't even bother rinsing my brush as I drop it into the rack beside the sink. I clump towards my nightstand wiping off my mouth with a towel I grab on my way out of the bathroom.

I throw the towel into the hamper and then turn to check my phone.

Bally: I knew this day was special in some way! I knew it, I wanna shout out to the world that princess just replied to my message woooooo!!🤩🤩

I chuckle at his response shaking my head lightly as I type back.

Me: Don't be silly, I just wanted to wish you a nice day too because mine seems to might have started nice from the looks of it.

I scroll up on his older messages looking at them a smile plastered on my face. They seem to be like some type of poetry right now. Repetition is well applied here but I still find them amusing. A text pops up again seconds later.

Bally: So sweet to hear that your day started nice. Can you mind telling me your plans for today then?

I smile again as I type instantly.

Me: why?

I can't understand why he needs to know my plans, but anyway I'll just tell him it's not that big of a deal. Before scurrying my fingers across the screen, he replies.

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