9. Damn Feisty

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Ballice's pov

I can't stop smiling, I just kissed Feisty and I don't even regret it to be honest. I don't know how it happened but it felt so good to be real.

I know I hate girls, okay women generally, even my own mother who left me when I was a kid for another man after she divorced my father.

But her, this girl is really something I can't put into figuration. Ever since I met her, smiling has become a habit. Before her, the Ballice I was, is not the Ballice I am right now.

I remember that day on the park, oh shit she was damn beautiful. I don't think that I've ever seen something so beautiful like that before. The way her cheeks flushed pink, how she batted her long thick lashes, how she simply smiled, her eyes sparkling Jade, fuck how can one be that beautiful without even trying? That round ass and protruding hips that seems to weigh her little frame down. I'm even laughing at the memory. God is so unfair, how can she give a small body big assets like that. I bet they're heavy for her. She is proportional though. Everything just sits well on her, even her long black hair that is mostly free, almost touches her ass. Oh that's too much of perfection.

She looks well collected and soft but I know better than that. I can feel the fire that burns under her skin. The day I pushed her right button I saw it. The coolness in her disappeared within a second count into blaze fire. Damn she even slapped me today
for the second time or third? I think for the third time, the one from crushing her water bottle counts too.

The sting felt so good on my skin that I wished for more, delusional right? She spits fire from her mouth, she's like the devil himself when she's furious. I know if I was someone else I wouldn't wish to see her again but because I'm Ballice that's what draws me to her.

"Stop it already you piece of trash! It's like everything is a joke to you, I mean look at you now, you're fucking smiling. Listen and listen carefully you spoilt brat, don't take me for one of your damn jokes because I can destroy you in ways you don't know, moron!"

The words just left an imprint on my brain and I can't find a way to rub them off. I can't get to shake her red face off of my head. She was shocked and I'm almost regretting for making her so shocked, I hope she's not afraid of me. That's the last thing I want in my list of con's.

She said that she can destroy me in ways I don't know, well I don't care, she's my ultimate sin and I will be gladly damned by her.

So tomorrow there is this party the boys are throwing downtown. I don't feel like attending it but since I've nothing to do I'll go because I don't want another episode of tossing in bed begging for sleep to take me.

It's 10:00 p.m , I feel like the clock is ticking backwards thrice and frontward twice now. I don't want to watch a movie tonight even so I've watched every movie I have and I have not bought new ones yet.

The night is fucking boring, literally everything is boring. Shit, even my life has been a bunch of boring episodes and seasons. My own father is a boring asshole too. He's always traveling across the globe for the so called business trips.

Never in my life have I been happy for fuck's sake. I've never had family time with any member of our family. I've always been alone. And I'm even used to it.

She said everything is like a joke to me and I'm convinced that she was right. Life is like a joke to me really. We moved here from Manhattan at the beginning of this year because I wanted my senior year to be taken at Hudson. Dad's main company is in Manhattan but there are it's branches all over the country even there's one in Hudson.

I barely had friends here but am glad I met Jelton who introduced me to Morgan and Dubel. I still can't get the sweetness of life, I used to ask myself why I exist, sometimes I wish I wasn't born too.

I grew up without friends, I could go on the rooftop and watch kids from our neighborhood playing, banting here and there happily. They had all the freedom I had wished for. I was guarded 24/7 not allowed to move out of the compound. I was deprived of everything love, freedom happiness and such.

I had a maid to take me to school the whole fucking years of my elementary school. Shit what's that supposed to mean really? I hate to remember those horrible days of my life. I was three when my parents divorced. That's when Cassandra, my nanny came into my life.

She's the only thing that at least gives me hope that even in the world full of dragons and devils, good people also exist. I love her so much but I can't bring myself to show her that.

She used to tell me bedtime stories and sing me lullabies to sleep when mom left. She's the mother I never had. Till now she keeps doing things that amazes me. She still treats me like a three year old she met almost fifteen years ago.

I'm a jerk because I can't tell her how much she means to me. I can't even call my father Dad, how can that be even possible? That man who I rarely see, which father goes for a business trip for five months and when he comes back he stays just for a night leaving the next morning.

The only thing he thinks of is loading my bank account on a monthly basis. If money can buy happiness, lovely family and give life meaning to me then I should have done that a long time ago.

So many times I wanted to drop out of school when I was a sophomore but Cassandra never allowed me to. She gave me hopes, so much hopes that I pushed to my senior year.

I check on my phone again and it's 11:03 p.m. Fuck time is not moving tonight. I place a pillow on the wall attached to my bed and sit leaning on it.

This kid Bruce is really something. I bribed him with candies to go convince feisty's young brother for her number. And to my surprise he came home that evening with a dirty piece of crayon box some numbers scribbled messily on it with a pencil.

So I tried checking if it was working and damn , it was so real. Simple as that, I got beautiful feisty's number.

The kid almost skinned me alive when he found out that I had no candies for him that evening. Now he doubled the amount after promising to buy him the following day. He also made it a command that I should take him to the park again or else he'll go and tell that kid he called Lodzin that I'm the one who sent him to ask for that number.

Jesus I had no other choice, so tomorrow is the day I'll be taking him to the park. I realized that the kid brings life into me in some way.

Bruce is Cassandra's only kid, he was born seven years ago but his father died when he was two years old. His father used to work as our house manager and he was too friendly and not to mention, sweet. He could sneak me to the town fair and return me back home before anyone knew. He used to tell me jungle stories and he's even the one who taught me how to ride the bicycle when I was eight. He was just kind as Cassandra and I wonder who killed him really.

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