2. Class drama

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I'm woken up by my alarm which is making a lot of noise. I snooze it sitting up as I wiggle my eyes with the back of my knuckles to wipe off sleep.

I know my senior year is going to go very fast and I want to make the most of it. If I top my exams, I'll definitely be a candidate for a college scholarship.

Zila's voice booms from downstairs reminding of school and that I'll be late. I run into the bathroom, take a five minute shower and now am at my dressing mirror frowning feebily at my reflection.

I'm wearing skinny jet black jeans and my favourite pink crop top written with bold black letters on the front, Bad girl is back again. I'm wearing some little make up too.

I pick up my white backpack aunt Hesnah got me on my 16th birthday. Hesnah is my mother's small sister. I quickly slip into my white toms matching with my backpack as I run downstairs grabbing my files and books that I need to load in my locker today.

I join dad in the dining who's already taking his breakfast. "Morning Dad." I greet him as I pull a chair sitting on his opposite.

"Morning sunshine, how was your night?" He asks taking a bite of his bread toast.

"It was just cool dad." I reply as I serve myself with some 2 boiled eggs, bread toast and some syrup. "How about you?"

"Cool too babygirl." He responds looking at his wrist watch. "Now I have to go, I'll see you in the evening." He stands then plants a kiss on my forehead as he picks his car keys from the table.

"Nice day babygirl and oh Zila, you should see Lodzin, he might oversleep and miss his school bus today again." He tells Zila who is packing some food for Lodzin in his lunchbox in the kitchen before leaving.

"Nice day too dad!" I shout at him my mouth full of food.

He stands on the doorway and points at me laughing. "Where are your manners?"

"They're in my pocket resting for now, I'm in a hurry dad, can't you see? Just go already, you're late remember?" I joke raising a brow at him and he chuckles shaking his head as he closes the door behind him.

I walk into my lawn after finishing my breakfast and I hop onto my bike zooming off immediately. It's a fifteen minute ride to my school so after fifteen minutes, I'm at my school's parking lot. I park my bike and turn to face my familiar highschool building.

It's actually the top private school in Hudson. I mean who doesn't know Hudson high school. I exhale kinda tiredly wondering if this year will be the same as others.

Maya Turner the school's attention seeker walks past with a confidential gleam in her eyes. People know better than to get in her way.

Unluckily for me, as she disappears, the pack closes in and the hallway is bustling with teenagers. I Sprint towards the girl's washroom but I don't make it there as smoothly as I thought.

I barely turn when I crush into something hard and the sudden force causes me to loose my composure for a bit. Realizing that I have dropped my backpack, I bend picking it and in all euphoria my mind only registers a mop of dark hair.

I run but thankfully I make it just in time for my math class. I pull on the sleeves of my leather jacket nervously and unconsciously fiddling with my bracelet on my wrist. Who was that guy I bumped into?

Shortly, Tiffany and Camille decides to make their entrance. They are all smartly dressed. Camille has this expressionless demeanor, her tanned face is blank and her brown hair is neatly combed backwards. Tiffany on the other hand has her blonde hair tied up into a neat bun and she has this playful grin as they join me in my seat taking the seats next to me.

Nerd is not a word I can use to describe myself. I'm antisocial, just a little socially awkward until you get to know me and am comfortable with you. What I simply mean is, I'm not one of those people that can keep conversations going or start them successfully. I just don't need the necessary stress tied to relationships in general.

So I'm taking the algebra notes attentively, actually I'm beginning to enjoy the lesson when a medium sized paper ball the size of my fist hits me on the back of my neck. I open the paper smoothening it's creases out only to find the words hey princess scratched messily in red ink.

My heart skips a beat. Is this for me really? I guess the real question is, do I want it to be for me?

I turn and come face to face with this same guy I met at the park yesterday. Oh he said his name was Ballice. He's seated with other two boys who both share glares at me with him.

His attractive face is flushed bright crimson due to the death glares I'm throwing at him.
Camille had once told me that I have one of those scary glares that can make a baby faint but I think she was right.

He gestures towards Tania the girl sitting three seats away from me implying that the paper ball was meant for her. Oh really lover boy?

So I do something I'm sure I'll regret later. I Tleigh Kellane picks up the paper ball laying beside my desk and I fling it right at Tania princess. Huh princess my foot.

To my surprise, it hits her square on her forehead. She looks at me blinking and obviously confused as she rubs on that spot the paper ball hit her.

"Oh! From Ballice sitting over there," I gesture pointing my thumb backward towards Ballice.

That's when I become aware of the fact that the rest of the class has seen my little performance and are in absolute fits of laughter. I can even hear Ballice laughing too. Sweet Jesus, that's wow. What have I done? I start questioning myself a little embarrassed now. Talk about focusing and not being noticed.

"What exactly is it that you find amusing Ballice?" I swallow nervously waiting for Ballice to mention my name or point at me since he didn't ask for my name at the park yesterday. Mr Norman our math teacher who hates drama in his classes asks Ballice obviously annoyed.

"Nothing sir" Ballice answers getting all too seriously and grumpy. The playfulness from earlier all too gone. And oh is he really covering for me now? Why should he?

I stop gnawing at the end of my pen after Mr Norman makes it an assumption and continues with his lesson. The class now has fortunately settled down.

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