26. My ultimate sin

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Ballice's pov

I don't know what to do anymore, I feel like I've tried in each and every way I know right to atleast have just a little attention from her but this is not it. She's still just as hard as a nutshell to crack.

What have I not done? No, the main question is, what did I ever do for her to hate me this much? I've done nothing, infact I tried explaining myself or rather apologizing to her when we were doing our project but before I could start talking about anything other than what we should do about our project, she could raise a finger to stop me. And so that's what I did. It was strictly project work, nothing more, nothing less.

I wanted so bad to tell her that I'm sorry for acting the way I did. Heck, I Know I messed it up, she was ready to go with friendship and here I was too greedy to want more, like I wasn't satsfied with that. Ballice what was wrong with you anyway?

Wait am I really the one who is wrong here? The girl played with my emotions first. How is one supposed to react when someone he likes, not even like, I'm damn sure I love that girl, okay blurts from nowhere that she likes him and you find out that she was just playing a mind game? How is one really supposed to react? Just how?

She drives me nuts, she has never even replied to my messages. I wish I didn't tell her that I'm that unknown person who used to text her. Ever since she left my place, there is no text of mine she has ever replied back. Being the Ballice I am, I never stopped texting her, every morning I do send her a 'Morning princess, have a nice day ahead' and every night a 'Goodnight princess, peaceful night'. So that's the Ballice I am, Ballice who never gives up.

Damn! the girl even sped up the project we were working on. Believe it or not we did the project in three days, we did some few consultations with the teacher and we've already submitted it. Well, we submitted it yesterday though. Can't be surprised we were the first ones to submit even though we relaxed for the first two weeks from the day we were assigned. We actually started working on it on Tuesday this week, on Thursday we submitted it.

There is something about this girl that I found really amusing while we were working on this project. The way she furrows her brows looking intently on the map, the way she bites her lower lip harder when she finds it hard to get the answer, how she traces the map lightly using a pencil, how she holds the pencil feebly between her tiny fingers, you might think it's going to fall down but it can't and actually how she tucks the pencil in her hair next to the ear or behind the ear. She's something else really.

She did most of the work, how the heck were we supposed to do population investigation in Columbia? How other than finding help from google? I had already done the google search and I was ready to give her my findings but what she simply said is, that's not how to go about things. That's for the lazy people who are afraid to think hard. And google isn't exact, so we had to do the fucking mathematics using the freaking map of Columbia.

Shit, since I was grouped with the lazy ones, the only thing I did was just press the numbers she could give me into the calculator and give her the answers. She did the regions research up to the local research alone on Wednesday. I was just surprised when she told me that on Thursday. We compiled our drafts and turned them into one document. We submitted and miss Lennah couldn't praise us any much for our work, infact kellane's work, I wish she knew.

It's been killing me now, I wanted so bad to blurt that I love her, much loud since she couldn't give me the chance to say anything else other than project work, but I didn't. I knew I will scare her away from me. Atleast she greets back in physical when I do greet her, sometimes.

When she has found a decent job after college is when she'll think about having a boyfriend in her life. Is that what she told me? Fucking great, that's what she said. I know everybody has his or her own dreams, but is she sure about that? Look at me now, desperate for some girl's attention whom I'm certain doesn't even remember that I exist unless I poke her in some way.

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